Mary Poppins Returns
Season #1 Episode #1- Year:
- 2018
When the early morning hours
Have come and gone
Through the misty
morning showers
I greet the dawn
For when its light
has hit the ground
There's lots of treasures
to be found
Underneath the lovely London sky
Though the lamps
I'm turning down
Please don't feel blue
For in this part of London town
The light shines through
Don't believe
the things you've read
You never know what's up ahead
Underneath the lovely London sky
Have a pot of tea
Mend your broken cup
There's a different
point of view awaiting you
If you would just look up
- Oi! Get out of here!
- I know
Yesterday you had to borrow
from your chums
Seems the promise
of tomorrow never comes
But since you dreamed
the night away
Tomorrow's here,
it's called today
So count your blessings
You're a lucky guy
For you're underneath
the lovely London sky
Morning, Jack.
Admiral above decks!
Soon the slump will
disappear, it won't be long
Sooner than you think
you'll hear
Some bright new song
You're all right, children?
So hold on tight
to those you love
And maybe soon from up above
You'll be blessed,
so keep on looking high
While you're underneath
the lovely London sky
Lovely London sky
Great steaming clams!
They've done it again!
Those blundering blowfish
have rung Big Ben too soon!
Storm clouds.
On the horizon, sir.
Heading straight
for Cherry Tree Lane.
Batten down the hatches,
Mr. Binnacle!
Rough seas ahead, I fear!
What is it, Ellen?
The bloody sink's exploded!
- Oh, dear.
- Oh, not again!
Annabel! John!
We heard, Aunt Jane!
I'll ring the plumbers!
I'll turn off the water
at the mains.
Yes, thank you, darlings.
Um, Ellen, fetch us
a mop and towels, will you?
I told him to
get them pipes fixed.
Been here
since the Romans ruled.
What's happening?
Don't go in the
kitchen, Georgie.
Not without your Wellies.
Oh, uh, yes. Hello.
We've had a burst pipe.
Just one moment, please.
Excuse me. Ellen!
Can you please get the door?
I've got the plumbers here.
That was quick work, wasn't it?
- Here, Georgie. Take them.
- 17 Cherry Tree Lane.
By the park?
Yes, I'm coming! Blimey.
Ah! Good morning, mum.
They don't look
much like plumbers to me.
I meant on the phone.
We are not plumbers,
we are lawyers.
And here's me
hoping you might prove useful.
Water's off!
And the plumbers
are on their way.
Well done, everybody.
Phew! Such excitement.
What are you doing here,
Aunt Jane?
We're handing out
breakfast at the union hall.
I snuck away for a morning hug.
Come here, Georgie.
Will you stop that banging?
Barely eight o'clock
on a Sunday morning!
What you doing with my mop?
Forgive the intrusion, mum.
Our current workload prevents
us from taking weekends off.
We would like to have a word
with Mr. Banks,
if he is available.
"Notice of Repossession"?
Wait there.
Goodness. I'll be cleaning up
that mess all morning.
Here, let me take that for you.
Oh, thank you, sweetheart.
Excuse me, sir.
The wolves are at the door.
What do they want?
Well, a good thrashing,
if you ask me.
Oh, it's like
the River Thames in there!
Don't worry, Ellen.
I'll clean up.
Why don't you see
to the breakfast?
Well, yes, somebody's got to,
haven't they?
Unless we all wanna starve.
Why don't you let Ellen
clean up?
I'm afraid, lately,
that means more work for me.
The other day,
I found a butcher's sack
hanging on the coat rack...
- and my hat was in the larder.
- Oh, dear.
Can we go to the park?
No, Georgie.
Ah! I need a brush!
I look a fright.
Michael, don't forget
you've got guests at the door.
Oh, right.
- Whoa.
- I'm sorry.
We're struggling through a bit
of chaos this morning.
- Please.
- So it seems.
Unfortunately, Mr. Banks,
our business cannot wait.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Today, we were...
How exactly am I
supposed to make breakfast
when there's nothing
in the larder...
but pickled herrings
and marmalade?
The groceries.
I meant to go yesterday.
Very well.
Pickled herrings for breakfast
and marmalade for lunch.
There's a shop
across the park, will be open.
- The three of us can go.
- Thank you, John.
But you said we would go
to the park today!
We can cut through the park
on the way.
Enough, Georgie, come along.
I'll take that, Father.
Oh, thank you.
Uh, please come through.
Now, what is it
that I can do for you?
I am Hamilton Gooding.
This is Mr. Templeton Frye.
We are solicitors with
the law firm of Gordy, Cordry,
Gooding and Frye.
No. Sorry, nothing.
Is that your garden club?
No, it's the Society for
the Protection of the Rights
of the Underpaid Citizens
of England.
A labor organizer.
She's a labor organizer.
Yes, but we also run
soup kitchens.
It's a never-ending job
these days, I'm afraid.
I'm sure it is, Mrs. Banks.
Miss Banks, actually.
I'm Michael's sister.
My wife passed away
this last year.
That's awful.
Those poor children.
Yes. Our deepest condolences.
Thank you. Forgive me,
what brings the two of you
here this morning?
I'm going to say my goodbyes.
I'm late for work.
Mr. Banks, you took out a loan
with the
Fidelity Fiduciary Bank...
last year against the value
of your home.
You did what? Michael.
I had to, Jane.
With Kate and the bills piling
up, I really had no choice.
It's hard enough these days,
isn't it?
Yes. Well... Shh!
It seems you have fallen
three months behind
in your payments.
I'm so sorry.
Uh, Kate, my wife, used to
look after our finances.
And I've been
a bit off stride. Forgive me.
How much is it
that I owe you, exactly?
the bank is now demanding
that you pay back
the entire loan in full.
The entire loan?
Yes. It's all in the contract.
That's more than I make in
a year. I couldn't possibly.
Oh, dear.
You have five days.
If you are unable to pay in full
by Friday at midnight...
I'm afraid we will have
to repossess your home...
and you will have to vacate
the premises.
But I work
for Fidelity Fiduciary.
Not as an accountant, I presume.
No, as a teller.
I took a part-time position
there this past year.
You see, I'm really an artist.
Yes, be that as it may.
But my father, George Banks,
was a senior partner there.
Father left us shares
in the bank.
You could use those
to pay off the loan.
I was saving those
for the children.
Shares? In the bank?
Well, that does change things,
doesn't it?
Primed and ready,
Mr. Binnacle?
Ready and charged, sir.
Do you have
the share certificate?
- I'm sorry, the what?
- The document...
The document proving
you own shares in the bank.
I suppose it must be somewhere
among Father's old papers.
Yes, I suppose it must.
Good heavens!
Are you housing anarchists?
No, that's the Admiral,
next door.
He fires off a cannon
to mark the hour.
He's over five minutes late.
Yes. I'm afraid
he's been running
a little behind
these last few years.
As are we, this morning.
You've been given notice.
We'll see ourselves out.
Come along, Mr. Frye.
I do hope you find that share
certificate. I really do.
Good day to you both!
wrong profession, you know.
Why didn't you tell me
you'd taken out a loan?
I didn't want to worry you.
Or the children.
I kept thinking
I would catch up.
Kate always managed.
Of all
the thick-headed mistakes.
I can't lose our home, Jane.
She's everywhere, here.
Well, then, we're not
going to let that happen.
But, Michael, you know we
neither of us have any money,
so we just have to find
that share certificate.
Do you have any idea where
Father might have kept it?
I don't know.
- In the attic, perhaps?
- Yes.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to bring you into all of this.
This is our family home,
and you're about to lose it.
So please stop pretending
everything's fine. You need...
Are we going to lose our home?
- No. No, no, no.
- No, no. I...
Aunt Jane was only...
I was just saying
you won't have to worry,
because your father
owns shares in the bank.
But you said we don't have
enough money.
Well, I can make more money.
I am a banker now, aren't I?
That's what bankers do.
Make money.
But you're not a banker.
You're a painter.
Yes, well,
painters don't make money.
Not these days. Here, you see.
The day has hardly begun,
and I have already made you
10 pounds!
We'd best be going.
Yes, yes, let's get
your hats on, shall we?
One moment, John.
Georgie shouldn't have to
spend his 10 pounds
on the shopping, should he?
Here you are.
Thank you, Father.
Ah! Off to the park, I see.
- Yes, that's right, Ellen.
- That's nice.
Shall we search the attic, then?
Don't you have to go to work?
No. Work can wait.
Oh, thank you, Jane.
Well, why don't I check
the attic
and you check Father's
old wardrobe?
- Yes.
- We'll make lunch
when we get home, Ellen.
- Gillie stays here.
- Aw!
Blimey, what little
grown-ups you've become.
Father didn't give us
enough, did he?
Not nearly.
Well, we can ask for
day-old bread at half off.
That's what Mother used to do.
Hello, Willoughby!
Hello, Miss Lark!
- Hello, Georgie. Twins.
- Oh!
Good boy, Willoughby.
Come on, Georgie, we haven't
got enough time for this.
- Aw.
- Come along. Come on, Wil.
The balloon lady!
Can we get balloons?
No, Georgie! We haven't enough
for groceries as it is.
Oi! Georgie Banks!
Keep off the grass.
I don't spend all day
caring for it
just to see my work
get trampled on.
Go on, off it!
What if Father
does lose the house?
We'll just have to
figure out a way
to get it back, I suppose.
You're right.
That's what Mother would do.
We haven't spoken
in so long, dear
This year has gone by in a blur
Today, seems
everything's gone wrong here
I'm looking for
the way things were
I know you'd laugh
and call me tragic
For everything's in disarray
These rooms
were always full of magic
That's vanished...
Since you went away
with questions
Your John's
a walking questionnaire
And I could surely use
a few suggestions
On how to brush
our daughter's hair
When Georgie needed explanations
You always knew just what to say
And I miss our
family conversations
It's silent...
Since you went away
Winter has gone
But not from this room
Snow's left the lane
But the cherry trees
forgot to bloom
The certificate.
The certificate.
I'll carry on
the way you told me
I say that like I have a choice
And though you are
not here to hold me
In the echoes,
I can hear your voice
But still one question
fills my day, dear
The answer I've
most longed to know
Each moment since
you went away, dear
My question, Kate, is...
Where'd you go?
Nothing in the wardrobe!
Oh, my goodness.
Yes, it's quite a mess.
Yes, it is.
What are all your art things
doing up here?
Oh. I wasn't
using them anymore.
I should probably just
get rid of it all.
Have you looked
in Father's old desk?
I honestly can't
remember why we kept
most of this stuff
to begin with.
I mean, why on earth did we
save this old broken thing?
Don't you remember that kite?
We used to love flying that
with Mother and Father.
Well, it won't fly anymore.
Out it goes.
No looking back.
Hold on tight to those you love
And maybe soon from up above
Naughty boy.
How long do you
think it will take us today?
Well, let's see. It's a
9-minute walk to the shop.
So if it takes 10 minutes...
to purchase each item...
Excuse me, children,
coming through!
Georgie! Come back!
- Georgie!
- You two!
I've told you before,
off the grass!
- But our brother!
- You heard me!
Now! What?
Whoa! Oh!
We're coming, Georgie!
- Hold on!
- Help me!
As I live and breathe.
You need to be more careful
when the wind rises, Georgie.
You nearly lost your kite.
And you two
nearly lost your Georgie.
He might have
got away completely
had I not been holding on
to the other end of that string.
My goodness, Annabel...
what have you done
to your clothes?
You could grow a garden
in that much soil.
And, John...
yes, just as filthy.
How do you know our names?
Because she's Mary Poppins,
of course.
May I say, you look lovely,
as always.
Do you really think so?
Nice to see you, Jack.
Good to see you too,
Mary Poppins.
I was just your age
when we first met,
working for a chimney sweep.
How is dear old Bert?
Traveling the world, he is.
Off to points unknown.
Well, now I am off to speak
with the father
of these children.
This family is clearly
in desperate need of a nanny.
Now, quick march
and best foot forward,
and I'll thank you
not to dawdle.
Go on!
Father! Aunt Jane! Come quick!
- Quickly!
- What is it, Georgie?
Has something happened?
I was flying a kite
and it got caught on a nanny!
Whatever are you talking about?
Come! Come, look!
Wait, where did you get
that kite?
I found it in the park.
She kept it from blowing away.
- Mary...
- Poppins.
Oh, close your mouth please,
We are still not a codfish.
Jane Banks, still rather
inclined to giggle, I see.
Good heavens, it really is you.
You seem hardly
to have aged at all.
Really! How incredibly rude.
One never discusses
a woman's age, Michael.
I would have hoped
I taught you better.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
- You came back.
I thought
we'd never see you again.
It is wonderful to see you.
Yes, it is, isn't it?
So, you know her, then?
Mary Poppins
used to be our nanny.
What brings you here
after all this time?
Same thing that
brought me the first time.
I've come to look after
the Banks children.
- Us?
- Oh, yes, you too.
But we don't need a nanny.
Mother taught us
to look after ourselves.
You did just misplace Georgie,
I might point out.
Only slightly.
We got him back.
We can do anything a nanny can.
Mary Poppins
flew here on a kite.
You can't do that, can you?
What are you talking about,
Georgie? Don't be silly.
Oh, let him
believe what he likes.
When your father and I were
young, we used to imagine...
that Mary Poppins could do all
sorts of impossible things.
"Actually," what?
Actually, I'd like to get back
to the matter of my employment.
Your umbrella talks!
Georgie, please,
we're in the midst
of a grown-up conversation.
Why don't we go
upstairs, Georgie?
But it did talk! I promise!
I'm afraid Georgie sometimes
suffers from an excess
of imagination.
As I recall,
you had the same affliction
yourself when you were young.
Did I, really? Well,
those clays are long behind me.
Are they, indeed? Hmm.
- Now, about my employment...
- Yes, about your employment...
the truth is,
I simply can't afford...
We can settle on terms later,
although I will want
my old room back.
That's if it's not
a complete disaster...
and I will insist on having
every second Tuesday off.
- No, I'm afraid, I...
- Of course, Mary Poppins.
Good, good.
That's all settled.
Then I'll stay.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
the children have turned
themselves into dustbins.
So the first order of business
is to see them properly bathed
and dressed.
Jane, have you gone
completely mad?
I can't afford to take
on anyone else.
Mary Poppins isn't just anyone.
Don't you see, Michael?
No one's hiring nannies anymore.
The poor woman
has nowhere to go.
Well, neither will we
by the end of the week!
Oh, don't be so grumpy.
- You sound just like Father.
- I do not!
Give Mary Poppins a chance.
You need help
just as much as she does!
Very well. She can stay
for the time being, I suppose.
After all, she did fly
all this way on a kite.
Those things, when we were
young, they didn't really...
- Happen?
- No.
- No.
- Of course not.
Oh, hello, Mary Poppins.
Hello, Ellen.
How'd you do that?
Do what?
And why didn't Father believe
you flew here on a kite?
Because it's
complete nonsense, of course.
Grown-ups forget.
They always do.
That will be
quite enough of that.
I should have left you
in the umbrella stand.
- Not with the canes!
- Oh.
What are you two
whispering about?
Such a useful word, isn't it?
It can mean anything
and everything.
It's just that...
You don't require
the services of a nanny.
Well, we have grown up
a good deal
in the past year, after all.
Well, we'll have to see
what can be done about that.
That was
our mother's, be careful.
I am always careful.
So, you're staying?
Yes, I'll stay.
Until the door opens.
What does that mean?
That door's always opening.
Oh, not that door, another one.
The bathroom door?
That's just silly, Georgie.
- Not the bathroom door?
- No.
But a bath would prove useful.
Come along.
Time for a good, clean start.
Mother always had us
take our baths in the evening.
Well, in my experience,
the perfect time of day
to have a bath
is when one needs a wash.
Georgie, you will go first.
We are perfectly capable
of drawing our own baths.
How very helpful, John.
In that case,
you may turn off the tap.
to put in the bubbles.
But I don't like soap bubbles.
Well, then you shall have to try
to avoid them at all costs.
She's a tough nut, isn't she?
All right then...
but we'll have to
get this done quickly!
Right, we still have to
get down to the grocers...
and it looks as though
it might rain.
I know who you should ask.
Her umbrella can't talk,
The very idea.
How do you know it can't?
Because it can't.
The very notion is ridiculous.
Exactly right, Annabel.
It's nonsense.
It makes no sense.
And if it makes no sense,
it can't be true.
John, you're right
It's good to know you're bright
For intellect can
wash away confusion
Georgie sees, and Annabel agrees
Most folderol's
an optical illusion
You three know it's true
that one plus one is two
Yes, logic is the rock
of our foundation
I suspect,
and I'm never incorrect
That you're far too old
to give in to imagination
No, not yet.
Some people like
to splash and play
Can you imagine that?
And take a seaside holiday
Can you imagine that?
Too much glee leaves
rings around the brain
Take that joy
and send it down the drain
Some people
like to laugh at life
And giggle through the day
They think the world's
a brand-new, shiny toy
And if while dreaming
in the clouds
They fall and go kersplat
Although they're down
and bent in half
They brush right off
and start to laugh!
Can you imagine that?
On second thoughts,
perhaps you're right.
It makes no sense to take
a bath this early.
Wait! I want to take a bath!
Oh, really?
Very well, then.
Up you go.
- And in you go.
- Whoa!
What happened?
Will they be all right?
Well, it is just a bath,
after all.
But then again, it's not my tub.
Shouldn't you go in after them?
Oh, no, I had my bath
this morning, thank you.
Well, if you won't, I will!
Off we go.
Some people like
to dive right in
Can you imagine that?
Can you imagine that?
Doggies paddling
20 leagues below
Might seem real,
but we know it's not so
To cook without a recipe
Can you imagine that?
And heaven knows what lives
within that pot!
Some pirates follow
treasure maps
And wear a silly hat
They search the world
for buried gold
They won't grow up
and don't grow old!
Can you imagine that?
Be sure to scrub
behind your ears!
Some answer
when adventure calls!
Can you imagine that?
And sail straight
over waterfalls!
Can you imagine that?
They see living
as its own reward
They rock the boat, then...
- Whoa!
- Man overboard!
Some people look out on the sea
And see a brand-new day
Their spirit lifts them high
above the blue
Yet, some others wear an anchor
And they sink in seconds flat
Perhaps we've learnt
when day is done
Some stuff and nonsense
could be fun!
Can you imagine that?
No. Anything?
No, nothing.
Just your old drawings,
and bills, and nothing else.
Well, then that's it,
it's not here.
Father, Aunt Jane!
It was amazing! And
Everything you
could ever dream of!
And then, he fell in the water!
Not now, please.
But it really happened!
Tell him, Mary Poppins!
I have no idea
what you're all talking about.
We swam through a pirate ship!
Enough, please!
You're right, Father.
We're sorry.
No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I don't mean to be cross
with all of you. I...
I've just lost something
very important.
Yes. And we're
going to find it.
I'm sure your grandfather just
tucked it away somewhere
for safekeeping.
The bank!
Didn't Father have a safety
deposit box in the bank?
Yes. Yes, he did.
- Well, let's go.
- It's closed.
We'll go first thing
in the morning.
But won't we need a key?
There's a whole drawer
full of keys
in Father's old desk upstairs.
- Is there?
- Yes!
My goodness, gracious, glory me.
You'd think
by now they'd have learned
to pick up after themselves.
Cleaning is not a spectator
sport, I'll remind you.
John, Annabel, put all the books
back on the bookshelves.
Georgie Banks, come back here.
Take out this rubbish,
would you?
Yes, Mary Poppins.
There's a good boy.
Off you go, spit spot.
Oh, Well.
That's that.
What about Mr. Dawes, Jr.?
Couldn't he give you more time?
Yes, I'm sure he could
if he were still here...
but Dawes' nephew has been
running things lately.
I don't think he even knows
who I am.
- Thank you.
- Very good, sir.
Well, it's high time he found
out, don't you think?
- Banks.
- Good morning.
Jane. We can't just charge
into his office.
Hello, Miss Penny Farthing,
is it?
Heavens, did the old secretary
finally retire?
She always had
that big jar of sweets
on the desk
we'd raid as children.
I remember that jar.
Those little toffees that
stuck your teeth together.
Must get you one of
those jars, Miss Farthing.
Of course, sir.
This wouldn't happen
to be your sister,
would it, Mr. Banks?
- Yes.
- Yes, Jane Banks.
How do you do?
Great pleasure to meet you.
William Weatherall Wilkins.
Do step this way.
If I had known
that George Banks' son
had taken a loan with us...
I would have handled
the paperwork myself.
regarding an extension,
there's very little I can do
at this point.
I see.
Our father did leave us shares
in the bank.
Oh, well, that is good news!
Yes. Yes, it is.
But the trouble is,
we can't seem to find
the share certificate.
You wouldn't happen
to have any record
of Father's shares, would you?
I would think so.
Bring in
the shareholder's ledger,
would you, Miss Farthing?
Right away, Mr. Wilkins.
And what about your uncle,
Mr. Dawes, Jr.?
He'd know if Father received
shares, wouldn't he?
I'm afraid
dear old Uncle Dawes
is getting on in years.
Non compos mentis...
Which, sadly, is why
I had to take over for him.
Ah, thank you, Miss Farthing.
Let's see.
Doesn't seem to be a listing
for George Banks here.
Don't despair.
You still have until
that big fellow out there
chimes his last
on Friday night...
to find that certificate.
And I'll keep looking here
as well.
Yes, well, thank you
so very much, Mr. Wilkins.
It's really been
a great pleasure. Thank you.
Very kind of you.
Thank you, Mr. Wilkins.
Not at all.
Bring in all of George Banks'
old files, would you?
Of course, Mr. Wilkins.
Georgie, this is a nursery,
let me remind you,
and not a music hall.
Can we have another bath?
Oh, pish posh.
Now, John,
you'd best go downstairs
and help Ellen...
- Whoa!
- ...put away the dishes.
Yes, Mary Poppins.
Here, I can
put those away myself.
Very well, then.
Now, Georgie Banks...
if you were hoping
that I will let you
take this
sadly neglected kite...
to the park tomorrow,
you'd better start
patching it up this instant.
Yes, Mary Poppins.
Oh, let me help you with those.
Oh, you're a good lad.
You're such a help, you are.
I only wish
I could help your father
save this poor old house.
I could sell my broach
and necklace, I suppose.
Matching set,
my old mum gave them to me.
You'd do that for us?
Sell my prized possessions?
Oh, no,
I didn't mean it like that.
Oh, it's all right.
I think they're fakes, anyway.
No. Plenty in this house worth
more than them old trinkets.
If you'll excuse me, Ellen.
What's got into him?
- I know how to save the house!
- What do you mean?
If you two are going to keep
up all of this whispering...
I'd like you
to practice doing so
as loudly as possible.
It will still be bad manners,
but at least then we'll all
be in on the secret.
Oh, hello, Jack!
Mary Poppins,
how are you this fine evening?
I'm settling in
quite nicely, thank you.
I was downstairs with Ellen...
Do you know, when I was a lad...
I used to wave up to the boy
and girl who lived here.
Oh. You mean Michael and Jane.
Ah, Miss Jane Banks!
I see Mr. Banks
about now and again.
It's been ages
since I've seen her.
Well, she lives in a flat
on the other side of town now.
I'm sure you'll bump into her
one of these days.
What are you doing?
You know we're not supposed
to touch that.
This is authentic
Royal Doulton china, Annabel.
Mother always said
it was priceless...
and I bet it'll be enough
to pay off Father's debt.
That's a terrible idea, John.
You know Mother loved that bowl.
But she'd sell it herself
to save the house!
That was Mother's!
Put that back!
No, Georgie, give it to me!
- No! Put it back!
- Let go, let go!
It's a good thing you come along
when you did, Mary Poppins.
That didn't sound good,
now did it?
What are the three of you up to?
- Give me the missing piece!
- I don't have it!
Well, look for it then!
Which of you broke the bowl?
- Georgie did.
- I did not! It was Annabel!
No, I didn't!
If John hadn't taken it...
it was all three of them.
Who said that?
Oh, dear.
The picture's changed.
It looks as
though they've broken
your carriage wheel.
That they have.
It's useless now.
Useless as a chocolate teapot.
The bowl is speaking!
And who do we
think is gonna fix that?
Aye, there's the riddle.
Them what broke it fixes it.
That's what I say.
What do you think, Mary Poppins?
Well, I suppose
we have no choice.
But how are we going to do that?
I know a bit
about fixing carriages.
But we can't fix
the carriage wheel.
It isn't possible.
Everything is possible.
Even the impossible.
Now, gather 'round,
everyone. Spit, spot!
Georgie, don't forget Gillie.
Are we ready?
What just happened?
Where are we?
Looks like we're in china,
so to speak.
Over here, everyone.
This wheel won't fix itself.
Now, tread lightly,
this is fine porcelain,
and we don't want
to chip the glaze.
Oh, Georgie, head up
and feet beneath you.
You too, John.
Excuse me, driver,
would you help us?
Well, Mary Poppins,
is it yourself?
- But he's...
- But you're...
- That's right, I'm Irish.
- I'm also part poodle.
How wonderful
to see you, Shamus.
I'm so sorry about all this.
Now, would you help Jack
lift the carriage
while the children
put the wheel back on?
With pleasure!
She's talking to a dog!
Well, of course she can talk.
Take your places, everyone.
And lift.
Yes. Let's see now,
this should do it.
There we are, shipshape.
Not a bad job at all.
Suppose it'll have to do.
And back to the nursery we go.
Back already?
Can't we stay in this bowl
for a while?
I want a carriage ride.
I wouldn't mind one m'self.
Well, I suppose
it wouldn't do any harm.
Shamus, would you mind?
Not in the least.
Climb aboard, everybody!
Mind the step,
plant yourselves comfy.
Now, where would we all like
to go on this fine, fine day?
The Royal Doulton Music Hall,
- Where?
- What's that?
We're on the brink
of an adventure, children,
don't spoil it
with too many questions.
Let's go, Clyde!
In the nursery,
you were never by yourself
There was quite another
world upon your shelf
Hold on!
Where each day
crowds make their way
Upon the sun's descent
To a mythical, mystical,
never-quite-logistical tent
Yes, in this dearly dynamical
Simply ceramical
Royal Doulton bowl
There's a cuddly and curious
Furry and furious
animal watering hole
Where the monkeys
and humming birds
Know the tunes and the words
Every beast large and small
Loves the very top drawer-able
Always encore-able
Royal Doulton Music Hall
Ooh, that one tickled my tail.
Nearly there, Mary Poppins!
Yes, in this marvelous, mystical
Rather sophistical
Royal Doulton bowl
There's a lot of birds
queuing up
A lot of hams chewing up
scenery they swallow whole
There are lots of cats
tuning strings
Nightingales in the wings
Waiting for their big drum roll
- At the simply sensational
Standing ovation-Al
- Royal Doulton Music Hall
- Music Hall
Here we are!
But where's the music hall?
Oh, yes, that. Silly me.
Step right up!
Step right up
for the simply sensational
Royal Doulton Music Hall!
How on earth did she do that?
One thing you should know
about Mary Poppins...
she never explains anything.
Come on.
Hurry, hurry!
Only a few seats left!
Get tickets while you can
for the one-night only...
one and only...
Mary Poppins!
What an honor it is
to have you join us
this evening.
Thank you.
And who is this I see?
Why, it's John,
Annabel and Georgie Banks!
You know us?
Of course. Everyone knows
the Banks children.
We've all been watching you
in the nursery for years.
It's so good
to finally meet you.
Hurry along, now.
Get yourselves some peanuts
and candy floss
and go right on in.
May We, Mary Poppins?
Come on!
Let's get candy floss!
Just keep away
from the edge of the bowl.
At the highly-acclaimable
Nearly untamable
Lavishly praisable,
always roof-raise-able
Royal Doulton
Music Hall!
Oh! Excuse me.
Bucks and mares, cubs and does,
welcome to our show of shows!
It is my great honor
to introduce
this evening's renowned guest...
the one...
the only...
Mary Poppins!
Well, thank you, thank you
very much. Yes, thank you.
- Come on!
- Oh, no, no.
- Come on up!
- Go on!
Silly Jack.
- Thank you.
- Sing for us, Mary Poppins!
- No. No, no, no.
- Come on, have a go.
No, I haven't sung in years.
Sing for us, Mary Poppins.
- Please. Please.
- Do sing for us.
No, I couldn't possibly.
D-flat major.
Uncle Gutenberg was a bookworm
The memory of his
volumes brings a smile
He would read me lots of stories
When he wasn't on the sauce
Now I'd like to share the wisdom
Of my favorite bibliophile
He said
A cover is not the book
So open it up and take a look
'Cause under the covers
One discovers
that the king may be a crook
Chapter titles are like signs
And if you read
between the lines
You'll find your
first impression was mistook
For a cover is nice
but a cover is not the book
Mary Poppins,
could you give us an example?
Nellie Rubina was made of wood
But what could not be seen
Was though her trunk up top
was barren
Well, her roots
were lush and green
So in spring
when Mr. Hick'ry
Saw her blossoms bloomin' there
He took root, despite her bark
And now there's
seedlings everywhere!
Which proves
a cover is not the book
So open it up and take a look
'Cause under the covers
One discovers
that the king may be a crook
Chapter titles are like signs
And if you read
between the lines
You'll find your
first impression was mistook
For a cover is nice
but a cover is not the book!
Shall we do the one
about the "Wealthy Widow"?
Oh, by all means!
Always loved that one!
Well, go on then.
Lady Hyacinth Macaw brought
all her treasures to a reef
Where she only wore a smile
Plus two feathers and a leaf
So no one tried to rob her
'Cause she barely wore a stitch
For when you're
in your birthday suit
There ain't much there
to show you're rich!
Oh, a cover is not the book
So open it up and take a look
'Cause under the covers
One discovers
that the king may be a crook
You'll find your
first impression was mistook
For a cover is nice,
but a cover is not the book
Oh, give us the one about the
"Dirty Rascal," why don't ya?
Isn't that one a bit long?
Well, the quicker
you're into it,
the quicker you're out of it.
Once upon a time
in a nursery rhyme
There was a castle
with a king hiding in a wing
'Cause he never went to school
He had scepters and swords
And a parliament of Lords
But on the inside he was sad
Because he never had
a wisdom for numbers
A wisdom for words
Though his crown
was quite immense
His brain was smaller
than a bird's
So the queen of the nation
made a royal proclamation
"To the missus and the messers
"The more or lessers
"Bring me
all the land's professors"
Then she went
to the hair dressers
And they came from the East
And they came from the South
From each college,
they poured knowledge
From their brains into his mouth
But the king couldn't learn
So each professor met their fate
For the queen
had their heads removed
And placed upon the gate
And on that date
I state their wives
all got a note
Their mate
was now the late great
But then suddenly one day
A stranger started in to sing
He said, "I'm the dirty rascal
"And I'm here
to teach the king!"
And the queen
clutched her jewels
For she hated royal fools
But this fool had some rules
They really ought
to teach in schools
Like you'll be a happy king
If you enjoy
the things you've got
You should never try to be
The kind of person
that you're not
So they sang and they laughed
For the king had found a friend
And they ran onto a rainbow
for the story's perfect end
So the moral is you mustn't
let the outside be the guide
For it's not so cut and dried
Well, unless it's Doctor Jekyll
Then you better hide
No, the truth can't be denied
As I have now have testified
All that really counts
and matters
ls the special stuff inside!
- Hooray!
- He did it!
Oh, a cover is not the book
So open it up and take a look
'Cause under the covers
One discovers
that the king may be a crook
So please
listen to what we've said
And open a book tonight in bed
So one more time
before we get the hook
Sing it out strong!
- A cover is nice
- Please take our advice
- A cover is nice
- Or you'll pay the price!
A cover is nice
but a cover is not the book
Where's Georgie?
I don't know.
Take this.
What are you doing?
Well, well, if it isn't the boy
who cracked the bowl.
We've waited a long time
for you Banks children...
to come and visit us,
so we could pay a visit
to your nursery.
But those are our things!
Oh, not anymore, they aren't.
Give Gillie back!
He's mine!
My mother made him for me!
Time to go, boys!
Annabel! Help!
We're coming, Georgie!
Let me go! I want to go home!
What home?
You've lost your home!
Sham us!
That's right, it's us!
Let's go get your brother back.
We're gaining on 'em!
Give it more speed!
Right away, sir.
Giddy-up, big fella!
We're closing in.
Get ready to jump!
Ready. And now!
Well clone, children!
Give 'em what-for!
Get rid of them!
- But, sir!
- You heard me!
Georgie, are you all right?
Annabel, look!
- Stay with Georgie.
- Right.
Be careful!
What are you doing?
Oh, no!
The edge of the bowl!
Georgie, it's all right,
it's all right.
My goodness me.
Shh. It's all right.
You were having a nice
sort of nightmare, I must say.
You were right, Mary Poppins!
A cover is not the book.
We thought they were nice,
but they were mean!
Whatever are you talking about?
They tried to take Gillie!
No, Gillie is right here,
sleeping, as you should be.
But it was real!
They stole all our things...
and the wolf said we were never
going to see our home again!
That is absurd.
But I had a nightmare
like that, too.
So did I.
It seemed awfully real.
I don't want to lose our home.
You see, Georgie?
That's why we wanted
Mother's bowl.
We were going to sell it
to save the house.
I miss Mother.
Oh, listen to the three of you.
You're all worrying
far too much.
After all, you can't lose
what you've never lost.
I don't understand.
Do you ever lie awake at night?
Just between the dark
and the morning light
Searching for the things
you used to know
Looking for the place
where the lost things go?
Do you ever dream or reminisce?
Wondering where to find
what you truly miss?
Well, maybe all those things
that you love so
Are waiting in the place
where the lost things go
Memories you've shared,
gone for good you feared
They're all around you still
Though they've disappeared
Nothing's really left
or lost without a trace
Nothing's gone forever,
only out of place
So maybe now the dish
and my best spoon
Are playing hide and seek
just behind the Moon
Waiting there
until it's time to show
Spring is like that now
Far beneath the snow
Hiding in the place
where the lost things
Now, time to get some sleep.
And in the morning,
bright and early...
we'll take that bowl
to my cousin.
We'll have it mended.
Time to close your eyes
So sleep can come around
For when you dream
You'll find all that's lost
is found
Maybe on the Moon
Or maybe somewhere new
Maybe all you're missing
lives inside of you
So, when you need her touch
and loving gaze
"Gone but not forgotten"
is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star
that she makes glow
Trust she's always there
Watching as you grow
Find her in the place
where the lost things
John, look!
Mary Poppins' scarf.
It wasn't a dream after all.
Shall we tell her?
Better not.
Blast the devil, too soon!
Why can't those pea-brained
Big Ben buffoons get it right?
Ahoy there, fair lady!
- Good morning. Oh!
- Oh!
I'm sorry, miss.
Oh, no, no. It's quite
all right. Don't worry.
- Let me help you with that.
- Thank you.
Good morning, Jane.
I see you've bumped into Jack.
The children and I are
heading into town
to get something fixed.
Would you like to come with us?
Work calls, I'm afraid.
We've got a rally today.
Oh, that's right. You ought to
give Jack one of those flyers.
You're Miss Banks, aren't you?
I don't know if you remember me.
I used to wave to you
when I'd see you
up there in that very window.
Yes, of course, I remember.
Call me Jane, please.
Of course,
I was much younger then.
but your smile
hasn't changed a bit.
Well, it's this afternoon,
if you can make it.
Good for you, Jane Banks.
All us lamplighters know
what a fine job you're doing
for the workers.
Well, we try our best.
If you ever need a ladder raised
or a lamp lit, consider it done.
Thank you, Jack. Thank you.
Polishing the keyhole, are we?
Look at this.
Miss Jane's chatting with
that handsome lamplighter.
It looks like he's lit her up
as well, don't it?
Oh, Ellen!
Oh, no, nothing will come of it.
No, she says that ship's sailed.
And I say,
there are always other ships.
My alarm didn't ring.
Oh, dear. Let me help you.
I'm gonna be late.
That's all that I need!
Well, you're not late yet,
are you?
Here you are.
Off you go.
Good morning, Michael.
Hello, forgive me,
I have to run.
Watch where you're...
I am so sorry!
Oh, it's fine.
Um, I'm looking for number 19.
It's two doors down.
Many thanks. Sincerely.
Michael, your briefcase!
Blimey, he'd leave his head
on the breakfast table
if it weren't screwed on.
Here, Ellen.
I'll take the briefcase.
The children and I are heading
that way on an errand.
We'll stop by the
bank afterwards.
I'll give you a lift.
My rounds are done.
All aboard, everyone. Come on.
On the bicycle?
But there are five of us.
We can't all fit.
The weight
on those wheels alone.
Mary Poppins,
how much do you weigh?
Never you mind about that.
It's all a question of balance.
- Annabel here.
- Whoa!
- And then John.
- Whoa!
Oh, sit up straight!
You're not flour bags.
- Georgie at the front.
- Yay!
Mary Poppins, you here.
- I've got it!
- Blimey!
All right, everybody.
Primed and ready,
Mr. Binnacle?
Ready and charged, sir.
- Ready, everyone?
- Ready!
Are you sure this is quite safe?
Not in the slightest.
- Fire!
- Go!
Now, pull over, right ahead.
Thank you, Jack.
Right. Off we go, jiggity-jog.
Thank you, Georgie.
This way, please.
Never noticed this alley before.
Well, clearly you've never had
a Royal Doulton bowl
that wanted mending.
Straight ahead.
Here we are.
"Topotrepolovsky's all repairs,
"large and small fix-it shop."
Looks as though it's just
a small fix-it shop today.
That's just what we want.
The bowl only needs
So now my head
is a door knocker.
useful for opening cans.
You fuss, fuss, fuss.
Don't be so dramatic.
Cousin Topsy!
Mary Poppins!
Oh, for the love
of all that is holy...
do not come in!
Don't be so rude!
Please stay away.
It is Second Wednesday!
Second Wednesday. Oh, dear.
I'd forgotten.
Still, today or never,
that's my motto.
There we are!
Follow me.
So, in you come.
You do not listen to Topsy.
Oh, no!
It has begun!
Now, what do you want?
You have guests, cousin.
at the door.
And how am I to do that, please,
when I am down here,
up on the ceiling?
Very well, we'll come to you.
Excuse me, please, Georgie.
Now, this way.
Be careful on the way up.
Why be careful?
Leave it all for Topsy to fix.
Climb on my shelves.
Step on the toys.
Kick the little china dolls
in their faces.
John, Annabel,
Georgie and Jack...
this is my cousin.
Second cousin,
many times removed.
Tatiana Antanasia
Cositori Topotrepolovsky.
Oh, but you may call me Topsy.
That's an unusual accent
you've got there.
Where are you from?
Oh, that's very
interesting story...
We have no idea.
We need you
to fix this bowl, dear.
No, no, no.
It is as I have told to you...
second Wednesday of the month...
when everything
is turning turtle.
"Turning turtle"?
What exactly does that mean?
goes flippity-flop
like a turtle on his back.
And I don't know
my up from my down,
my east from my west.
My topsy from my bottomsy.
Yes, I think
we've all grasped the concept.
Good. That's quick for you.
You see, my littles,
anything I try to fix...
on Second Wednesday
goes kerflooey.
Please, cousin,
you have always said
that you can fix anything.
Sweet girl,
you tell Mary Poppins,
who doesn't listen...
that any other day,
Tatiana Antanasia Cositori
can fix anything.
If you ring
with something broken
On a Thursday
I'll make new with my glue,
pins and thread
What you bring, when I've awoken
On a Friday
I will mend, and then spend
the day in bed
Children, Satur, Sun,
and Mondays
Are just everything-is-fun days
But in the second week,
I wear a frown
For I know that after Tuesday
Comes the
Topsy-gets-bad-news day
It's the dreaded
Second Wednesday
When from nine to noon
my life turns upside down
Fast is slow, low is high
Stop is go and that is why
Every Second Wednesday
is a hurdle
From eight to nine all is well
Then I roll over on my shell
And all because
Now day is night, dog is cat
Black is white, thin is fat
That is why
I'm loosening up my girdle
I cannot help
this charming troupe
Don't mock me
'cause I'm in the soup
And why? Because the world
is turning turtle
Oh, woe is me
I'm as opposite as I can be
I long for Thursdays
when the world is drab
When will it cease?
Now my life resembles
War and Peace
That Tolstoy certainly
had the gift of gab
I couldn't get through it
Bottom's top, yin is yang
Peace and quiet's
sturm und drang
Tuesday nights,
my blood begins to curdle
East is west, in is out
And that is why I need to shout
"Oh, no! The world
is turning turtle!"
Oh, if you had come
some other morn
You wouldn't have found me
so forlorn
But since the day
that I was born
Second Wednesdays
is on the fritz
I couldn't mend this
to save my soul
If this keeps up,
I'll dig a hole
You say life's a cherry bowl
But Wednesday's full of pits
Tell us, can you fix this drum?
Well, today is looking glum
- Can you mend this crack?
- And broken string?
Well, perhaps
if you all lend a hand
Our fingers are at your command
A broken songbird still can sing
Let's do the turtle swing
Oh, woe is me Now I'm on my head
How can that be?
Well, you say "woe"
but I say "lucky you"
- Lucky me?
- Yes
Here, on your head
"A" is far behind and led by "Z"
It's good to get
a different point of view
I love your shoes.
You see, when the world turns
upside down...
the best thing is
to turn right along with it.
I do see!
From down here,
things look right side up!
I wouldn't mind seeing things
from that angle.
- Sounds like fun!
- Can we?
Very well. Flippity-flop.
- Near is
- Far is
- Here is
- There
Turtles turning everywhere
Things are getting clear
Well, knock on wood, my dear
When you change the view
from where you stood
The things you view
will change for good
I never thought of things
that way
She never thought of things
that way
Now Wednesdays
are my favorite day
Now Wednesdays
are her favorite day
'Cause that's the day
I'm quite contrary
And now, thanks to Cousin Mary
I have changed, to be exact
I love the fact
The world is turning turtle
Come, give your bowl to me.
No more am I afraid
with this new point of view.
Excuse me,
but do you have any idea
how much our bowl
might be worth?
In money?
Not very much, I'm afraid.
But that doesn't make it
any less beautiful.
Our mother always said
it was priceless.
Well, I'm sure it was to her.
Mary Poppins is right, for once.
It is all in the way
that you look at things.
Thank you, cousin.
Now, come along, children.
Get your hats.
And don't you worry
about Mother's bowl.
I will fix
and make perfect for you.
So you come back, maybe,
next Second Wednesday?
Yes. Spit spot.
Nice meeting you, Topsy Turvy.
"Topsy Turvy'
I like. It's catchy.
Now, what do we do?
I have no idea.
Well, like Topsy said...
maybe we should start
looking at things differently.
Oh, marvelous.
It looks like
things are starting
to turn around for my cousin.
Mary Poppins,
this is not
the quickest way to the bank.
It is today.
Look, there's Aunt Jane!
Aunt Jane! Aunt Jane!
Off to the rally, are you, Jane?
Yes. All still here,
thank goodness.
Nobody fell off.
Say, I could come back and
give you a hand with all that
once I drop the others
at the bank.
Oh, no, please don't worry.
I'm perfectly fine. Really.
Oh, nonsense. The bank's
just around the corner...
and the children and I have
plenty of legs to get us there.
Now, climb off, everyone.
Ready, and jump.
Steady the bicycle for me,
would you, children?
You're sure
you don't mind, Jack?
'Course not.
I was hoping to drop by
that rally of yours, anyway.
You were? Oh, good.
You can ride
in the front basket.
I think she'll be better here.
Here, is it?
- Yeah. Up you go.
- Now, where should I hold on?
Handlebars are fine.
- Ready?
- Yes! Ready as I'll ever...
My goodness!
Now, be careful here, 'cause
there are cars crossing!
That's all right.
They'll see us.
Right, that's enough.
Step along, children.
There must be
someone at this bank
who could help us
save our house.
I'm sure Father's already asked.
Well, we haven't.
Maybe we could get them
to see things
from a new point of view.
Sit over there,
please, children.
Good afternoon.
I'd like to see Mr. Michael...
I'll need a signature
for those, sir.
Of course.
Excuse me a moment.
We mustn't be late
for Mr. Wilkins.
What did you do that for?
You hurt his feelings.
You do know who those men are,
don't you, Georgie?
Yes. They're the lawyers.
He's the nice one.
Maybe we could convince him
to help us.
Worth a try.
Today or never, that's my motto.
Come on!
Now, how can I help you?
Finally. I'd like to see
Mr. Michael Banks, please.
Hello. Operator.
- May we go in?
- He's expecting you.
Is there something I can do
for you, children?
May I have a sweet, please?
Yes, of course you can, dear.
You all can.
Is in foreclosure.
Mr. Michael Banks,
17 Cherry Tree Lane.
In foreclosure.
How many repossessions,
so far, this month?
19, sir. And we have
nearly that amount
scheduled for next week alone.
Who'd have thought this slump
would be so good
for business, eh?
I wonder, Mr. Wilkins,
if, perhaps...
as Michael Banks is an employee,
you might consider
giving him a few more weeks.
And lose our chance
to get that house?
I mean...
I don't like to lose,
Mr. Frye.
Didn't I ask for
more tea, Miss Farthing?
Yes, sir. Right away,
Mr. Wilkins.
Why don't you all
help yourselves?
Come on.
"Office of the Bank Chairman."
We can't go in there.
I'm running
a business, not a charity.
It's just that, Well...
his family has suffered
tremendous hardship
this past year...
You are not giving
Banks one more second...
to pay off that loan.
Do I make myself clear?
- Look.
- Shh!
It's the wolf.
In two days, Banks will be out
on that street and the house...
will be ours.
Georgie, no!
You can't steal our house.
I'm telling my father!
Steal your...?
Who are you?
These are the Banks children.
Are they?
Come here, boy,
I think you might have...
- Let's go, Georgie!
- Run!
Close that door, Miss Farthing!
Stop them.
Oh, there you are, Michael.
The children and I brought you
your briefcase.
Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Where are the children?
Father! Father!
- Help!
- Wait!
What is it?
What's happened?
He's the wolf
trying to steal our house!
What on earth
are you talking about?
I'm afraid your children
burst into my office
just now, Banks.
I was just seeing if anything
could be done
about extending your loan...
when they came in claiming
I was trying
to steal your house.
He is! We heard him!
Mr. Wilkins
is trying to help us!
But then, why was he chasing us?
I just thought they might
stop running around
and making a scene
if I offered them some sweets.
I'm so sorry, Mr. Wilkins.
See it doesn't happen again.
After all, you don't
want your father...
losing his position
on account of you, do you?
I know time is
running short, Banks...
but I want you to have
every chance
of paying off that loan.
So, I will make sure
that I'm in my office
on Friday evening...
until the last stroke
of midnight.
You have my word.
Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.
But, Father,
he really did do it.
Not another word!
- Take them home this instant!
- Yes, sir.
We'll discuss this
when I get back!
Come along, children.
Now we've done it, haven't we?
I don't think
I've ever seen Father
that upset with us before.
But we were telling the truth!
That doesn't matter, Georgie.
We got him into trouble.
And he doesn't even know
that we broke Mother's bowl.
Everything we've tried to fix,
we've only made it worse.
Which way do we go,
Mary Poppins?
Now, why would you ask me?
The three of you are leading
the way, after all.
- Us?
- But we were...
Walking around in a fog.
No, we weren't. I mean,
we are in a fog, but...
We were only talking.
Yes, too focused
on where you've been
to pay attention
to where you're going.
But Father told us
to go straight home!
He'll be furious if we're late.
Not much to be done
about that now, is there?
Are we lost, then?
That would depend
on where you want to go.
At your service.
Say, what's with
all the glum faces?
Lost sixpence and found a penny?
We've made a mess of everything.
Father's furious with us.
And we can't find our way home.
Are you, Mary Poppins?
Well, now, I'm no expert...
but if ever I lose my way,
I just look for a little light
to guide me.
Let's say you're lost
In a park, sure
You can give in to the dark, or
You can trip a little light
fantastic with me
When you're alone in your room
Your choice is just
embrace the gloom
Or you can trip a little
light fantastic with me
For if you hide under the covers
You might never see the day
But if a spark can start
inside your heart
Then you can always find the way
So when life is gettin' dreary
Just pretend
that you're a leerie
As you trip a little
light fantastic with me
What's a leerie?
Why, it's what we lamplighters
call ourselves, of course.
Time to send up
the call to arms.
Leeries, trip the light
to lead the way!
Now, when you're stuck
in the mist, sure
You can struggle and resist, or
You can trip a little
light fantastic with me
Now, say you're lost
in the crowd, well
You can stamp
and scream out loud, or
You can trip a little
light fantastic with me
And when the fog
comes rollin' in
Just keep your feet
upon the path
Mustn't mope and frown
Or worse, lie down
Don't let it be your epitaph
So, when life is gettin' scary
Be your own illuminary
Who can shine their light
for all the world to see
As you trip a little
light fantastic with me
- Hello.
- Hello.
Thank you!
A leerie loves the edge of night
Though dim, to him,
the world looks bright
He's got the gift
of second sight
To trip a
little light fantastic!
A leerie's job's
to light the way
To take the night
and make it day!
We mimic the Moon
Yes, that's our aim
For we're the
keepers of the flame!
And if you're deep
inside a tunnel
And there is no end in sight
Well, just carry on
until the dawn
It's darkest
right before the light
Now what do we do?
Well, just as Jack said...
we follow the light.
As you trip
a little light fantastic
Won't you trip
a little light fantastic?
Come on
Trip a little
light fantastic with me
Come along!
Join us in a bit
of kick and prance.
What did he say?
"Kick and prance," it means
"dance." It's leerie speak.
You don't say the word you mean,
you say something
that rhymes, only...
Here, I'll show you
how it works.
Angus, give us
your weep and wail.
To the rest of ya,
that means "tale."
I was short of a sheet
He was in the street
Just to tumble down the sink
Just to get himself a drink
Then I pinched what's fatter
He grabbed his ladder
- To smile and smirk
To work!There's nothing to it.
Can you speak leerie,
Mary Poppins?
Can I speak leerie?
Of course she can.
She's Mary Poppins!
- Can we do it with you?
- Please?
Oh, very well then.
tell us your sorry tale
Give us your weep and wail!
- Well, we had this bowl
- Rabbit in the hole
- That fell and broke
- Bicycle spoke
- So we took it to a shop
- Like a lollipop
And went upside down!
That's a circus clown
- Then went to the bank
- Rattle and clank
- Got lost in the fog
- Lump on a log
Till we found our friend
To stand and defend
- Who took us on a trip
- Snap a horse's whip
And we tripped
a little light fantastic!
Now, that sounds
a little bit bombastic
But they tripped the light
We tripped the light
Let's trip
a little light fantastic!
Join us, Mary Poppins!
You've got it!
Now let's get you all back home!
Now, if your life
is gettin' foggy
That's no reason to complain
There's so much in store
inside the door
Of 17 Cherry Tree Lane!
So when troubles are incessant
Simply be more incandescent
For your light comes with
a lifetime guarantee
As you
Trip a little light fantastic
Won't you
Trip a little light fantastic
Come on!
Trip a little light fantastic
With me!
Went to the bank,
rattle and clank
Met with the boss Pitch and toss
Got lost in the fog
Lump on a log
Trip a little light fantastic!
Trip a little light fantastic!
Trip a little light fantastic!
Trip a little light fantastic!
Where on earth
have you all been?
I told you to bring them
straight home.
I've been worried sick!
We're sorry we're late, Father.
It wasn't Mary Poppins' fault.
We got lost in the fog.
Jack and the leeries led us
down the frog and toad.
He means road.
So you've been off filling
the children's heads
with stuff and nonsense.
I've heard quite enough.
Come in at once!
Best to take my leave.
Good night, Mary Poppins.
Good night, Jack.
Into the parlor, go on.
Go on.
Don't be too hard on 'em, sir.
They're only children,
after all.
I know they're children,
my children,
and I will deal with them
as I see fit.
- Now leave us to it.
- Yes, sir.
Not you, Mary Poppins.
In here.
Very well, sir.
You could have lost me my job.
Do you understand that?
Have you any idea
how difficult it is to find
a good position like mine
these days?
But there you all were,
tearing about like a...
And you, Mary Poppins,
I thought you were here
to look after these children.
It wasn't her doing, it was me.
No, it was us.
We thought maybe
if we talked to Mr. Frye...
he could give you more time
to save the house.
We were only trying to help.
Well, you didn't help!
I know it's been a hard year
for our family...
and I've done all I can...
to keep you all from worrying,
but I can't do this on my own.
It's too hard. I just...
I'm barely holding it together
as it is.
I can't even seem to remember
my briefcase in the morning...
and there's no more time,
we're about to lose our home...
and I can't lose this house.
I just can't.
I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry,
I don't know what to do.
Everything's fallen to pieces
since your mother...
Haven't we lost enough already?
We haven't lost Mother.
Not really.
Nothing's gone
forever, only out of place
So when we need her touch
and loving gaze
"Gone but not forgotten"
is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star
that she makes glow
Trust she's always there
Watching as we grow
Find her in the place
Where the lost things go
When did you all get so clever?
Last night,
Mary Poppins told us...
I hope I'm as clever as you
when I grow up.
You're right.
Of course, you're right,
Your mother's not gone.
She's in your smile.
And in your walk, John...
and Annabel's eyes.
And she'll always be with us
wherever we go.
Love you.
Now, run along, wash your
hands, get ready for dinner.
Did you have something
to do with them
trying to save the house?
I never said a word.
It was all the children's idea.
The whole time
I've been looking after them,
they've been looking after me.
I had it all backward.
A Banks family trait.
What was I thinking?
Some people think
a great deal too much.
Of that I'm certain.
Here, Jane.
Let me help you with that.
Oh, thank you.
No luck?
We can look through
everything again if you like.
No. No, there's no point.
It's nearly midnight.
We tried our best, but
thank you, Jack, so much...
and thanks to all your friends
Of course.
Anything for you.
We'll be out in a moment.
the last of their things
Well done, everyone.
All right, have you got Gillie?
Yes, Father.
Good, good.
Good riddance
to that old kitchen.
Never could figure out
that stove.
All right, well...
we've spent every last moment
that we can here.
It's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, old friend!
Goodbye, old friend!
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Hello, Willoughby.
- Miss Lark. Admiral.
What are you all
doing here so late?
We've been Waitin'
to see you off, sir.
We'd be here no matter
what the hour.
If you or your family
should ever need
a place to stay...
Willoughby and I would be
happy for the company.
That's very kind of you,
Miss Lark.
Jane's offered to put us up
in her flat...
at least for the time being.
No, forever,
for as long as you'd like.
I wish you'd come
with us, Ellen.
Oh, don't you worry about me.
I got a nice room fixed up
at my sister's.
You won't leave us,
will you, Mary Poppins?
Oh, don't be silly.
She says she's not leaving
until the door opens.
In any case,
your home is with us.
I'm pleased she got caught
on your string, Georgie.
My kite!
I forgot my kite!
Very well,
but be quick about it.
The Admiral's got something
he would like to give you,
Mr. Banks, sir.
The H. M. S. Glad Tidings,
I commanded her myself.
May she guide you
safely into port.
Thank you very much, Admiral.
I will take
very good care of her.
Eight bells, Mr. Binnacle,
time to man our posts!
Yes, sir.
Goodbye, Mr. Banks, sir.
- Bye. Bye.
- Goodbye, Binnacle.
- I found it!
- Bye, Miss Lark.
Bye, Willoughby.
Oh, I'm not sure that's gonna
get off the ground anymore.
It looks more glue than kite.
did you patch this up
with one of my old drawings?
It looks like you've done
a fine job, there.
Can you see?
That's all of us together...
in front of the, uh...
- What is it, Father?
- Wait.
"Certificate of shares"!
This is it. This is what
we've been looking for!
Yes! Yes!
We need to get to the bank!
What's the time? Anyone?
Um, seven minutes to midnight.
Seven minutes?
It's not enough time.
We need to be at the bank
by midnight.
- Take the van.
- No, it's no good.
You still wouldn't
make it in time.
- Well, what can we do?
- Oh...
We can't turn back time.
Why not?
Everything is possible.
Even the impossible.
Can we do that, Mary Poppins?
Can we turn back time?
Well, I don't see why
that couldn't be arranged.
But that's ridiculous.
Indeed it is, Michael.
It's nonsense.
It makes no sense!
And if it makes no sense...
It can't be true!
What are you all talking about?
Never you mind about that.
You just get that kite
to the bank...
as fast as possible,
and leave the rest to us.
- How will you...
- Go!
Now, we'll need
a lot of help, Jack.
Good as done!
- Go and gather the leeries!
- Right.
Children, help me
ready the bicycle.
I'll take the reins this time.
Speed is of the essence.
Have you ever ridden
a bicycle like this before?
Oh, please. How different can
it be from riding an elephant?
Ready, and up!
Now, all we have to do
is turn back time.
This is fun!
A very good week's work,
Thank you, sir.
It look as if Banks won't be
joining us tonight.
He does have
a few more minutes, sir.
You said you'd wait until
the last stroke of midnight.
Yes, I know that!
So we wait.
I'm a man of my word.
How much time do we have?
Um, there's only
five minutes left, I think.
Good. Now over
to the tower, boys!
Sorry, this is as far as you go.
Back in a flash.
- Come on!
- Come on, lads!
- Ladder!
- Ladder!
LEERIE 23 Ladder!
LEERIE 33 Ladder!
No, I can't watch!
I mean, you would think
they'd never done this before.
What are we gonna do?
I've got an idea! Come on!
Jack! You can turn
the time back now!
How? I can't reach the hands!
Oh, honestly.
They better hurry.
We have less than
a minute to go.
We're too late, Jack!
There's got to be a way!
And three, two, one...
Why hasn't Big Ben chimed?
Perhaps your watch
is running fast.
Don't be a simpleton,
my watch never runs fast.
Big Ben's gone dark.
Relight the clock,
Jack, quickly.
Look. They've relit Big Ben.
But that time is wrong.
The clock must have stopped.
That's Banks.
He's made it in time!
Not yet he hasn't. Get down
there and make sure...
he doesn't get inside until
that blasted clock strikes 12.
- But, sir...
- Now, Mr. Frye!
Lock it, Mr. Frye!
Let us in, please!
Please, let us in!
JANE; Hello?
- Jane.
- What?
Let's go fly a kite.
There it is!
It's the one with the light.
The first one? Okay.
You run. I'll unspool.
Yes, quickly!
Come on!
Come on!
It won't work.
He's never gonna see it.
- Let's get in.
- Yes, let's go!
Let us in, please!
Please let us in!
We need to get inside!
- Oh, thank you!
- Thank you!
Hurry, Mr. Banks!
What is all this?
It's what
we've been looking for.
Three, two, one...
Mr. Binnacle...
Big Ben has
finally got it right.
And this goes...
at the top.
What's that?
Where did this go? Uh...
- Right there?
- No.
- No, there.
- This piece goes there.
And does it matter that
it's all cut up in bits?
It's still worth something,
is it?
It's still valid, so long as
all the pieces are there.
Is that so?
Now, Georgie, there was one
more piece, a corner piece...
with a lot of signatures on it.
Do you remember that?
I must have thrown it out.
I'm sorry, Father.
Oh, that's all right, Georgie.
No, it isn't.
I'm afraid you have
a problem, Banks.
You see,
without those signatures,
you have no bank shares...
no house...
you have nothing.
But he knows you have
the bank shares!
He's been planning this
all along!
Take your children
out of here, Banks.
I've had enough of their lies.
Don't you dare
insult my children.
Don't you dare.
They are not lying,
and you know it!
I only wish I'd believed
them sooner!
You all had him pegged right
from the start, didn't you?
Come on.
Take the house!
Go ahead.
I have everything
I need right here.
He has you there, Willie.
Uncle Dawes?
What on earth
are you doing here?
A little bird told me...
that you've been trying
out of their shares
in this bank.
That he has. We heard him.
I also hear...you've been telling
the whole of London
that I've gone loony.
The only loony thing I ever did
was trust you
to look after this bank!
You can't be serious,
I've nearly doubled
the profits of this bank.
Yes, by wringing it out of
the customers' pockets.
Their trust in us
built this bank.
You've squandered every
last bit of their goodwill.
Well, Willie...
I'm back, and you're out.
Gentlemen, would you show
my nephew to the door, please?
Yes, sir, Mr. Dawes.
Get off!
You're not fit to run this bank!
Oh, we'll see about that!
I may be circling the drain...
but I got a few steps
left in me.
So, when they
tell you that you're finished
And your chance to dance is done
That's the time to stand
To strike up the band
And tell 'em that
you've just begun
So when life's a real pea-souper
You must choose to be a trouper
For your light comes
with a lifetime guarantee
As you
With me!
Went to the bank,
rattle and clank
Met with the boss Pitch and toss
Got lost in the fog
Lump on a log
- Trip a little
- Trip a little
Trip a little light fantastic!
Light fantastic!
John, would you get
the feet off the...
- Oh, yeah.
- Thank you. Oh!
So glad to have you back,
Mr. Dawes.
Oh. Thank you, Michael.
By the way,
those shares of yours...
perfectly fine...
save 'em for your family.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
I'd like to tell you
a little story.
Once upon a time...
there was a man
with a wooden leg...
That's not it.
named Michael.
Michael wanted to give his
tuppence to a bird lady...
but after
a little persuasion, hmm?
He decided he'd give 'em
to his father.
Michael's father,
your grandfather...
gave those tuppence
to this bank...
and told us to guard it well.
We did just that.
And after several quite
clever investments...
if I do say so myself...
that tuppence has grown
into quite a tidy sum.
Really, Michael.
In fact, enough
to pay off that loan you took.
The house is yours.
What a beautiful
day to be going back home.
Look at them
lovely cherry blossoms.
They're lovely.
I shall have to paint them.
What about you, Jane?
What about me?
He means what about you
and that handsome
lamplighter, Jack?
No! No, we're just friends.
- Oh, go on.
- Really.
Stop it, Ellen!
What's this?
The Spring Fair, it's today!
Can we go?
I don't see why not.
Come on, Father, let's go!
Will you go on
the Ferris wheel with us?
And you too, Jane!
Only if you come with me, Ellen.
What? Wouldn't be
caught dead on that thing.
Follow me! Follow me!
All right, all right.
My turn, my turn.
- Let's see it.
- I've got it.
Come ride the Ferris wheel!
Come ride the Ferris wheel!
- Georgie!
- Georgie!
- Slow down!
- Race you!
Look at the Ferris wheel!
The ponies!
Life's a balloon
that tumbles or rises
Depending on what is inside
Fill it with hope
and playful surprises
And, oh, dearie ducks,
then you're in for a ride
Look inside the balloon
And if you hear a tune
There's nowhere to go but up
May we have balloons?
Yes, of course, we can.
Let's go.
Choose the secret we know
Before life makes us grow
There's nowhere to go but up
Hello, we would like
some of your
very finest balloons, please.
That you shall have.
But choose carefully,
my dearie ducks.
Many have chosen
the wrong balloon.
Be sure to choose the one
that's right for you.
Which balloon
would you like, Georgie?
- Um...
- Why don't you go first, sir?
Those days are long behind me.
I don't think I've held
a balloon since I was a child.
Then you've forgotten
what it's like.
To hold a balloon?
To be a child!
If your selection feels right
Well, then, dearie, hold tight
if you see your reflection
your heart will take flight
If you pick the right string
Then your heart will take wing
And there's nowhere to go but up
Now I feel like
that boy with a shiny new toy
And there's nowhere to go but up
Just one day at the fair
has me Waltzing on air
And there's nowhere to go but up
Jane, I remember!
It's all true!
Every impossible thing we
imagined with Mary Poppins...
it all happened!
Now my heart is so light
That I think I just might
Start feeding the birds
and then go fly a kite!
With your head in a cloud
Only laughter's allowed
And there's nowhere to go
but up!
You've got to choose
your own balloons.
What balloon
are you going to have?
This one.
I'm going in the air!
We're zigging and zagging
Our feet never dragging
We might take a ride to the Moon
All this bobbing and weaving
all comes from believing
The magic inside the balloon
The past is the past
It lives on as history
And that's an important thing
The future comes fast
Each second a mystery
For nobody knows
what tomorrow may bring
This one looks like you.
How do you know?
Don't you lose her, son!
I won't, sir!
Up here in the blue
It's a marvelous view!
Side by side
is the best way to fly
Once I just looked above
but now I am part of
The lovely London sky!
Would you like to try
one yourself, sir?
Well, I'll give it a go.
All right, love.
Choose carefully.
Well, nowhere to go but up.
When the clouds make a muss
Well, I won't make a fuss
But I'll polish the stars
Ellen, better let us!
Give a lift to a foe
For you reap what you sow
And there's
nowhere to go but up!
I've set sail!
Chart a course, Mr. Binnacle!
That I Will, sir!
If your day's up the spout
Well, there isn't a doubt
There's nowhere to go but up
And if you don't believe
Just hang onto my sleeve
For there's nowhere to go but up
As you fly over town
It gets harder to frown
And We'll all hit the heights
If we never look down
Let the past take a bow
The forever is now
And there's nowhere
to go but up, up!
There's nowhere to go but up
Of course, the grown-ups
will all forget by tomorrow.
They always do.
Only one balloon left,
Mary Poppins.
I think it must be yours.
Yes, I suppose it must.
Practically perfect
in every way.
Welcome home, everyone.
It's nice to be back, isn't it?
It is, it's so nice.
I never thought I'd feel
this much joy and wonder
ever again.
I thought that door
was closed to me forever.
Come on, let's go!
Race you up the stairs!
No fair, you got a head start.
Oh, wait for me.
It's time.
She's gone, hasn't she, Michael?
Thank you, Mary Poppins.
Good bye.
I won't forget, Mary Poppins.
So hold on tight
to those you love
And maybe soon from up above
You'll be blessed,
so keep on looking high
While you're underneath
the lovely London
If your day's up the spout
Well, there isn't a doubt
There's nowhere to go but up
And if you don't believe
Just hang onto my sleeve
For there's nowhere to go but up
As you fly over town
It gets harder to frown
And We'll all hit the heights
If we never look down
Let the past take a bow
The forever is now
And there's nowhere to go
but up, up!
There's nowhere to go but up
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"Mary Poppins Returns" Scripts.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Mar. 2025. <https://www.scripts.com/script/mary_poppins_returns_24184>.
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