
Synopsis: Detachment is a chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of a substitute teacher named Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment. A perfect profession for one seeking to hide out in the open. One day Henry arrives at his next assignment. Upon his entry into this particular school, a secret world of emotion is awakened within him by three women. A girl named Meredith in his first period. A fellow teacher Ms. Madison, and a street hooker named Erica, whom Henry has personally granted brief shelter from the streets. Each one of these women, like Henry, are in a life and death struggle to find beauty in a seemingly vicious and loveless world.
Genre: Drama
Director(s): Tony Kaye
Production: Tribeca Films
  8 wins & 6 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
98 min

Let's, uhm... Let's not have

people come in.

I'd like to do this without

anybody in here.

Could everybody split, that

doesn't have to be here. Thanks.

- Maybe we can keep...

- And close the door.

- Keep people away from the door.

- Is that good?

Yep. Thank you

"And never have I felt so

deeply at one and the same time

so detached from myself

and so present in the world"

(Albert Camus)

French philosopher and writer

"For Henry"

I wasn't good in school.

I didn't care for school.

Uhm ... It was nice socially,

my own experience, but

I kinda just went along...

I started off as a music major.

I was gonna be

a Rock 'n' Roll star.

But that didn't quite

work out.

In 1985,

during a hurricane,

hurricane Gloria,

I was walk... I was taking

a train into the city to work.

I'd gotten to work and I was on

the phone with my brother-in-law,

who had just

started teaching,

and he said that he was

off from school.

Now, now,

wait a second,

You're off from school

for hurricane

and I'm goin' into the city

to work in an Office building?

I said:
"Woa, that's a

pretty good kick, right."

My mom was a teacher and I knew

without a shadow of a doubt

from early childhood that

the one job I would never do

was become a teacher.

Never ever I would take

toll cards on a turnpike.

I'd be a shepard, anything,

rather than become a teacher.

I decided to become a teacher

because I wanted to do

something with my life besides

what I was doing

which was driving a truck,

for a company and,

I decided I wanted to do

a little bit better for myself

so I got into teaching

a little bit.

I went back to school

at the age of 37.

A friend of mine from college...

His aunt was the...

Principle of an all-girls

inner city school

in Newark, New Jersey, and

they were desperate for teachers

So, I thought "Great,

I can do this for a year,

it'll keep my father from making

me get a job at Prudential,

and then I'll figure out

what I wanna do."

Well, they called me up

asking me to go to an interview,

and I happened to get an job

in a Junior High school,

in Queens,

and I ended up...

starting it at my...

What's now?... my 30th year.

Most of the teachers here,

at one point...

...they believed...,

that they could

make a difference

You know, I know

how important it is to

have guidance and to have

someone help understand

the complexities

of the world

that we live in.

I didn't really have that

growing up.


Written by:

Directed by:

I am money.

I change hands

like a dollar bill

that's been robbed

by a lamp

when a genie appeared

and cried loudly, with volume.

But the tears were

all for myself.

And that's where it

all went wrong.

Hi, Lupe, Dean Vargas here.

I'm sick and I won't be

coming in today, allright?

Get to the point, Dr. Heart.

I've got a school to run.

The State's score have gone

down in the last three years.

- You're not delivering... - Don't pretend

like you don't know the game.

You earmarked my school

as the transfer dome

for the worst kids in

the district.

Well, kids deserve an education,

don't you agree?

I agree you're jerking of

and wasting my time.

- Get to the point, Dr. Heart...

- We need consensus builders.

- New methodology.

- You're corportizing the system.

No, we're cleaning house.

Our superintendent feels that

it's time your stepped down.

Babe, you got some f***in'

nerve coming into my yard

with the heart f***in' self.

Carol, there was a time

when you were an educator.

You were very well respected.

Why don't you go

out on top?


Everybody sit down

and shut up,

or I'll start pulling out

the referrals.


Sit down!

I am starting the DVD.

I am starting the DVD.

- Barth or Barthes

- Barth. Mr. Barth.

Mr. Barth Henry

So you've taken long term

assignments at the

"Lock and McArthur"?

The Fringe.

Well, that's... That's...

This a month-long assignment,

until I can fill it permanently.

I asked to meet with you

because you come

highly recommended as the

best sub on the call sheet.

That's a somewhat

dubious endorsement.

I agree, Mr. Barth.

You'll find many of your

students functioning

well below grade level.

That's your task to try

and get them caught up.

Teach the Curriculum,

most importantly.


- Good morning

- Good morning

I'm Mr. Barth

Those of you who haven't

heard, this is English 11 A.

- Yes

- Yeah

Listen up, I have one rule.

Just one.

If you don't wish to be here

don't come.

Dude, what does that mean?

It's not dude, it's Mr. Barth.

The S is silent.

- You're f***in' gay.

- Marcus, shut up!

No, you shut up!

You diet B*tch!

Hey, Marcus.

Guess what.


You're free to leave.

- Like right now?

- Like right now.

- Hiya...

- See you later, man.

- What's the f***? You want me

to go to the Dean's Office?

- I don't care where you go.

Everyone pull out

a sheet of paper.

I'd like to assess what your

individual writing skills are.

What if we got no paper?

Okay here is the situation.

You're dead.

- Alright, write an brief

but detailed essay about...

- Hey jackass! I asked you

a f***ing question!

...about what a friend

or a parent

might say about you

during your funeral. OK?

- You have 30 minutes.

- Oh, sh*t...

I asked you a motherfuckin'

question, didn't I?

Anything else?

You'd better back the f*** up

before I f***in' wreck your sh*t.

That bag,

It doesn't have any feelings.

It's empty.

I don't have any feelings

you can hurt either. OK?

I understand you're angry.

I used to be very

angry too, OK. I get it.

You have no reason to be

angry with me, because

I am one of the few people that's

here trying to give you an opportunity.

Now I am going to ask you,

you just sit down,

and do your best,

and I'll give you a piece

of paper. How's that?

Can I get a f***in' pen too?

Kids don't have any

attention span. They're bored.

So how are you supposed to

reel them in with classic literature

if they don't believe

that you

have something meaningful

to share.

Thank you.

Why did you throw Marcus

out of class but not Jerry?

Well I had to make an

example out of somebody.

You know, Marcus verbally

assaulted you,

and that's not allowed

in my classroom.

And, what they say to me

isn't material.

What's your name?


Nice to meet you, Meredith.

So you really don't care

what the kids say to you?

Perhaps I've gotten

used to it.

I wish I could be

that strong.

It doesn't take strength,

Meredith. You gotta...

understand that unfortunately

most people lack self-awareness.

You should really keep that

in mind as you had

another transient of

second period.

You'll meet them again

at every age.

- I want to see the Principle!

- That's her, mom.

You're the b*tch that expelled

my baby? And for what?

- Excuse me, maybe you'd like...

- Because you can't handle it?

B*tch why are you here?

You wanna be at home everyday.

I don't have time for this bullshit!

- Keep your voice down!

- Why are you here?

Hey mam, clam down.

We'll go talk about this

in the Dean's Office.

- I ain't goin' nowhere with you.

Look, miss, I know

you're angry

but they won't listen to you,

you need to talk to me.

- Racist b*tch, I'ma sue

your ass. - Come on, ladies.

This way

- Ladies

- What happened?

B*tch, if you gimme

any mo' sh*t in the class

and I'ma getta my niggas

f***in' gang rape your ass!

- Excuse me. Are you

new here? - It's, first day.

Welcome. That was quite

a scene back there.

I was a little stunned.

But it's actually safe here.

- Sorry, I'm Miss Madison.

- I am Henry, Henry Barth.

Whatever is on my mind,

I say there's a feeling.

I'm truthful to myself.

I am young,

and I'm old.

I've been bought

and I've been sold,

so many times.

I am hard to face.

I am gone.

I am just like you.



- Hello? - Henry, it's Rita,

from the hospital.

He's done it again, you

need to get down here.

Bastards, leave me alone!

Why aren't you

handling this?

I can't get him out!

- You come and get him.

- Patricia.


Grandpa, come on.

It's Henry, open the door.


No, it's Henry. It's Henry.

- Who?

- It's Henry.

Grandpa, please, open...

Open the door.

Hi, sweetheart.

I thought you were

your mom.

You're dressed okay, there...

Were you going somewhere?

Now I'm goin' to work.

You are tired, OK?

It's very, very late so I need

you to go to sleep, OK?

Lets come to bed.

How're you doin', huh?

Some old people sleep

a lot before they die.

Isn't that silly?


- Everything okay?

- You shut up!

You listen

I know you're just some

under-educated drone

passing the time with

these old dying people

But I'm paying for his assisted

living, and you're not assisting him.

I told you, take the lock

off of his bathroom door!

You know how he gets

at night and forgets?

So you need to be there for

him, to make him feel safe.

Let me be very clear here!

You stop neglecting his needs

or I'll start f***ing with yours!

I will have you fired!

Then it's gonna

be your family!

Your children,

are gonna be at risk!

You got it?!

I got it.

Don't you ever make me come

down here again at this hour, OK?

Gimme the f***in' money!

You heard me!

Gimmme the f***in' money!

Give me the f***ing

money now!

You think I like you?

Give me the f***ing money!

- You want money?

- Now!

Why are you following me?

I am not. It's late, you should

be home, not to screw men.

What? Are you crazy now?

- What the f*** is your deal, huh?

- Get away from me.

Why did you let that guy

beat the sh*t out of me?

- Huh? You just sat there, like you

were a f***in lemon or something.

Excuse me, I don't wanna

talk to you.

You think there's something

wrong with that?

Listen, little kid.

I don't know how old you

were when it all went wrong,

but this isn't

the f***ing answer, OK?

You'll figure it out,

'cause you're gonne get

really old really quick.

Know that! - Why are you

so mean to me, huh?

You don't think I have feelings?

Do you?

Do you have feelings?

Listen, pal!

I mean, between you and me

you look like you've got

more problems than me.

- Oh really?

- Yeah, really!

- So come on, I'll make you better.

- What are you doing? Get off, please.

- Are you flerting with me?

- Nothing,

I'm just offering to hang out,

if you know what I mean.

- I don't wanna hang out with you.

- I don't know. You seem kinda lonely.

Maybe we go back

to your place just relax.

Afraid you'll like it?

I'm afraid you've been

f***ed and thrown away

so many times

you've gotten used to it.

F*** you, man!

F*** off, queer.

Have a good night, yeah.

Yeah, yeah!

Just walk away? Hey?

Where are you going?

"He just fucks

their sh*t up, and..."

"The ladies cry for me ..."

"At the funeral"

"'cause I aint around no more,"

"to d*cks that split up ..."

"Raw and sh*t ..."

"And ma boys all gets faded ..."

"pleasin' that skunk sh*t and f***."

Toni V.

You know it's funny

I spend a lot of time

trying to not have to deal,

to not really commit.

I am a substitute teacher.

There's no real

responsibility to teach.

The responsibility is

to maintain order,

make sure nobody kills

anybody in your classroom,

and then they get

to the next period.

"She used to be a sweet girl"

"She never seemed

disatisfied with her life."

"And why should she have been?"

"Her mother and I gave her

everything she needed ... "

"So why did she

become so angry?"

"So miserable and mean

all of a sudden"

"We don't know."

"Frankly, it doesn't reflect on us."

"We were good parents"

"But still, she repaid us

for all we've done"

"by killing herself"

"Stupid selfish Child"

"Now she'll never

get into Princeton"

No name.

"Hi Lupe, Dean Vargas again"

"I can't do it anymore"

" I I quit! "

Oh, if it isn't

the lovely Dr. Parker.

Would you like a happy

help you through the day?

They're yummy.

I need you to fill in for Dean

Vargas in the second period.

I'm worried about you, Charlie.

I just, er... maybe love

watchin' you leave the room.

Mr. Seaboldt. He maintained

a sense of humor.

I think the sense of humor

is key. I don't posses it.

I mean, I do ...

in a tragic sort of way.

Whatcha doin' here, Mr. Sea?

Uhm, filling in for

Dean Vargas.

Vargas is a b*tch.

Talk sh*t, you get

slaped like a b*tch.

You're not gonna get me

no detention neither.

I'm gonna un-f*** your sh*t

uptight, you motherf***er!

Un-sh*t... No, un-f***

your sh*t uptight, motherf***er.

Wow! That is,

I mean, really poetic.

I mean, that's truly...

What, lyrical.

You should take that

on the stage.

I mean that sh*t sells itself.

Umm, hey who could talk

some of my thought says

I am going to un-f*** your

sh*t uptight, motherf***er.

I'll tell you what I will do, laddy.

I'll un-f*** your sh*t uptight.

And un-f*** it right uptight

up your ass, you motherf***er.

I'm going to un-f*** your sh*t

uptight, you motherf***er!

I'll tell what, um...

Why don't you have a seat,

OK? And then I'll...

I'll back shortly and we'll

discuss your bright future.

Okay, my man?

I mean, my motherf***er.

Okay, Mae West?

Ellen, can I see your nipples?

What? No!


See I... Actually I can.

See, that's the whole point,

you have to wear bra to school.

Look Mr. Seaboldt,

I'm just being me.

I don't tell you how to dress,

so you don't tell me.


Ellen, do you know

what that is?

It's a beautiful picture

of a sunset in Hawaii.

It's rather pretty, isn't it?

Now, Ellen.

Do you know what that is?

That's a vagina

infected with gonorrhea.

That's f***ing grose.

Yes very. So, you see,

when you come to school

dressed like that, you give

you give out the wrong signal.

Don't you want people

treat you with respect?

Yo! I get respect.

I don't give it up to

every dick in my face.

Every "dick" in your face.

That's respectful.

Put this on.

Wear that for the rest...

Hey I said wear that

for the rest of the day.

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Carl Lund

Carl Lund (23 September 1884 – 29 May 1940) was a Swedish wrestler. He competed at the 1908 Summer Olympics and the 1912 Summer Olympics. more…

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Submitted on August 05, 2018

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