Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

Season #1
Synopsis: The adventures of the children of the characters of Fred Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
Genre: Animation, Family
  3 wins & 14 nominations.
26 min

Daniel Tiger:
Hi, neighbor!

I'm going to share something special at school today.

I can't wait to show you what it is!

And then, we're having dinner... at a restaurant!

And you're coming, too!

I'll be right back!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

A land of make-believe.

Won't you ride along with me?

Daniel Tiger:
Ride along.

It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

So much to do, so much to see.

Won't you ride along with me?

Daniel Tiger:
Ride along.

I've got lots of friends for you to meet.

In this land of make-believe.

A friendly face on every street.

Just waiting to greet you.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

In Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

Daniel Tiger:
Hi, neighbor!

I'm so excited!

Today is my turn to take something to school for Show and Tell!

That means I get to bring something in to school and show my friends.

Come on!

Dad and I made a book to show to the class for Show and Tell!

But I have to wait for Mom to go to school.



Mom Tiger:

Ready to go to school, Daniel?

Daniel Tiger:

Today is my Show and Tell!

I can't wait!

Waiting is hard.

Mom Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Daniel Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Like what?

Mom Tiger:


Mom Tiger:
We can sing on Trolley to make waiting to get to school a little easier.

Daniel Tiger:


Please take us to school.

I have Show and Tell today!

We're off to school today.

Daniel Tiger:
I have Show and Tell!

Won't you ride along with me?

Daniel Tiger:
Ride along.

Won't you ride along with me?

Daniel Tiger:


We're at school already!

Hmm, singing made waiting easier!

Don't you think?

Thanks, Trolley!

Mom Tiger:
Here we are!

Daniel Tiger:
So excited!

Mom Tiger:
Ugga-Mugga, Daniel Tiger!

See you after school!

Daniel Tiger:

Hi, Miss Elaina!

Miss Elaina:
Hiya, toots!

Teacher Harriet:
Good morning, Daniel.

Daniel Tiger:


Teacher Harriet:
There you go, Miss Elaina!

Miss Elaina:
Thanks, Teacher Harriet!

Daniel Tiger:
Teacher Harriet!

Teacher Harriet:

Is it a book?

Did you make it yourself?

Daniel Tiger:
My dad helped me.

Do I really have to wait for Show and Tell?

Teacher Harriet:
Yes, you need to wait until Show and Tell.

Daniel Tiger:


It's very, very hard to wait.

Teacher Harriet, When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Daniel Tiger:
That's what my mom says!

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

But what can we do?

Teacher Harriet:
You know, playing at science time will make the waiting easier.

Okay, class!

Let's go to the science corner.

Remember when we went to the Neighborhood farm?

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, we went to the farm and learned all about ducks!

Daniel Tiger:
And we brought home a duck egg.

Teacher Harriet:
That's right, this is it.

Daniel Tiger:
But we've been waiting a long time for a baby duck to come out of the egg.

Teacher Harriet:
Do you notice anything different about the duck egg today?

Miss Elaina:

Who broke our egg?

O the Owl:
Wait, Miss Elaina!

The crack means that the baby duck is trying to get out of the egg!

Teacher Harriet:
That's right, O.

The duck is trying to get out of the egg.

And it's called 'hatching'.


Daniel Tiger:
The baby duck is hatching out of the egg?

Teacher Harriet:
That's right.

So now, we have to wait.

Daniel Tiger:
Oh no... more waiting?

Teacher Harriet:
Yes, but if we wait long enough, we will get to see a baby duck hatch out of the egg!

Daniel Tiger:
Seeing a baby duck hatch would be grr-ific!

Ha, ha!


O the Owl:
It's hard to wait.

Hoo hoo.

Katerina Kittycat: Very hard to wait, meow meow.

Prince Wednesday: Royally hard to wait!

Miss Elaina:
What can we do while we wait?

Teacher Harriet:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Teacher Harriet:
How about we play a quacking game while we wait?


Daniel Tiger:



Daniel Tiger:
You quack, too!



Quack! Quack!

Daniel Tiger:

Quack! Quack! Quack!

Daniel Tiger:

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

Daniel Tiger:

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

Daniel Tiger:

Let's look at the egg!


Still nothing.

More waiting.

O the Owl:
Look, look, look!

Look at the egg!

Daniel Tiger:

The egg stopped moving.

More waiting.

I have an idea!

Now let's try singing to make the waiting go faster!

Daniel Tiger had a farm.


Prince Wednesday: And on his farm he had some baby ducks!


With a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there.

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack.

Daniel Tiger:
Daniel Tiger had a farm.


Prince Wednesday: EIEIO.



Daniel Tiger:

Still nothing.

More waiting.


I mean, look!


O the Owl:
The baby duck is hatching out of its egg!

Prince Wednesday: The baby duck is hatching!

O the Owl:

The baby duck needs quiet!

Prince Wednesday: It's hatching!

It's hatching!

Daniel Tiger:

O the Owl:
Hoo hoo!

Hello, little ducky!

Miss Elaina:
How fluffy!

Prince Wednesday: Look at her little beak!

Daniel Tiger:
The baby duck is saying hello!

Hi, baby duck!

Prince Wednesday: Welcome to the Neighborhood of Make Believe!

Katerina Kittycat: Quack quack!

Miss Elaina:
Quack quack quackers!

O the Owl:

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow.


The baby duck is going to sleep!

O the Owl:
That was a lot of work to hatch out of your shell!

Night night!

Daniel Tiger:
Aw, night night!



Do you want to make believe with me?

Let's make believe that we can play with the baby duck on the farm!

Come along and play with us.

Let's all waddle like a duck does.

Here we go!

If we flap our wings, we can all splash like a duck does!

Let's go!

It's fun to laugh and play with the ducklings.

If we march while we play, we can all join in the duck parade.

It's fun to laugh and play with the ducklings.

Wasn't that grr-ific?

Miss Elaina:
Quack, quack!



Teacher Harriet:
Okay, class.

Time for Show and Tell!

Daniel Tiger:

I mean yeah!


I waited, and waited, and now it's Show and Tell time, yeah!

Playing and imagining made waiting easier!

Teacher Harriet:
Today, Daniel is going to be our Show and Tell leader.

What do you have for us, Daniel?

Daniel Tiger:
I'm going to show you... a book I made with my dad!

It's called "My Birthday".

It was my.. birthday!

I went to Baker Aker's bakery and picked out a tiger birthday cake.

Katerina and O helped me make stripes on the tiger cake.

I carried the birthday cake all the way home... by myself!

When I got home, the cake was smushed.

But... the cake still tasted good!


Happy birthday to me!

The End!

Katerina Kittycat: Wow!

Miss Elaina:

Prince Wednesday: I remember that!

The cakes was so royally smushy yummy!

Katerina Kittycat: I like how you made the book, meow meow!

Teacher Harriet:
You did a lot of great work on that book.

Nice job, Daniel.

I know it was hard to wait for Sharing Time, but you did it!

Daniel Tiger:
It was very, very hard to wait.

Teacher Harriet:
Good job!

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Miss Elaina:
You can sing a silly song, get your friends to sing along.

Prince Wednesday: Play with your toys, something you enjoy!

Daniel Tiger:
Play a card game or a guessing game!

So many ways to make the waiting go away!

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Miss Elaina:
Use your imagination and you'll see!

Pretend to be anyone you want to be!

Daniel Tiger:
Pretend you are a fish swimming in the sea!

Prince Wednesday: Or a dinosaur peeking over the trees!

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
There's my Daniel Tiger!

So, how was Show and Tell today?

Daniel Tiger:
I waited, and played, and imagined, and sang, and then it was Show and Tell time!


Come and see what else we waited for.


Our baby duck hatched!

And she hatched right out of the egg!

Mom Tiger:

Hee, hee!

Ooh, you are too cute, yes you are!

Daniel Tiger:


Is it hard for you to wait sometimes?

Do you play, sing or imagine anything while you wait?

I'm glad you waited and saw my Show and Tell!



When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
Hi, neighbor!

This is our friend Molly.

Momma, it's hard to wait!

I want to go to the park.

Molly's Mother:
I know, and I promise you after we run this errand we're going to go to the park.

But there are so many fun things that we can imagine while we wait.

What are you imagining?

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
Molly is imagining that she's at the park.

What a great thing to imagine.

Next, please.

Molly's Mother:
Okay, Molly, let's go.

Remember, when you wait, you can imagine anything.

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
All done at the bank.

It didn't feel long when Molly used her imagination.

Now it's time to go the park!

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
See you next time, little tigers.

Daniel Tiger:
Hi, neighbor!

It's me, Daniel Tiger!

We're having dinner at the Neighborhood Restaurant tonight, and you're coming with us.


Mom Tiger:
Okay, Tiger family.

Katerina and her mom are meeting us at the Neighborhood Restaurant.

So let's get going!

Daniel Tiger:

Dad Tiger:

Daniel Tiger:
So excited!



Where's Trolley?

Mom Tiger:

I guess we'll have to wait for Trolley.

Daniel Tiger:
Wait for Trolley?

Mom Tiger:
Yup, we're going to have to wait.

Daniel Tiger:

I have to wait.



Is Trolley here yet?

Mom Tiger:
No, not yet.

Now, I know it can be hard to wait, especially when you're excited!


When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

It'll make the waiting feel easier.

Daniel Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.


So what can we do while we wait?

Dad Tiger:
Maybe we could... play a game.

Daniel Tiger:

Like what?

Dad Tiger:
How about a pretending game?

You pretend to be something, and we'll guess what it is.

Daniel Tiger:


What am I pretending to be?









Mom Tiger:

You're a...

Dad Tiger:
Oh, oh, oh!

I know!


Daniel Tiger:


I mean... right!

Mom Tiger:
Okay, Dad's turn!

Dad Tiger:



Daniel Tiger:
What is my dad pretending to be?

Dad Tiger:



Daniel Tiger:

A frog!

Dad Tiger:
I am a frog!

Your turn!

Mom Tiger:

What am I pretending to be?


Daniel Tiger:
You're a horse!

Giddy-up, horsey!


Daniel Tiger:
Trolley's here!

The waiting time is done!


Mom Tiger:
Do you think playing our game made the waiting feel easier?

Daniel Tiger:
It did!

It really did!

Don't you think?

Dad Tiger:
Here we go!

Mom Tiger:
Buckle up!

Daniel Tiger:
Trolley, please take us to the Neighborhood Restaurant.

You're gonna love it!

Oh boy, I wish we were at the restaurant right now!

Mom Tiger:
We will be soon!

Here, while we ride, let's sing a little.

We're going to the restaurant.

What a special treat!

Won't you ride along with me?

Daniel Tiger:
Ride along.

Won't you ride along with me?

Dad Tiger:
Here we are!

At the restaurant!

Daniel Tiger:

Singing on Trolley made waiting to get here easier!

Goodbye, Trolley!

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, hi, Tigers!

Daniel Tiger:
Hi, Katerina!

Hello, Henrietta!

Prince Tuesday:
A royal hello!

Welcome to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe Restaurant!

Please take a seat right over here.

Mom Tiger:
Thank you, Prince Tuesday.

Henrietta Pussycat: Meow meow.

Daniel Tiger:
Prince Tuesday?

What are you doing here?

Prince Tuesday:
I work at the restaurant.

I'm a waiter.

Daniel Tiger:
A waiter?

Does that mean that you wait?

Prince Tuesday:
Ha, ha!

Good guess!

Being a waiter at a restaurant means: I will be helping you tonight!

Here are your menus.

Dad Tiger:

Mom Tiger:
Thank you.

Daniel Tiger:
Well, thank you, Prince Tuesday.

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, thank you!

Mom Tiger:
Well, what nice manners.

Dad Tiger:
Okay, kids.

Take a look at the menu, and see what you'd like to eat.

Katerina Kittycat: I always get the spaghetti and meatballs!

Meow meow, look!

They are yum-yum-yummy in my tum-tum-tummy.

Daniel Tiger:
Oh yeah!

The spaghetti and meatballs do look good.

Katerina Kittycat: They are yum-yum-yummy in my tum-tum-tummy.

Hee, hee!

Daniel Tiger:
Okay, and what kind of sandwich is that?

Katerina Kittycat: It's a cheese sandwich, meow meow.

Daniel Tiger:
Oh yeah!

And this is chicken and broccoli.

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, yes!

And don't forget the spaghetti and meatballs.

They are yum-yum-yummy.

Daniel Tiger:
In your tum-tum-tummy!


Prince Tuesday:
Hi, so, do you know what you would like to eat tonight?

Katerina Kittycat: Spaghetti and meatballs, please and thank you, meow meow!

Prince Tuesday:
Royally good choice!

And you, little D?

Daniel Tiger:
Can I have the chicken and broccoli, please?

Prince Tuesday:
You got it!

And how about you, Mr. and Mrs. Tiger?

Mom Tiger:
Hm, well, we would both like the vegetable soup and salad.

Henrietta Pussycat: And I would like to have the grilled fish with spinach, please, meow meow.

Prince Tuesday:

I'll tell the cook, and your food will be ready in just a little while.

Thank you!

Daniel Tiger:
It will be a little while?

Now what do we do?

Dad Tiger:
We have to wait for our food to be cooked, Daniel.

Daniel Tiger:
Oh, no.

More waiting.


Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, waiting is hard.

Daniel Tiger:
It is!

It's very, very hard to wait.

Mom Tiger:
I know it's hard to wait, but...

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Daniel Tiger:
We can play?

At a restaurant?


Dad Tiger:
Well, you can play at a restaurant if it's a quiet sit-down game.

Daniel Tiger:

A quiet sit-down game.

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, we could play...


"What's Missing?"!

Daniel Tiger:

Katerina Kittycat: Okay, see all these things?

Daniel Tiger:

Fork, napkin, ketchup, salt.

Katerina Kittycat: Now remember all of these things and cover your eyes.

Daniel Tiger:
You cover your eyes, too!

Katerina Kittycat: Okay, now you can look!


What's missing?

Daniel Tiger:
What's missing?

The ketchup!

The ketchup is missing!

Katerina Kittycat: Yes!

You got it!

The ketchup was missing!

Your turn!

Daniel Tiger:

Remember everything on the table, and now... cover your eyes.

Okay, now you can look!

What's missing?

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow...


The salt!

Daniel Tiger:
You got it!

The salt is missing!

Katerina Kittycat: Hello, I'm Mrs. Salt.

How are you, Mr. Ketchup?

Daniel Tiger:
I'm fine, I'm just waiting to pour me on some food!

Katerina Kittycat: Me too.

Waiting, waiting, to go on some food.

Daniel Tiger:
Excuse me, Dad?

Is it time for the food?

Dad Tiger:
Not quite yet, Daniel.

We have a little more waiting to do.

Daniel Tiger:
More waiting.


What if the salt and ketchup could really play with us?

Hey... that gives me an idea!

Maybe if we imagine, the waiting will feel easier!

Do you want to make believe with me?

Let's make believe that the stuff on the table could play with us!

Let's begin the dinner show.

I'm the fork and I am great!

I pick the food up off your plate!

I'm the knife and I cut your food.

Into small bits so you can chew.

We can wipe your face!

I'm the spoon, I can help you scoop.

You can use me to eat your soup.

We're the things that help you eat!

Let's have a dinner show at the table.

Come and take your seat!

Daniel Tiger:
Wasn't that grr-ific?

Prince Tuesday:
Presenting your food!

Daniel Tiger:

Imagining did make waiting easier!

Prince Tuesday:
Vegetable soup for Mr. and Mrs. Tiger.

Dad Tiger:
Mm, thanks!

Mom Tiger:
Thank you, Prince Tuesday!

Prince Tuesday:
And fish and spinach for Ms. Pussycat.

Henrietta Pussycat: Thank you, meow meow.

Prince Tuesday:
Chicken and broccoli for Little D.

Daniel Tiger:
Thank you, Prince Tuesday!

Prince Tuesday:
Yum-yum-yummy in your tum-tum-tummy!

Spaghetti and meatballs for Katerina!

Katerina Kittycat: Meow meow, thank you!

Mom Tiger:

This smells delicious.


Daniel Tiger:
Ha, ha!


Daniel Tiger:
You know what, Mom and Dad?

Playing a game and using my imagination did make waiting for my food easier!

Don't you think?

When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Daniel Tiger:
What can we do when we're waiting?

Get together and start playing!

Katerina Kittycat: Something to pass the time.

While we wait in line.

Daniel Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
When we wait...

Daniel Tiger:
We can dance!

Mom Tiger:
When we wait...

Daniel Tiger:
We can jump!

Mom Tiger:
When we wait...

Katerina Kittycat: We can sing until it's time!

Dad Tiger:
When we wait...

Daniel Tiger:
We can play!

Dad Tiger:
When we wait...

Daniel Tiger:
We can think!

Dad Tiger:
When we wait...

Katerina Kittycat: Until it's time to go.

Dad Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Mom Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Daniel Tiger:
When the Trolley makes us wait, we can think of something fun and great!

Katerina Kittycat: Like singing our favorite waiting song!

So come and sing along.

Daniel Tiger:
When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything.

Okay, guess what's missing now!

Katerina Kittycat: Broccoli!


Daniel Tiger:
I liked going to the restaurant, even though we had to wait.

What makes it easier when you have to wait?

You can play, sing, or imagine anything!


It's such a good feeling to play with family and friends.

It's such a happy feeling when they lend you a hand.

You wake up ready to say.

I think I'll make a snappy new day!

It's such a good feeling.

A very good feeling, a feeling you know.

Daniel Tiger:
That I'll be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more ideas for you.

And you'll have things you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

Because it's you I like.

Mom Tiger:
Hi, neighbor!

Our friend Felix and his family are eating at a restaurant today.

What does she do?

Felix's Mother:
The waitress asks everyone in the restaurant what they'd like to eat, and then she goes back to the kitchen and tells the chef so that they can prepare our lunch.

Why don't you use your imagination while you wait?

Mom Tiger:
Felix colors with his crayons while he waits.

Coloring is a great way to spend time waiting.

Now the food is ready to eat.

That didn't take so long.

Thanks for waiting with us, Felix!

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Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman

Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman are the writers of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. more…

All Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman scripts | Angela C. Santomero and Becky Friedman Scripts

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Submitted on November 19, 2017

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