Beverly Hills Cop
- R
- Year:
- 1984
- 104 min
Truck looks great.
Must be a fortune here.
I know, just not in front of him, OK?
Fellas, what's going on?
I've been here too long.
- Give us a minute.
- No. Check this out.
You can't get no cleaner. These are
very popular with the children.
This is a federal tax stamp.
You can't get no cleaner.
You keep 'em
if it's such a great deal.
I ain't from Detroit. I don't know
nobody who can handle a job this big.
You're supposed to have the
connections. Do what you want to do.
- It ain't easy to get rid of this.
- I know, but I'm a businessman.
Warm up the truck.
Let's get the f*** out of here.
- Here you go.
- You're a sharp kid.
Thank you.
Cousin, my man, don't dash yet.
This looks like $2,000, not $5,000.
- Let me see.
- The deal is for 5,000.
I told my people
there should be five grand.
- They stiffed us.
- No, they stiffed you.
You can't count on anybody.
But let's not hassle about it now.
Take the two grand and on the next
score, I'll make it up to you.
Don't jerk me off. This is bullshit.
I need $5,000, not $2,000.
Don't do this to me.
Come on, you ain't dealin'
with Johnny Bananas.
I know I ain't.
Can I have my money?
Can I say it slow for you?
I need $5,000. Read my lips.
$5,000 is what I need.
I can't do nothing with that.
You want to be an a**hole,
smoke 'em yourself.
I don't smoke Lucky Strike.
I smoke King Size Kent.
F*** this.
What you doing here?
Officer, you know what happened?
You ain't going to believe it.
The truck just stopped. You got
some cables, you give me a jump?
- Don't I know you?
- No, I'm from Buffalo.
Break out some ID.
Let's get the f*** outta here!
Freeze, a**hole!
Foley, we should have known
it was you!
Axel. Way to go!
- I don't have time.
- Todd's after you.
He said it's your worst f***-up.
I don't think that's true.
- He's not in there.
- I see that.
If you'd busted them, maybe he
wouldn't be so mad, but you haggled.
$2,000 wasn't enough.
They'd have known I was a cop.
- Leave me alone.
- Don't go anywhere.
- You a**hole.
- I'm not saying you did wrong,
but if you had busted them,
it would have been better.
- Where you going?
- Out of here.
- Big mistake. You want my advice?
- No.
Go in there, talk to him.
He'll be right back.
Jeff, get away from me.
- You know what I would do?
- Lighten up. I'm not listening. OK?
You're making it a lot worse
for yourself.
Look at this. Thank you, guys.
Axel, you got a cigarette?
- Did you write that one?
- Everybody knows about the truck.
Will you listen to me?
I am not listening to you.
Great. Real mature.
I am not listening to Jeffrey,
but he's still talking.
- I hate when you do that.
- Stop, then!
- Is that f***ing Foley in here?
- There's Todd, it's show time.
Boss, I know...
Where do you come off going
undercover without my authorisation?
You want to play cowboy cop,
do it in someone else's precinct.
- Want to hear my side of the story?
- What's your side of the story?
Let's hear your side of the story.
Do you know how much this stunt
of yours is going to cost this city?
Cost isn't the issue. It's my blatant
disregard for proper procedure.
You're damn right, wise-ass!
The mayor called the chief,
he called the deputy,
he chewed my ass out.
You see I don't have any of it left!
Where the f*** d'you get
the cigarettes from, anyway?
- From the Dearborn hijack.
- That bust went down last week.
- That truck should be in the pound.
- I told you.
- It's none of your business.
- This isn't my locker.
Listen, Axel.
No more set-ups, you understand?
You're a good cop
with great potential,
but you don't know
every f***ing thing.
I'm tired of taking the heat for you.
Once more and you're on the street.
- Do you understand?
- Look...
Do you understand me?
Yeah, I understand. Boss...
Chief ain't chewed it all.
You still got some ass.
Don't f*** with me, Axel.
Not now. Go on, go home.
How you doing, man? How you doing?
Still breaking in people's houses.
What do you expect with that lock?
Buy a real lock.
I got my pistol.
I'll shoot somebody.
I can't afford no electric, close
my fridge. There's roaches in there.
So what's up, man? Look at you!
- When did you get out?
- Six months ago.
And you're just coming to see me now?
I got out early for good time and
I went to California, get some sun.
I gotta show you something.
I ain't seen you in two years, man.
What's up?
10,000 Deutschmarks.
- Deutschmark?
- Yeah.
- What is that?
- They're bearer bonds. Untraceable.
You stole 'em?
- No.
- I don't want to hear it.
- It's just good to see you.
- I missed you, man.
- What were you doing in California?
- Working.
- Working where?
- Guess.
- I don't know.
- Beverly Hills.
- What were you doing?
- You won't believe this.
I was a security guard.
Who'd hire you as a security guard?
- Jenny Summers.
- Jenny Summers?
I haven't seen Jenny in years.
- What's she up to?
- She's doing great.
She's manager of this art gallery.
The Hollis Benton Art Gallery,
Beverly Hills.
It's world famous. Ever hear of it?
Yeah, I buy all my art there.
Corner pocket, two cushions.
- 50 bucks you don't make that shot.
- Bullshit.
- 100.
- You got a bet.
- What are you gonna do?
- You're as bright as always.
20, 40, 60, 80, take it.
Have a party.
Pleasure doing business with you.
What the f*** you gonna do?
Miss, two more Scotch and sodas.
I got a great idea.
I got a great idea.
Let's steal a car.
Are you serious?
I'm a f***ing police officer.
I can't steal cars no more.
How many times
have you stolen a car, man?
A f***ing Cadillac!
Driving on the expressway
like two f***ing maniacs.
I remember you went to jail for that.
- No, it was state school.
- That's jail when you're 15.
That ain't jail, man. That's like
day camp compared to jail.
How come you didn't tell on me
when you got caught?
You don't know?
- You don't know?
- No.
Because I love you, man.
One more round.
Hold still. Mike, I gotta open
the door, OK? Balance yourself.
Here we go, Mike.
I'm opening the door now, OK?
Here we go.
Hey, Mikey, where have you been?
What's up, Zack?
What have you got there, Mikey?
What is this? Your laundry?
I swear,
I was going to bring 'em back.
- You got lost?
- No.
I came to see my friend. I had 'em
with me. I figured, you know...
- What you doing?
- What am I supposed to do, Mikey?
There was a whole box of them. I
didn't think anybody'd miss a couple.
I figured I'd take 'em...
- Shut up.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
No, shut up.
- Man, please.
- Just shut up, Mikey.
I swear...
I swear, if you ever show
your face out there again...
- Ever.
- I won't. I promise you. I'm sorry.
I f***ed up, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Ever.
- I'm sorry.
Axel, go to the hospital and get
that bump on your head checked out.
- My head is all right, man.
- It's not a request, Axel.
Boss. Boss...
Can I talk to you for a minute?
I heard you got Rand on this case.
He doesn't know the time of day.
Don't mess with me.
He hasn't left his desk in 12 years.
At least he's had 12 years.
Anyway, it's a homicide case and it
belongs to Rand. Go to the hospital.
- Can I ask around a bit?
- Don't do a thing.
You're skating on thin ice as it is.
We're talking about a friend of mine!
Yes, we are, aren't we?
Let's take a close look at that.
One, a hoodlum friend.
Two, a professional hit.
Three, in a cop's apartment.
This whole thing
stinks to high heaven.
- Why a professional hit?
- I didn't just walk into this town.
Whoever killed your friend
wasn't worried about you.
If they were, you'd be lying
beside him in that meat wagon.
Don't do a damn thing.
Stay out of this.
I'm owed some vacation time.
I want to take my vacation now.
Stay away from this case.
I just need a little vacation,
that's all.
All right, as soon as you finish
at the hospital, you're on vacation.
Thank you.
But if you decide
to butt into this case,
it'll be the longest vacation
you ever heard of.
- Checking in today, sir?
- That depends. This hotel expensive?
Not for Beverly Hills.
Can I get your bags for you?
Yeah, that's my bag
in the front seat.
I'm sorry, sir, we just
have nothing available tonight.
I suggest next time
you call for a reservation
at least a week in advance.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- The nerve of some people!
May I help you?
You have a reservation
for Axel Foley.
Let's see.
I'm sorry, I don't see
anything under that name.
Check Rolling Stone Magazine's
Axel Foley, that's what it is.
No, no Rolling Stone, no Axel Foley.
I'm sorry, sir.
You probably just made a mistake.
Just give me another room.
Sorry, sir,
but there are none available.
Don't you think I realise what's
going on? Who do you think I am?
If I was some hotshot
from out of town
and you'd made a reservation mistake,
I'd be the first to get a room.
I'm not some hotshot, I'm
a small reporter from Rolling Stone,
here to do an interview
with Michael Jackson,
that's gonna be
I wanted to call it Jackson
Is Sitting On Top Of The World.
Now I'll call it
Jackson Can Sit On Top Of The World
But Not In The Beverly Palm Hotel
Cos There's No N*ggers Allowed.
Excuse me, sir, it seems
we have a last-minute cancellation.
There is a room available, a suite,
but I'll charge you
the single-room rate.
Thank you. I'm sorry,
it's probably jet lag.
- I understand.
- What's the rate?
That'll be $235 a night, sir.
- That'll be suite 1035.
- Thank you very much.
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
If Michael calls,
tell him what room I'm in.
Of course.
- How you are doing?
- Hi.
I'm fine. My name is Serge.
How can I help you?
I'm looking for Miss Jenny Summers.
It's very busy today.
You give me your name?
- My name's Axel Foley.
- What it's pertaining?
- I didn't understand.
- Pertaining, meaning, regarding...
Oh, what's it regarding?
I'm an old acquaintance.
One moment.
Donny, tell Miss Summers
that Ahmed Farley's here to...
- No, Axel Foley.
- Ahmel... Ahwell...
Foley's here,
he's an old acquaintance.
Cover this up.
It's like the breast of a dog
to scrub for the customer.
- It's not sexy, it's animal.
- Not sexy at all.
May I offer you something to drink?
Wine, cocktail, espresso?
No, thank you.
I make it myself, with a lemon twist.
You should try it.
No, I'm fine.
- I see you look at this piece.
- How much would it go for?
- Get the f*** outta here.
- No, I cannot.
It's a very important piece.
- Ever sold one of these?
- Yesterday.
- Get the f*** outta here.
- I'm serious. I sell it myself.
Axel Foley What on earth are you doing here?
- How you doing?
- I'm fine. Hold on a second.
Great. Excuse me, Serge.
- What are you doing here?
- How you doing?
It's good to see you.
How've you been?
- Look at you!
- You like?
Yeah. You're getting old.
F*** you.
- What is this?
- A moustache.
- Peach fuzz.
- No, that's man style now.
You have someplace we can talk?
Yeah. Over there. Come on.
- You've filled out.
- Yeah, I filled out.
No, it looks good, though.
Sit down.
- I want to talk about Mikey.
- Is he in trouble again?
He's dead.
He came into Detroit
and somebody killed him.
I don't believe this.
Look, I can't right now.
I'll be up in a second.
Mikey mentioned
that you helped him get a job.
The guy who owns this gallery
hired him as a favour to me.
- Who's this guy?
- His name is Victor Maitland.
He was working for Victor
at the gallery's warehouse.
I can't talk now,
I have to go upstairs.
That's cool.
I'll call you later on
and we'll get together and talk, OK?
Be good.
Hi. Delivery for Victor Maitland.
I'll take it upstairs to him.
Maybe I should give it to him myself.
Deliveries should be left here.
He has to get these flowers.
I'll go up myself.
You're not supposed to.
Floral delivery is my life.
I have to take it.
- Who let you in?
- I let myself in.
How you doing? I have some questions
about Michael Tandino.
Speak to you later, darling.
What, may I ask,
is your interest in Mr Tandino?
He was my best friend. He visited me
in Detroit a couple of days ago.
Soon after he got there,
someone killed him.
Oh, my God. That's terrible.
It's f***ed up.
And? What do you wish to know?
- He worked for you, didn't he?
- Yes, yes, he did.
Good gracious!
I'm really sorry to hear this.
Would you like to sit down?
Can I get you anything?
- No, I'm all right.
- How on earth did this happen?
Detroit is a very violent city,
isn't it?
I do hope the police have procured
some intelligent leads.
Exactly what did Mikey do for you?
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
My name is Foley.
Excuse me, Mr Foley,
but this sounds like something
for the authorities in Detroit.
So, if you'll forgive me,
I must get back to work.
- All I want to know is...
- Please show Mr Foley to the door.
- Get the f*** off me.
- Hey, take it easy.
Get off me, man.
Get the f*** off me. Get off!
Get the f*** off me, man. Get off!
Get off me. Think I'm playing games?
I'm f***ing somebody up.
Hey What the f*** is this sh*t?
Did you see that?
I can describe them all.
Put your hands
on the hood of the car.
- What's with you guys?
- You heard him, sir. Do it now.
What kind of sh*t is this?
Wait a second.
You're arresting me
for getting thrown out of a window?
I got thrown out of a window, man!
Gun, partner!
Sir, you're under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say will be used
against you in court.
You have the right
to have an attorney.
I understand the rights.
This is bullshit.
I got thrown out of a window.
- Get in the car.
- What's the charge?
Possession of a concealed weapon
and disturbing the peace.
I got thrown out of a window!
What's the charge for getting
pushed out of a car, jaywalking?
This is bullshit!
You know, this is the cleanest and
nicest police car I've ever been in.
It's nicer than my apartment.
Officers, if we see any movie stars
could you point them out to me?
That's enough talking.
OK, that's cool.
This is nice.
It's about time. I thought
you'd forgot me. I was hungry.
I've never seen a cell with a phone.
Could I stay cos I ordered pizza?
Somebody'll eat it.
Have a seat right over there, please.
is my partner, Detective Rosewood.
Do you always treat visitors
from out of town like this?
Why didn't you say you were a police
officer when you were arrested?
Where do you get off
arresting somebody
for getting thrown out of a window?
Six witnesses say you started
tearing up the place,
then jumped out the window.
You believe that? What the f***
are you, cops or doormen?
We're more likely to believe
an important local businessman
than a foul-mouthed jerk.
Foul-mouthed? F*** you, man.
- Watch your mouth.
- Don't square off on me.
- Don't push me.
- F*** you, man.
- Yes, sir.
- Come here.
I have no excuse.
Forget about it.
Det. Foley I am Lieutenant Bogomil of
the Beverly Hills Police Department.
Do you wish to file charges
against Sergeant Taggart?
Is this a joke?
Do you wish to file charges
against this officer for assault?
Where I'm from, cops don't
file charges against other cops.
No, I don't want to do that.
In Beverly Hills,
we go strictly by the book.
Why didn't you inform us
when you came to town?
I'm on vacation.
Then why were you
in Victor Maitland's office?
I had to go to the bathroom.
It looked like a nice clean place.
- Always take your gun on vacation?
- Don't know. Never been on vacation.
But, in Detroit,
cops must always carry a firearm.
If you want to carry a gun,
go back there.
I really can't wait to get back.
Is that so? I just spoke
to Inspector Todd in Detroit.
Does that name ring a bell?
- He's my boss.
- You may not be welcome back.
He says you're
an outstanding young detective.
I find that difficult to believe.
It's true.
He also says he nearly fired you.
I find that very easy to believe.
What are you doing here? in Beverley Hills
I'm on vacation.
I went to the bathroom
and six guys threw me out a window.
Inspector Todd gave me a message
for you. Wanna hear it?
He says if you're here
investigating the Tandino murder,
If we inform him
you are working on this case,
he'll have you fired.
One last time, what are you doing?
I'm on vacation!
Rosewood, take Mr Foley
over to the courthouse
and let him arrange for bail.
Follow me, sir.
I got to hand it to you guys,
you are extremely polite.
Pretty good punch you got, Taggart.
After you.
After you.
You guys are so sweet, you know that?
Thanks for bailing me out, Jen.
If I'd known why you'd been arrested,
I wouldn't have come.
- You don't mean that.
- No, I don't mean that.
If it wasn't for Victor Maitland,
I'd be a waitress.
The day Mikey got killed, he showed
up with a bag of German bearer bonds.
When I mentioned Mikey's name,
Maitland threw me out.
You look like a hoodlum. You barge
into his office, carrying a gun.
If I didn't know you,
I'd throw you out.
Is this your car?
No. In Beverly Hills
we just take the closest one.
I remember you used to drive
What are you driving now?
The same crappy blue Chevy Nova.
Do you think it's too late
for me to study art?
Axel, why were you bothering Victor?
You don't think he has anything
to do with Mikey's death?
No, I was just poking around.
I don't think he did nothing.
Victor is one of the top art dealers
in the US, he has been for ten years.
I'm impressed.
- What are you looking at?
- The cops, they're following us.
What? Where?
In the back, on the right.
Beige Ford.
Can you believe this place?
How can you afford this?
They only charged me
the single-room rate.
- How can you afford that?
- I can't.
In the bathroom they got little robes
with the hotel's initials on it.
I love this place, I can't leave.
- I'm going to steal one. Want one?
- No.
You want some slippers?
Excuse me, two seconds.
Hello, room service?
This is Mr Axel Foley in suite 1035.
I'd like to order something
from your late supper menu.
I want you to deliver it
to this beige Ford on Wilshire.
Send down one bay shrimp
salad sandwich. OK?
Right. And is the cold poached salmon
in dill sauce tasty?
OK, send one of those down.
And send down something for dessert.
All right. Thank you.
You're quite a sport.
How long are you going to stay?
Until I find out who killed Mikey.
And I'm considering checking out
the warehouse where he worked.
How you planning on getting in?
- Good evening, sir.
- What is that?
Late supper,
compliments of Mr Axel Foley.
- Foley? How'd he know we were here?
- Because I let you drive.
I need a couple of bananas. How much?
The buffet plate is $12.50. You get
peaches, plums, oranges and bananas.
All I need is a couple of bananas.
Go ahead, take those bananas.
Thank you.
- I'm not eating that. Take it back.
- Certainly.
- Could I get some extra mayo?
- Certainly, sir.
- Ready to go?
- Yeah.
There's the Mercedes.
Will you get rid of that stuff?
What the hell are you doing?
This the place?
Yeah, but I'm not sure
I should do this.
OK, but when you hear glass breaking,
don't get scared.
It's just me kicking in the window.
Sit tight.
All right. Come on, Axel.
- What's happening, baby?
- Axel Grow up.
- Did you find something?
- Coffee grounds.
You know what this is used for?
People add hot water and drink it.
I'll take this home, add hot water
and drink it in the morning.
What are we hiding for?
I wish you'd been with me last night.
- What happened?
- We stopped in a joint for a drink.
- Which one?
- A local joint.
Some guy comes in,
He's got one of them eyes
that's going like this.
I didn't know whether he was trying
to put the make on me.
I thought I'd take you there tonight,
let him have a shot at you
before I tore his head off.
Let's go. I want to get out of here.
- Just get off my back.
- Come on.
I got it.
- Axel What the hell's going on?
- I'll tell you later. Come on
Hurry up.
- Give me the key.
- Ever driven a Mercedes?
A car's a car.
- I'm driving, I've seen your car.
- Oh Sh*t, that's cold.
How could you not notice a man
sticking a banana in your tailpipe?
- He distracted us.
- How?
He sent us a late supper.
This waiter comes over...
Billy, he gets the point.
A late supper?
And what did you have, Rosewood?
I think it was
- Yes, sir.
I want you two to go back
to the hotel and wait for Foley.
If you lose him again,
don't bother calling in. Got that?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
A late supper.
We've got something for you, Billy.
An anti-banana disguise.
- It may come in handy.
- A little extra protection, Billy.
Very funny.
Let's go.
- You take the car and go home.
- What about you?
I want to find out about this place.
It's a bonded warehouse.
They hold our foreign shipments
till they clear customs.
I'm going to check it out. Go home.
Damn it, Axel.
I'm not going to bail you out again.
Go home.
How you doing?
Come here for a second, please.
- Hi, you have a match?
- No smoking in here.
I go outside. Thank you very much.
- Is your supervisor here?
- In the office.
- Will you get him?
- What's the problem?
You security?
Then you're the f***ing problem.
Get your supervisor. Now.
He didn't come back yet.
What do we do now?
We wait.
- Can I help you?
- Are you the supervisor?
- Yes. Who are you?
- Inspector Rafferty, US Customs.
- Has all this gone through customs?
- No, this is the bonded area.
Then tell me,
how can a black man, dressed like me,
just march in and start poking around
without being asked any questions?
- I don't know.
- That's the answer I wanted.
Give me your ID numbers.
Somebody's going to lose their job.
- He gave me a match.
- You gave him a match?
Listen. I do security checks
all over the nation.
And apart from Cleveland,
this place has the worst security
in the nation.
Call your wives
cos we'll be here all night.
We're gonna check the background
of every crate,
starting with this one.
It says here that by the time
the average American is 50,
he's got five pounds
of undigested red meat in his bowels.
Why are you telling me this?
What makes you think
I have any interest in that at all?
Well, you eat a lot of red meat.
The inspector needs
the information on those bills.
All the manifests, too.
And records of all shipments
due into the same destination.
- What's this about?
- Just do it.
You got a warrant for this?
You have a very big mouth, sir.
Are you hiding something from me?
I bet that's your Porsche outside.
Is it?
Would you like me to have the IRS
crawl up your ass with a microscope?
It's not pretty.
I want you to know something.
I want you all to know, I could
have 25 agents here in 15 minutes,
to march in here, snatch your bond
and you'd be out of business,
if you don't cooperate. Understood?
We'll give you everything you need.
- Everything you need.
- That's not my Porsche, sir.
You've nothing to worry about, then.
You all take me for a fool. Hurry!
I notice you've been drinking
a lot of coffee lately.
I think that's why
you have a hard time relaxing.
Jesus Christ!
You almost gave me a heart attack.
- What are you doing here so late?
- You're a cocky son of a b*tch.
If you're still mad
about the banana, I'm sorry.
I needed some time to myself.
I wish I'd seen your face
when the car conked out.
Very funny. The lieutenant
docked us two days' pay.
Get outta here!
- He's not kidding.
- No, he's not kidding.
By the way, thanks for the sandwich.
It was a joke, like the bananas.
I know what it's like on a stakeout.
That food was from the heart.
Why are we always arguing? We're all
cops. We should work together.
We've all had a rough day.
What do you say we go get something
to drink, make up and be friends?
Forget it.
OK, f*** it. I'm going to get
a drink. Follow me if you want.
But I lost you once, I can again.
Why don't we get something
to drink together? Let's be friends.
- We don't drink on duty.
- OK. Fine.
But listen. I found
the perfect place. I saw it today.
It's perfect for you. It's
very conservative. You'll love it.
It's nice. Trust me.
- Hi. Can I get you something?
- Yes!
Can I have a Scotch and soda?
What do you want?
- Light beers for them.
- Two club sodas.
You crack me up
with this "on duty" sh*t.
Billy, you don't have to be
embarrassed if your dick is hard.
Your dick is supposed to get hard.
That's the whole object.
Taggart's dick is hard,
but he won't say. He's the boss.
Boss's dick got to stay limp.
I ain't on duty
so my dick can be hard.
Taggart, look. I found that
at Maitland's warehouse.
- Billy! Give her this.
- No.
Stuff that in her thing.
She'll go nuts.
Excuse me.
- What do you think?
- Coffee grounds. So?
You guys don't know nothing
about nothing, do you?
Make sure we get the right drinks.
I drink club soda, I'll throw up.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
- She likes you.
- Think so?
No doubt.
Taggart... See that guy
- Black jacket?
- Yeah.
It's June.
Isn't it hot for a long leather coat?
- Yeah, a little.
- Yeah.
Look at his partner.
They just came in.
Something's getting ready to go down.
- Go and cover that guy.
- What's going on?
I'll check out this a**hole at the
bar. Billy will make sure I behave.
Will somebody tell me
what's going on?
No bullshit this time.
Just sit tight, Billy.
Man, what's happening, Phil?
He said you don't come here no more,
but I said, "It's Phil".
- Get out of here, man.
- I told you!
- Give me a kiss, baby.
- I said get outta here!
Everybody freeze!
Turn around. Turn around!
- Phil!
- Keep your hands on the table!
What's wrong?
What's all the hostility?
- Get back.
- What's all this gun, man?
You changed.
Get back or I'll
blow your brains out.
Police. Move and I'll kill you.
Don't move! Turn over!
Way to go, Rosewood.
You're some cop. You know that?
Sorry for the disturbance, folks.
Everything's under control.
Would you explain why
you and Rosewood were in a strip bar
out of our jurisdiction
while you were on duty?
Before you chastise these officers,
there's something you should know.
The only reason they were at a strip
bar is because they were tailing me.
They were outside
wondering what I was doing.
I was in having a good time.
I'm into those things.
These guys waited outside
and the only reason they came in
was because they saw two men with
bulges in their jackets going in.
Well, these guys
were going to commit a robbery.
They watched them, waited for them to
make their move, then foiled a crime.
I did not know what was going on.
I'm freaked out.
They must have a sixth sense.
I don't know what you teach them,
but they're not just regular cops.
They're supercops.
The only thing missing
on these guys are capes.
Is this what really happened?
No, sir.
Would someone tell me what happened?
Foley invited us to this bar.
We accepted.
- We ordered club sodas, sir.
- Right.
And while we were there,
Foley observed the two suspects
casing the establishment.
And before we knew what was going on,
he'd already disarmed one of them.
Detective Foley deserves
all the credit for the arrests, sir.
Detective Foley,
we appreciate your assistance,
but if you want to practise
law enforcement,
I would prefer you did it in Detroit.
I understand. I'm sorry.
But before I go
I want you two to know,
the supercops story was working.
OK? It was working
and you guys just messed it up.
I'm trying to figure you guys out,
but I haven't yet. But it's cool.
Just f*** up a perfectly good lie
and it's all right.
You guys are off the case.
Foster, McCabe, your turn.
- Don't lose him.
- Not a chance, sir.
And you two...
In my office.
Morning, gentlemen.
Coffee and doughnuts?
- What?
- Coffee and doughnuts.
There he is.
Morning, officers.
You the second team?
We're the first team.
We won't fall
for a banana in the tailpipe.
You won't fall
for the banana in the tailpipe?
It should be more natural,
brother, like this.
"I ain't falling for no banana in my
tailpipe." It's more natural for us.
You've been hanging out
with this dude too long.
I'm sorry, I'm just f***ing with you.
That's funny to me.
- You gonna try to keep up with me?
- No problem.
- Isn't this Victor Maitland's house?
- Yeah, I think so.
I've seen enough.
You want something to drink?
I got some stuff in the trunk.
Excuse me.
For a man on vacation,
you look like you're on a stakeout.
Stakeout? No, no. I'm picnicking.
This is a picnic area.
I've been shooting the sh*t
long enough.
Time for me to take in some sights.
Excuse me.
What the hell's he doing?
Can you put this in a good spot?
This sh*t happened
last time I parked here.
May I help you?
I'm looking for Victor Maitland.
You realise that
this is a members only club?
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"Beverly Hills Cop" Scripts.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 4 Mar. 2025. <https://www.scripts.com/script/beverly_hills_cop_3978>.
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