Fun and Fancy Free

Synopsis: Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen introduces Disney classic cartoons: `Bongo', about a unicycling circus bear, and `Mickey and the Beanstalk'. Fun and Fancy Free is a delightful gem that not only sparkles with charm, but is unbelievably rich in history-making Disney moments.

*Fun, fun, fun

And fancy-free *

*Da, da, dat

Da, da, dat, doit *

*Full of fun and fancy-free *

* That's the way I wanna be *

*I don't let my troubles

trouble me *

*Dau, dau, dau

Dau, dau, dau *


Full of the, full of fun *

* Got no time to worry none *

* Too busy singin'in the sun

Sweet sun *

*If you should have

a chronic ache *

*Pills won't make you strong *

* The only tonic

you should take *

*Is a teaspoonful of song *

*So if you'd really

like to be *

*Happy-go-lucky,just like me *

*Drown your frowns, my friend

and you will see *

* You'll see

That you'll be full of fun *

*And fancy-free *

* Come along, Lend an ear *

*See it for yourself *

*Meet a guy who's got a song *

* Troubles are on the shelf *

*He's so happy

all the livelong day *

*Livin'life the simple way *

*Knowin'it's the only way to be *

*Just full of fun

Full of fun and fancy-free *

*Just full of fun

Full of fun and fancy-free *

[Jiminy Cricket ]

*Everyone keeps askin'me *

*My recipe for livin'*

*It's simple as the ABC's *

* And hardly seems worth givin' *

* I've tried it out in every way *

* It always sees me through *

*It's made me

what I am today *

* That's why I'm tellin' you *

- * I'm a happy-go-lucky fellow *

-[ Chorus ] * Ooh, doo, doo, doo *

- * Full of fun and fancy-free *

-*Doo, doo, doo *

* You can make the whole world

seem mellow *

- * If you take it in your stride

like me *

-* Ooh, doo, doo *

* Don't cross a bridge or

peek 'round the corner *

- * Until you're there *

-* Oh *

- *Just learn to smile and in a while *

-*Doo, doo *

- * You'll find trouble's

a bubble of air *

- [ Pop ]

- * Get a happy-go-lucky feelin' *

-*Doo *

- * Keep it and I guarantee *

-* Ooh *

- * That you'll find you'll

wind up livin' in the sun *

-*So right *

* Full of fun

and fancy-free *

- ** [ Whistling Melody ]

-*Full of fun and fancy-free *

[ Wolf Whistle ]

* That's the way

I wanna be *

*I don't let my troubles

trouble me *

* Now some folks like

the heavy stuff *

* With titles

five feet wide *

- * Not me, I'm always out for fun *

-*Doo, doo, doo *

- * I like the lighter side, yes, sir *

-*Hooray *

* La, da, da, dee, la, da, da, dee *

Uh-oh !

[ Chorus ]

*Don't let my troubles trouble me *

* Don't cross a bridge or

peek 'round the corner *

* Until you're there *

*Just learn to smile

and in a while *

-* You'll find trouble's

a bubble of air *

- [ Pop ]

* Get a happy-go-lucky feelin'*

You know,

you worry too much.

In fact, everybody

worries too much.

Here. Just look

at the morning paper.

Turn to any page.

You'll find the whole world


about some future age.

But why get so excited?

What's gonna be is gonna be.

The end of the world's

been comin' since 1 903.

That's, uh, B.C.,

of course.

* Don't cross a bridge or

peek 'round the corner *

* Until you're there *

*Just learn to smile

and in a while *

* You'll find trouble **

- You bet, you'll find trouble !

- [ Meows ]

Oh ! Aah ! Ohh !

Take it easy, son.

Why, you're just a bundle of nerves.

[ Imitates Barking ]

[ Yowls ]

You see ?

Jumpy as a cat !

Comes from always

rushin' into things.

[ Animal Growls ]

[ Doll Cries ]

Hmm ! Now what

have I done ?

I guess I don't know

my own strength.

Sorry to upset you, miss.

Have you on your feet

in a jiffy.

- Upsy-daisy.

- Mama !

Your mama isn't here,


But if I can be of service,

the name is Cricket.

Uh,J. Cricket.

You can call meJiminy.

- [ Animal Growling ]

- Oops ! Sorry ! Ha-ha.

Oh. Howdy, chum.

Why so glum ?

Say, what's the matter ?

You worried about somethin' too ?

Tsk, tsk. Never saw

such a dismal pair.

A deadpan doll

and a droopy bear.

You ought to try my recipe.

Be full of fun and fancy-free.

Life is a song--

happy, gay.

So let's have some music.

Come on ! What d'you say ?

'' Bongo'' ? Now, what

in the world is Bongo ?

Oh ! ''A Musical Story

Sung by Dinah Shore.''

Well, what are

we waitin' for ?

* Da, da, doo, da *

[ Grunting ]

A ringer !

It's a gift.

* Da, da, dee, da, la, doh *

* La, da **

Take it away, Dinah !

-[ Thud ]

- [ Dinah Shore On Recording ]

This is the story...

- of three bears.

- Yeah, I know.

The mama bear, the papa bear,

and the itsy-bitsy baby bear.

[ Chuckling ]

But it's not the story you expect.

This is a love story.

It's about a little

girl bear...

and a big, burly,

brawny brown bear...

who wanted very much

to be her boyfriend.

But mostly, this is

a story about Bongo.

He was a circus bear.

He was born in the circus,

grew up in the circus.

In fact, Bongo was the star

of the circus.

In fact, Bongo was the star

of the circus.

Why, he could juggle and dance

while on a trapeze,

walk a tightrope

with the greatest of ease.

In jujitsu,

he was beyond compare.

Once threw a bull

at the county fair.

Super at wrestling

and lifting weights.

- Outboxed the champs of 1 7 states.

-**[ Cymbals Crash ]

**[ Drumroll ]

They all packed in

from near and far...

to see this

death-defying star.

With mouths wide open,

they watched his ascent...

as he daringly climbed

to the top of the tent!

**[ Circus Band ]

[ Whistle Blowing ]

Then, for a grand climax,

-he would gracefully plunge 300 feet...

-[ Squish ]

-into a wet sponge!

-[ Audience Cheering ]

[ Lock Clicks ]

Poor Bongo.

[ Sighs ]

Naturally,you'd think

he'd be handled with kid gloves,

- treated like a king...

- [ Splash ]

and pampered like a baby.

But, no! He was tossed around

like an old shoe.

Bongo, the bear

in the gilded cage.

[ Train Whistle Blows ]

His thoughts would wander

to an imaginary life...

far removed from the circus.

[ Distant Voices Echoing ]

*Bongo, Bongo, Bongo *

*Bongo, Bongo, Bongo **

[ Train Whistle Blowing ]

Some half-forgotten instinct

kept calling him.

For you see,

Bongo was a dreamer.

[ Man Shouting ] Hey, Bongo!

Get going! You're on!

**[ Circus Band ]

**[ Whistle Blows, Drumroll ]

[ Squish ]

[ Train Whistle Blowing ]

[ Dinah ] The call of the wild

kept ringing in his ears.

Psst ! Hey.

Bongo !

[ Dinah ] He couldn't ignore it

any longer.

[ Distant Echo ]

*Bongo, Bongo, Bongo *

[ Dinah ] He had to answer the call

of the great open spaces.

Come on out, Bongo.

[ Distant Echo ] *Bongo, Bongo **

Come on out, Bongo.

Come on out, Bongo !

[ Echo ] Bongo, Bongo.

[ Dinah ] He was crackin'up!

[ Echo ] Bongo, Bongo!

-[ Dinah ] He was losin'his grip!

- Bongo, Bongo, Bongo!

He had to escape, to get away!

Just gotta get away!

-[ Echo ] Bongo, Bongo!

- Gotta get away! Gotta get away.

- Bongo, Bongo, Bongo!

- Gotta, gotta, gotta!

Bongo! Bongo!

Bongo! Bongo!

Bongo! Bongo! Bongo!

Bongo! Bongo! Bongo!

[ Birds Chirping ]

[ Dinah ] At last he was free.

Free. Free ?

Oh! But this was even better

than he'd expected!

''Oh, boy, ''thought Bongo,

''this is livin'!''

- Whoo !

- He felt so good,

he just had to run around.

And jump.

[ Sniffing, Sneezing ]

Why, he even tried to growl.

[ Squeaky Yelp ]

''Oh, boy! A tree.

That's for me!''

[ Knocking ]

Just right for climbin'too.

- [ Chattering ]

- [ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Animals Laughing ]

[ Dinah ] ''Oh, well. What if I can't

climb a big old tree ?

This is still the place

for a fellow like me. ''

-[ Chorus ] * Ooh, ah, ohh *

-Just lazy and loafin'...

and fancy-free.

-[ Dinah ] *I love to hang around *

-* Ooh *

* The lazy countryside *

-[ Chorus ] * Where things

are nice and breezy *

[ Dinah ] * With nature's gang around *

* The lazy countryside *

[ Chorus ] * Where life

is twice as easy *

-[ Dinah ] * Where the crickets *

-[ Cricket Chirping ]

* You don't hear in the city *

*Keep a-hummin'in your ear

Oh, so pretty *

*And it's just too much

for words *

-*Listenin'to the chorus

of the birds *

- [ Chirping ]

*I like to stay around *

* The lazy countryside *

[ Chorus ] *And while away the hours *

[ Dinah ] *Just kind of play around *

* The lazy countryside *

[ Chorus ] *As free

as bees and flowers *

[ Dinah ] * There's more fun in

takin'the sun in *

*And to roam the spaces wide *

*It's the place for me

Gee, but it's great to be *

* 'Round the lazy countryside *

* There's more fun in

takin'the sun in *

*And to roam the spaces wide *

*It's the place for me *

* Gee, but it's great to be *

* 'Round the lazy *

* Countryside **

[ Snoring Rapidly ]

[ Yawning ] ''Oh, boy, ''thought Bongo,

''this is the stuff.''

[ All Yawning ]

''To stretch out

under a canopy of stars...

''studding the velvet

softness of the night.

To sleep in the peace

and quiet of the woods. ''

[ Mutters ]

The stillness of the night

descends like a sheltering veil.

Hush. All nature sleeps.

[ Insect Chirping Softly ]

[ Chirping Loudly ]

[ Other Insects Making Sounds ]

[ Insect Sounds Continue ]

[ Chewing Loudly ]

[ Chirping, Marching Sounds ]

[ Sawing Sounds ]

[ Crash ]

[ Squeaking ]

[ Animal Howling ]

[ Howling ]

[ Bees Buzzing ]

[ Thunder Booming ]

[ Forest Becomes Quiet ]

[ Teeth Chattering, Shivering ]

- [ Birds Chirping ]

-[ Dinah ] Then came the dawn.

[ Yawns ]

[ Crows, Clears Throat, Chirps ]

[ Yawns ]

[ Gasps ]

Ohh. Bongo felt

as stiff as a board...

and as cranky

as an old bear.

[ Sneezes ]

Bongo was discouraged.

A fine kind of bear

he'd turned out to be!

He didn't even know

how to act like a bear.

- This rough, rugged stuff

wasn't for him.

- [ Sighs ]

Especially on an empty stomach.

[ Stomach Growling ]

[ Pebbles Plopping ]

Uh-uh. [ Raspberry ]

[ Giggling ]

[ Dinah ] Bongo thought,

''This is just too good to be true!

''I-- I'm either hungry

or I'm still dreamin'.

''Ow! I'm awake!

It must be true.

Oh, this is much better

than dreamin'!''

[ Gurgling ]

[ Thud ]

''This must be heaven.

I-it can't be real!

''It's just too good

to be true.

But let me go right on dreamin',

as long as I'm with you. ''

* This is too good *

* To be true *

*I can't believe

it's real *

* Can it be you *

*I really see *

*I never knew *

*I'd find an angel *

*And out of the blue *

* You came to me *

* You're all

the heavenly things *

* That I've been dreaming of *

*Don't spread your wings *

*And fly away *

*But if you're only *

*Passing through *

* Then take me to heaven

with you *

* Or is this a dream *

* Too good to be *

* True *

[ Chorus ]

* This is too good to be true *

*I can't believe it's real *

* Can it be you *

*I really see *

*I never knew

I'd find an angel *

* Out of the blue

you came to me *

* You're all

the heavenly things *

* That I've been dreaming of *

*Don't spread your wings *

*Don't fly away *

[ Dinah ] *But if you're only *

*Passing through *

* Then take me to heaven with you *

* Or is this a dream *

* Too good to be *

* True **

The air grew still with a sudden chill.

No talk, no laughs, no chatter.

With the trees shaking, the ground

quaking, the crowd began to scatter.

Out of his lair came the third bear,

with *** in his eye.

He took in the scene of love serene

with jealousy and surprise.

He was the roughest, toughest,

meanest bear.

Lumpjaw by name,

a villain for fair.

- Well... what's this ?

- [ Growling Softly ]

[ Growling Loudly ]

It's no dream.

It's a nightmare!

- [ Gulps ]

- ''He-He-Hello, ''

was all Bongo could say.

''Hmm. Kind of unfriendly.

Probably doesn't know

who I am. ''

[ Growls Softly, Snorts ]

[ Growls ]

''Just a moment.

This is my affair. ''


Lulubelle, dear. ''

[ Lumpjaw Chuckling ]

Gosh, Bongo was surprised.

Why should Lulubelle turn against him ?

That was no way for a lady to act.

[ Bears Grunting ]

[ Growls ]

Lulubelle's feelings

were hurt.

-All right.

- [ Sniffles ]

She'd give Mr. Bongo

just one more chance.

- [ Gasps ]

- ''What have I done ?''

[ All Grunting ]

Poor Bongo.

*It was too good *

-* To be true *

-[ Chorus ] *Ah *

Gone were his dreams.

His world was shattered.

Why hadn't someone ever told him

about all of these things...

that really mattered?

-And now,

-*Ah **

well, now it was

just too late.

He'd never find out that

when bears are in love,

they always say it

with a slap.

[ Bears Whooping, Cheering ]

**[ String Band ]

[ Male Chorus ] * When a bird

loves a bird he can twitter *

-* When a puppy falls in love

he can yap *

- [ Boom ]

*Every pigeon likes to coo

when he says I love you *

*But a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

[ Dinah ] * When a whippoorwill's

in love he can whipper *

-*All the horses neck

and all the turtles snap *

-* Ooh *

*Every deer and every dove

has a way of makin'love *

*But a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

[ Chorus ] * You can ask any bear, Oh

There's nothin'to compare *

* With a love tap

Strong or weak *

[ Dinah ] *So if you're ready for

romance and you ever get the chance *

-[ Chorus ] * Grab your girl *

-* Give her your cheek *

-*So when love comes along

Don't be silly *

-*Doo, doo, doo, doo *

-*Never ever waste your time

like a sap *

-*Doo, doo, doo, doo *

*Let the others hug and kiss

but the bare facts are this *

* That a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

-*Slap, slap *

-[ Chorus ] * Give me a love tap **

-**[ String Band ]

-[ Bear Whoops ]

[ Square Dance Caller ]

* Grab your bears and swing 'em wide *

*Shake their fur

and scratch their hide *

* Give her a slap

Give her a cuff *

* Go 'round that floor and strut

your stuff * [ Whooping ]

*He slapped her once and he

missed herjaw and he wound up

smackin'his mother-in-law *

*Now here comes Grandpa gettin'in

line, And here comes baby bear behind *

- Whoo-hoo!

-[ Male Chorus ] * Oh, oh, oh, oh *

-* When a bird loves a bird

he can twitter *

-**[ Dinah Yodeling ]

* When a puppy falls in love

he can yap *

*Every pigeon likes to coo

when he says I love you *

*But a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

-* When a whippoorwill's in love

he can whipper *

-**[ Yodeling Continues ]

*All of the horses neck

and all the turtles snap *

*Every deer and every dove

has a way of makin'love *

*But a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

* You can ask any bear *

* Oh, there's nothing to compare

with a love tap strong or weak *

- [ Grunts ]

-*If you're ready for romance *

*And you ever get the chance

Grab your girl give her your cheek *

*So when love comes along

don't be silly *

*Never ever waste your time

like a sap *

*Let the others hug and kiss

but the bare facts are this *

* That a bear likes to say it

with a slap *

*Slap, slap **

[ All Grunting, Yelping ]

[ Growling Loudly ]

[ Tree Trunk Ripping ]

[ Lumpjaw Growling ]

[ Growls ]

[ All Gulping, Groaning ]

[ Yelping, Grunting ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Cheering ]

[ Male Chorus ] *So when love

comes along don't be silly *

*Never ever waste your time

like a sap *

*Let the others hug and kiss

But the bare facts are this *

* That a bear likes to say it

with a slap **

[ Dinah ] ''I love you, Lulubelle. ''

''I love you too, Bongo. ''

[ Chorus ] * You're all

the heavenly things *

* That I've been dreaming of *

* Ohh don't spread your wings *

*And fly away *

[ Dinah ] *But if you're only *

*Passing through *

* Then take me to heaven with you *

[ Chorus ] * Ooh *

[ Dinah ] * Or is this a dream *

* Too good to be *

-* True *

-[ Chorus ] *Is it only a dream *

* Too good to be true **

[ Needle Skipping On Phonograph Record ]

Excuse me. There.

Now who says dreams

don't come true ? Well !

Three is a crowd, they say.

So I'll drop back another day.

'' Miss Luana Patten.''

Mmm ! Well.

Of course, it's not cricket

to read other folks' mail, but--

-**[ Swing Chorus Humming ]

- ''A party !

Tonight !'' Mmm.

''The house across the way.

''Charlie McCarthy.

Mortimer Snerd!

Edgar Bergen ?''

Huh. Never heard of him.

''Please come!''

Why, I'd be delighted!

[ Chorus ]

*Join the party Come along *

*It's a cinch

Can't go wrong *

*Now's the time to see

what you can see *

* The house is just

across the way *

*Better hurry

Don't delay *

* You'll be full of fun

and fancy-free **

[ Laughing ]

Oh, dear. Nanny goats and petticoats.

- I'm a caution.

- Yes, you certainly are.

Tell me, what is the secret

of your lovely complexion ?

- Well, I-- I use saddle soap.

- I see.

- Yes.

- Yes. If I'm not being

too personal, Ophelia--

- Yeah ?

- Uh, how old are you ?

- Oh, I'm, uh, a girl my age.

- A girl your age ?

- Yes.

- And how old is that ?

- Uh, 28.

- Twenty-eight.

I thought you were

a little bit older than that.

Well, I knocked off a few years

for good behavior.

I don't care for that.

It's kid stuff. Ha-ha.

- Well, we're awfully glad

you came to our party.

- Well.

- Did you have fun ?

- Oh, yes, indeedy.

I thought Charlie made a pig of himself

with that chocolate cake.

- [ Edgar Bergen ]

Oh,you're quite right.

- [ Ophelia ] Yes, I am. Yes.

[ Bergen ] Yes, I agree with you.

- Well, good night, Luana.

- Good night, Ophelia.

- Bonne nuit, Mortimer.

- Uh... ma'am ?

- Bonne nuit.

- Oh, yes, ma'am. Yeah, yeah. Bunny--

Uh, bunny, bunny wee,

bunny wee. Bun--

Uh... uh, I don't know no bunny wee.

[ Sniffling, Muttering ]

-[ Ophelia ] Good night, Charlie.

- Uh, good night.

- You know, Ophelia, you look so sweet.

- Ah, what'd you say ?

- I say, I think you look so sweet.

- Yes ?

- I'm going to kiss you good night.

- Oh, help, help, help !

Help, he--

[ Giggles ]

Isn't that a wonderful trick ?

Yes, it is. Yes. I wish I could

enjoy my first childhood...

as much as he does his second.

[ Laughs ]

Now, Luana, how would you like another

piece of cake or some ice cream ?

- No, thank you. I'm full up.

- Some candy ?

- Care for a cigar ?

- Me ? [ Laughs ]

How about you,

Mortimer ?

- Mortimer?

- Uh... I don't smoke.

I don't mean that.

Well, what shall we do now ?

- Any suggestions ?

- How would you like to go down

to the city dump...

- and watch me slug rats ?

- Certainly not.

- No ?

- How would you like to

hear me tell a story ?

Oh, I'd love it.

Wouldn't you, Charlie ?

Well, I, uh...

y-y-yeah... no.

This is a story that

everyone should know.

Yes, but not everyone should tell it.

And you know who.

Well, I'm going to tell it anyway.

Now, many, many years ago--

I think I'll run out

and wind a sundial.

- You'll stay right here.

- Yes, sir.

[ Bergen ] Once upon a time,

long, long ago--

Funny, nothing ever

happens nowadays.

There was a place

called Happy Valley.

Now, it was called

Happy Valley...

because everyone

who lived there was happy.

- No ! Well, there's a hunk

of logic for you.

- Are you listening, Mortimer ?

- Uh, Happy Valley ?

- That's right,yes.

Now just try and imagine it. Can't

you just close your eyes and see it ?

Well, I can't see very good

with my eyes closed.

My eyelids

get in the way.

- You create a picture

in your mind's eye.

- Oh.

- That's not easy for him.

His mind gets in the way.

- [ Laughs ]

- Now try and paint a mental picture.

- Yeah.

I-- I painted a barn

once, I did.

- Well, that's very interesting.

- Yeah.

- It was-- It was a red barn.

It was. Yeah.

- Well, forget the barn.

- Yeah.

- And try and picture Happy Valley.

- Well, I'll-- I'll work on it.

- That's the spirit.

Yeah. Yeah.

I'll work on it.

Let's see, uh--

Let's see, now.

It's, uh-- Oh, let's say

it's about, uh--

Uh, what was

the question ?

-Happy Valley.

-Oh, yeah ! Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

- Let's see, uh--

- Think hard !


[ Grunts ]

Let's see, uh--

[ Groans ]

[ Grunting ]

Oh, I'm tired.

All that work for nothin'.

- Can I try ?

-[ Bergen ] Certainly.

Yes. I think I can

see it, Mr. Bergen.

It's beautiful.

[ Bergen ] Yes, it was one of

nature's garden spots,

nestled among the green,

rolling hills.

Can't you see the lovely brook

as it flows through the valley?

[ Mortimer ] Mmm. Yeah,yeah,yeah.

[ Bergen ] The winding roads,

lined with stately trees.

[ Mortimer ] Trees. Yeah.

[ Bergen ] Lush fields and prosperous

farms dot the landscape.

[ Mortimer ] L-Landscape. Yeah.

[ Bergen ] And high on a hilltop

overlooking the valley,

-shining like a jewel, stands--

-[ Mortimer ] My red barn.

[ Bergen ] No, no.

It was something much nicer.

- It was a majestic castle!

-[ Luana ] Oh, that's pretty.

[ Bergen ] And something very precious

is kept within these castle walls.

- * My *

-[ Luana ] What is it ?

[ Bergen ] It's a magic,

singing harp. Listen.

* What a happy day *

* What a sunny sky, kind of makes you

sigh in a happy way *

* What a very merry day *

* All the world is gay *

* When your cares are light

and your heart takes flight *

*And you're swept away *

* The air is sweet

with clover *

* The clouds

are turning over *

* Oh,yes

They're turning over *

*Just to show

their silver lining *

*My, what a happy day *

*Never knew such bliss

Never read of this *

*In a book or play *

* What a lovely day *

* What a great big gorgeous, sumptuous

thumping, bumptious *

*Hum-galumptious simply scrumptious *

*My, what a happy day *

[ Bell Clanking ]

* M-M-My, what a happy day *

* Never knew such bliss

Never read of this in a book or play *

* What a lovely day *

* What a great big gorgeous, sumptuous

thumping, bumptious *

* Hum-galumptious

simply scrumptious *

* Oh, my, oh, my *

* What a happy *

* Day **

[ All Laughing ]

[ Bergen ] Yes, the voice

of this golden harp...

cast a magic spell ofjoy

and prosperity over the valley.

- But it was too good to last...

-[ Charlie ] I knew

there was a catch in it.

- for one day--

-[ Charlie ] They built a schoolhouse.

[ Bergen ] No, no. One day a

mysterious shadow crept over the valley.

And then something dreadful


[ Thunder Rolling, Lightning Crashing ]

Aaaaaah !

[ Luana ] What happened?

[ Bergen ] When the shadow lifted,

the golden harp was gone.

No longer was the valley happy,

for without the magic of the harp,

all was misery,

misery, misery.

[ Charlie ] Just like the eighth grade.

[ Bergen ] Desolation

spread over the land.

Everything was drying up.

-[ Mortimer ] Dry rot.

-[ Charlie ] Yes, isn't it ?

-[ Bergen ] Charlie.

-[ Charlie ] Yes, sir.

[ Bergen ] The fields of golden corn

turned to dust.

[ Charlie ] Kerplop.

[ Bergen ] The laughing brook

flowed no more.

To think that this

was once Happy Valley!

[ Charlie ] Now it's Gruesome Gulch.

[ Bergen ] Days pass, weeks pass.

[ Charlie ] I pass. New deal.

[ Luana ] What happened

to all the people ?

[ Bergen ] Well, suppose we look in

on these humble peasants.

-[ Mortimer ] Is that a peasant ?

-[ Charlie ] That's a cow, stupid.

[ Luana ] Well, at least they had milk.

[ Bergen ] Well, she used to be

a good milker. But now--

[ Charlie ] She's an udder failure.

[ Bergen ] She was the *** friend

of a once-proud family.

[ Charlie ] Well, they're certainly

out of the high rent district.

[ Hinge Squeaking ]

[ Bergen ] And there they are,

three poor farmers, gripped

by the pangs of starvation.

Still alive, still breathing,

sharing a pitiful crust

between them.

Share and share alike.

Sharing and staring.

Staring and sharing.

[ Charlie ] Uh,just tell it,

don't ham it.

[ Bergen ] But are

their spirits broken ?

Have they lost hope ?

Yes. Men facing famine,

naught left but beans.

[ Charlie ] Ahem. Bean,you mean.

[ Bergen ] If it were one man

and three beans--

But, no. One bean

and three men.

[ Charlie ] Well, at least

there are no bones in it.

[ Bergen ] Just look at that

miserable creature,

doggedly struggling

to maintain life,

a gaunt, lean bag

of bones and feathers.

Truly a picture

of despair.

But Donald

doesn't whimper.

- Donald doesn't give up.

- Shut up !

I can't stand it !

[ Squawking ]

[ Mickey Shouting ]

[ Goofy ] Easy, Donald. Easy!

[ All Shouting At Once ]

There. There, now.

There. Easy, Donald.

I-- I'll be all right.

Yeah. I'll be all right.

[ Panting ]

I'll be all right.

[ Bergen ] He says he's all right,

but I wonder.

He's suffered too much.

What diabolical thought

is being hatched in the fevered brain...

of this poor, demented duck ?

Donald !

No ! No !

Nice bossy, bossy.

[ Laughs ]

- Nice old cowsy wowsy.

- Donald !

- [ Squawking ]

- [ Mooing ]

- [ Mickey ] Donald! No, Donald!

- [ Mooing ]

[ Squawking ]

Give it here ! Let me--

[ Donald Choking ]

[ Muttering, Panting ]

I just gotta eat.

I'm so... hungry.

[ Bergen ] The little fellow

was completely out of his head.

-Cut it out, will ya ? I get the idea !

-He was a pitiful sight.

- Weeks without food.

- [ Choking, Moaning ]

- Poor Donald.

- Yeah, poor me !

It was all they could

do to restrain him.

- You see, he had just about reached

the end of his rope.

- Yeah.

Oh, it was a sorry

predicament indeed.

What to do ?

What to do ?

Well, Donald may be nuts,

but he's got the right idea.

- Kill the cow.

- Oh, no, Charlie !

The cow was their best friend.

Well, a friend in need

is a friend indeed.

- So what ?

- So, they need some steak.

No ! If you're

gonna kill the cow,

I don't wanna hear

the rest of the story.

Well, she wouldn't

have to know.

They could sneak up on her

and surprise her.

- Yeah, that's what we'll do.

We'll kill the cow.

- Oh, no, Charlie. You mustn't.

We'll get a stranglehold

on her while she's asleep.

- a-a-and then push her off the cliff.

- Oh, no !

I ain't a-gonna listen

to the story.

[ Charlie ] Well, it'll be your fault

if they starve to death.

- [ Luana ]

Why don't they sell the cow?

- That's just what they did.

Well, why didn't you say so in the first

place, and save a lot of time ?

I could save a lot of time by not

telling the story at all !

Your idea is not

without merit.

Well, back to the scene

of desolation.

Things are beginning

to look much brighter now,

because as Mickey goes

to the village to sell the cow,

the thought of prosperity...

brings new hope

to the famished farmers.

Even Donald has fully recovered,

for soon their long-empty plates...

will overflow with food.

Hey, look !

* Turkey, lobster sweet potato pie *

* Pancakes piled up

'til they reach the sky *

* Wa-wa, wa-wa, wa-wa, wa-wa

Wa-wa, wa-wa, wa-wa, wa-wa *

* Oh-h-h-h *

* I wanna eat and eat

and eat and eat *

* And eat until I die *

[ Donald, Goofy ]

* Turkey, lobster sweet potato pie *

*Pancakes piled up

'til they reach the sky *

* Lots of starches

Lots of greens *

* Fancy chocolate-covered-- **

- Beans !

- What d'you mean, beans ?

Yeah, fellows. I sold the cow

for some magic beans !

Beans !

[ Squawking ]

[ Mickey ] But Donald!

These are not ordinary beans!

They're magic beans!

If you plant these beans

in the light of a full moon,

do you know what'll happen ?

Yes ! We get more beans !

[ Squawking ]

- No, no, Donald !

- [ Donald ] Magic beans! Phooey!

[ Bergen ] Poor Mickey,

cheated into trading his cow

for a handful of beans.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

What a mean trick!

Swindling an innocent farmer

out of all he owned...

and lying to him, telling him

that the beans were magic.

Planted in the light

of a full moon!

What a shame to deceive

a simple little peasant.

Magic beans, indeed!

- Light of a full moon.

-[ Charlie ] Bergen ? Oh, Bergen!

-[ Bergen ] What ?

-[ Luana ] There's something moving.

[ Bergen ] Why,yes. Well, maybe

there is some magic in them !

All right, now let's all keep quiet

and see what happens.

[ Snoring ]

[ Snoring ]


[ Giggles ]

[ Bergen ] And all

through the night, it grew,

onward and upward.

[ Charlie ] That thing

is a menace to aviation.

[ Bergen ] And so,

with the coming of dawn,

we find the bewildered farmers

staring at a mammoth castle,

miles above the earth.

Their curiosity was aroused,:

nothing could hold them back.

Who lives there ?

Man or monster?

Friend or foe ?

Aprincess or a dragon ?

[ Mortimer ] Well, search me.

[ Bergen ] What drew them toward

this place of mystery?

Hunger? Desperation ?

Or perhaps it was

love of adventure.

What a fantastic experience,:

perhaps mortal man...

has never before set foot

on this strange land.

-[ Charlie ] Well, somebody did.

-[ Mortimer ] Oh, gosh!

Who made them ?

[ Charlie ] Well, it wasn't Cinderella.

[ Bergen ] Soon they reached

the moat surrounding the castle.

But this didn't stop them. On they went,

as if drawn by some irresistible force.

And then, suddenly, without warning,

out of the sky above--

- [ Dragonflies Droning ]

-[ Luana ] Ooh, dragonflies!

[ Charlie ] Yeah. A-flyin'front

and draggin'behind.

- Gee, what whoppers !

- Yeah. Bombers !

[ Imitating Machine Gun ]

Come back and fight !

[ Squawking ]

[ Droning Continues ]

[ All Screaming ]

[ Bergen ] Finally,

they reached the castle.

[ Charlie ] The hard way.

[ Bergen ] This was the biggest

adventure of their lives.

Forgotten was their hunger,:

forgotten was their fear.

It took courage to scale

these massive steps,

to make this journey

into the unknown.

But these stouthearted lads

never faltered.

Three minds with

but a single thought.:

What mystery lurked within those

cold, forbidding walls ?

What strange spell hovered

over this gloomy place ?

Will no one answer?

Are they walking into a trap ?

Do they go in ?

[ Charlie ] You know,you could

stand some rehearsal on this story.

[ Bergen ] Inside, the tremendous hall

was as silent as a tomb.

Not a sign of life


[ Charlie ] Caught with his pants--

-[ Bergen ] Charlie!

-[ Charlie ] Caught with his pants--

-[ Bergen ] Charlie!

-[ Charlie ]

Well, his slip was showing.

[ Bergen ] They gazed

in speechless wonder,

almost afraid to breathe.

Suddenly they looked up.

What was it ?

[ Donald ] Food!

Yum,yum,yum,yum ! Let me at it!

Oh ! Who's there ?

Who is it ?

- [ Mickey ] That's the harp!

- [ Donald ] Boy, oh, boy!

How'd you get here ?

I was kidnapped

by that wicked giant !

- Oh. A-- A giant !

- A giant !

- A giant ?

- A giant !

- Bigger than 40 men.

- Oh, no !

An ogre who had the power to turn

himself into anything, man or beast.

That calls

for a drink.

[ Hiccups ]

It was this heartless monster that

swooped down under cover of darkness,

- carried off the golden harp and

brought ruin to Happy Valley.

- No !

-[ Scary Voice ] Ohh!

- [ All Gasping ]

Ohh !

[ Growling ]

- [ Growling ] I'm a giant.

- You are not.

- You're nothing of the kind.

- Well, I'm a small giant.

- No, you're not.

- I'm, uh-- I'm tougher than 40 men.

- You're not.

- Well... uh, 20 men.

- No.

- No ? Ten men ?

Aren't you ashamed of yourself,

Charlie ? Why do you act like that ?

I don't know. I guess it's just

a stage I'm goin' through.

- Well, take off that moustache.

- Yeow !

Now go over there

and behave yourself.

Yes, sir.

Everything I do is wrong.

But why did the giant

want to steal the harp ?

Because he was cruel and selfish. He

didn't care what happened to the valley.

He just wanted someone

to sing him to sleep.

Well, why didn't he

turn on the radio ?

Well, they didn't have

radios in those days.

Yeah. That's why they called it

Happy Valley. [ Laughs ]

- What did the giant look like ?

- Well, he was--

Oh-- I'll try

and show you.

He looked something

like this.

Ha. Looks like

my pig Smedley.

Never mind the self-portraits.


Well, no, that isn't right.

He-- He looked more like--

more like this.

- There he is now. And the giant

came home for dinner, roaring--

- Drunk.

- I was not !

-[ Bergen ] I mean, he was not.

- No.

-[ Bergen ]

Down the castle hall he came,


- Fe, fi, fo, fum !

Fe, fi, fo, fum !

* Fe, fi, fo, fum *

* He, hi, ho, hum *

* I'm a most amazing guy

A most amazing guy am I *

*Fe, fi, fo, fum *

* He, hi, ho, hum *

* I'm the stuff, I'm tellin' you

For here's what I can do *

* I can change myself

into an elf *

* Fly up high

like the birdies *

* I can disappear

into atmosphere *


* 'Cause I know the magic wordies *

* Fi, fo, fe, foy

Fe, fe, fe, fe **

Fifi ?

I don't know no Fifi.

[ Bergen ] Those are

his magic words,you know.

Fe, fi, fo, fum.

- I smell--

-[ Charlie ] You're telling us!

[ Bergen ] Wait.

He may be smarter than he looks.

[ Luana ] Oh, I hope

he doesn't find them.

[ Charlie ] Hey, Giant,

you're getting warm.

[ Mortimer ] Well, don't tell him !

-[ Charlie ] Behind the jar, stupid.

-[ Luana ] Charlie!

[ Sniffing ]

[ Giant ] Pot roast!

Chocolate pot roast!

With stispacio--

With dismashmee--

With dismash--

With green gravy.

** [ Humming ]

Feedy, fidey,


fum !

- ** [ Humming ]

-[ Gasping ]

[ Sneezes ]


Oh, no, you don't !

You can't get away from Willie.

I gotcha !

I think I gotcha.

Yeah, I gotcha.


What ?

[ Charlie ] He'll have to talk fast

to get out of this one.

[ Bergen ] Well,you leave it

to Mickey. Just watch.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty.

Boy, what a life line !

But what's this here ?

What is it ?

What is it !

Uh-oh !

I can't believe it !

- Is it bad ?

- Why, i-it says here...

that you can change

yourself into anything !

Sure, sure !

You wanna see me ?

I can change myself

into the darndest things !

[ Laughs ]

Go on, gimme somethin'.


- Anything ?


[ Bergen ] See ? Mickey

never misses a trick.

- He's got a good idea.

- Well, uh--

Can you change

into a fly ?

A cute, teeny-weeny,

itsy-bitsy housefly ?

That's it.

A housefly.

Aw, you don't want a fly.

How about a bunny

with long, pink ears ?

Ha. Well, of course,

if you can't do a fly, why, uh--

All right.

A fly.

- [ Shouts ] Why ?

- Well, they're, uh--

- Because.

- Okay.

A teeny-weeny fly.

[ Laughs ]

With pink wings.

- Now for the magic wordies.

- [ Whistles ]

*Fe, fi, fo, fum

He, hi, ho, hum *

*I'm a most amazing guy

Te, ti, te, ti, te, ti *

You sure you don't

want a pink bunny ?

Hey, what is this ?

You think you fool Willie.

[ Charlie ] Yeah, a couple more good

ideas like that and they're finished.

[ Bergen ] Well, I'll admit the little

fellows are in a bad fix.

But Mickey isn't one

to give up without a struggle.

and with a little luck,

they may still pull through.

This isn't the first time

Mickey's been in a tight spot.

[ Charlie ] Anybody wanna buy

a tall, thin mouse ?

[ Bergen ] No, thank you.

Uh, I mean no.

Yes, things look pretty dark

for the prisoners.

[ Charlie ] Looks like their goose

is cooked.

[ Bergen ] Oh, Fate may yet

deal them a winning hand.

Don't forget, there's still the magic

harp. She knows the giant's weakness.

-[ Charlie ] She could be my weakness.

- ** [ Harp ]

[ Bergen ] There might still be

a chance of escape...

if she could only use her magic voice

to put the giant to sleep.

[ Charlie ] If she can't,

I know who can.

[ Bergen ] Shh.

Let's all be quiet now, and see.

* In my favorite dream *

*Everyone is so delightful *

* No one's mean or spiteful *

* In my favorite dream *

* Yes, and in my favorite dream *

* There my heart can go romancing *

*Dancing to a heavenly theme *

*But there's something else

I look forward to *

*It's a secret *

*But here's a clue *

*He's my favorite *

* You know who *

* You're the hero of *

-*My most favorite *

- [ Snoring ]

*Dream *

Oh, mercy.

Forgive us.

[ Snoring ]

[ Yawning ]

**[ Harp Humming ]

[ Snoring ]

* In his right vest pocket *

* You'll find the key *

* The right vest pocket

Go carefully *

**[ Harp Humming ]

Oh !

-**[ Harp Humming ]

- [ Snoring ]

Ah-- Ah-- Ah--

[ Sneezing ]

I'll smash--

Ah-- I'll smash--

Ah-- Ah-- Ah--

Ah-- Ah-- Ah-- Ah--

Ah-- Ah-- Ah--

[ Snorts ]

[ Muttering ]

Where is he ?

Hello ?


[ Yawns ]

Oh, boy.

[ Snoring ]

- He made it !

- He did ?

- Here he comes with the key !

- Let me have it, Mickey !

[ Snoring Continues ]

[ Bergen ] Well, it looks like

success at last.

Free from the clutches

of that terrible monster.

And now to find the beanstalk, climb

down and return home in triumph,

with a big surprise

for Happy Valley.

But wait. Mickey's

going to make doubly sure.

He's taking no chances.

Just in case the giant

might wake up.

[ Luana ] Oh!

[ Charlie ] Ha. Should have

left well enough alone.

Come back here!

Come back here!

[ Whistles ]

[ Squawking ]

[ Bergen ] And there goes the giant!

[ Yelping ]

He's helpless now,

tumbling over and over and over,

down, down, down, down.

[ Crash ]

And so with the passing

of the wicked giant,

Happy Valley echoed once again

with song and laughter.

For with the return

of the magic harp,

peace and prosperity

reigned throughout the land.

- And the people of the valley--

- We know.

[ Together] Lived happily ever after.

You're a wonderful storyteller,

Mr. Bergen. Isn't he, Charlie ?

Simply thrilling.

You're even better

than the old-fashioned sleeping pill.

- [ Mortimer Sobbing ]

- [ Bergen ] What's the matter,


Oh, the poor giant got killed,

that he did. [ Crying ]

- I don't like them sad endings.

- Oh, now, you don't understand.

W-Willie was a nice

giant, he was.

He just got too big

for his britches.

- But you don't understand.

- No, don't touch me.

[ Sobbing ]

I'll be all right.

[ Blows Nose ]

Oh, excuse me.

What I'm trying to explain,

Mortimer, is that Willie

the Giant didn't actually exist.

- No ?

- No. He's a metaphysical phenomenon...

of your subconscious mind, a

phantasmagoria of your mental faculties.

- Yeah ?

- In other words,just a figment

of your imagination.

- No !

- Yes.

- So there's nothing to be upset about.

-[ Creaking ]

Hey ! Has anybody

seen anything...

of a teensy-weensy

little mouse ?

No. I-I-I, uh--

-[ Thud ]

-[ Luana ] Oh, Mr. Bergen!

Bergen, speak to me.

Speak to me.

What's the matter with him ?

Somethin' he ate ?

Uh, no. It's, uh--

It's a fig, uh, fig--


of his imagination.

- No !

-[ Mortimer ] Yeah.

Well, uh,

good night, Willie.

Uh, don't slam

the roof.

You might wake

Mr. Bergen.

[ Laughs ]

*Now some folks

don't believe in giants *

* Castles up above *

*And others say

that bears don't talk *

*And never fall in love *

*If you really wanna find *


Peace of mind *

*Believe in all

your dreams *

*And you will see *

* You'll be full of fun

and fancy *

*Free and full of fun *

*And fancy-free **

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Homer Brightman

Homer Brightman was an American screenwriter who worked for Walt Disney Productions, Walter Lantz Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio, UPA, Larry Harmon Pictures, Cambria Productions and DePatie-Freleng Enterprises. more…

All Homer Brightman scripts | Homer Brightman Scripts

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Submitted by ethan_p on August 22, 2020

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