The Guns of Navarone
- Year:
- 1961
- 158 min
00:04 Must have been delayed, sir.00:
00:05 It will be here in a moment.00:
00:07 Yeah.00:
00:16 (vehicle approaching) Major franklin?00:
00:28 That's right.00:
00:30 My name is baker.00:
00:31 Sorry I was delayed. come along.00:
00:33 It's been so comfortable I hate to leave.00:
00:40 When you're all quite ready.00:
01:01 Charming.00:
01:03 Just like an english country hotel.00:
01:05 Where does everybody else sleep?00:
01:07 Nobody sleeps.00:
01:08 We've got homework to do.00:
01:10 Oh, if you insist, major.00:
01:14 What are you doing, friend?00:
01:15 Looking for dust?00:
01:17 No, friend. microphones.00:
01:18 This is the british army post.00:
01:20 Don't you trust anyone?00:
01:21 No. that is why I have lived so long.00:
01:24 stavrou is colonel stavrou of the greek 19th motorized regiment.00:
01:29 In other words, he outranks us all.00:
01:32 It is of no moment.00:
01:32 ..00:
01:35 For the time being.00:
01:37 I beg your pardon, colonel.00:
01:39 Andrea.00:
01:40 Oh, uh, please continue.00:
01:42 Right. if you're ready, corporal.00:
01:44 Oh, yes, sir.00:
01:46 Ready, sir.00:
01:47 Ready, willing, and able, sir.00:
01:49 Champing at the very bit.00:
01:50 Captain mallory and andrea are responsible for getting us to where we're going.00:
01:56 I'm going to tell you where that is and why we're going there.00:
01:59 That is, if you really want to know, professor.00:
02:02 I'm all ears, sir.00:
02:05 Franklin: We have to avoid the coast road.00:
02:07 alexis where some of the resistance people from the town of mandrakos will come and meet us.00:
02:17 Any questions?00:
02:19 I have an alternate route to that place.00:
02:22 May I borrow your pencil, please?00:
02:27 Does the major think this is possible?00:
02:31 I see.00:
02:32 That's a thought, isn't it?00:
02:33 Franklin: Well, let's reexamine the plan and see if we have any alternative.00:
02:42 Watch out!00:
02:43 (screaming) Avris! avris!00:
02:45 How long do you think he's been out there?00:
02:48 I heard something about ten minutes ago.00:
02:51 I thought my ears were playing tricks.00:
02:53 Then I heard it again.00:
02:54 Brown, get major baker.00:
02:57 Well, what's your name?00:
02:59 What are you doing here?00:
03:01 The major asked you a question.00:
03:03 Answer the major.00:
03:04 Unrer mepa a vagfor aarashe ..00:
03:09 Sounds like kurdish.00:
03:10 I don't understand.00:
03:12 I'll try greek.00:
03:13 Meelas anglica?00:
03:15 Meelas anglica?00:
03:16 (speaking Kurdish) Translation, sir, please.00:
03:22 Andrea: He doesn't speak english.00:
03:24 Why was he listening?00:
03:28 What are you doing to that man?00:
03:30 Do you know him?00:
03:31 That's nicolai, our laundry boy.00:
03:32 Is he the reason I've been disturbed?00:
03:34 Does his job involve listening at keyholes?00:
03:38 I don't believe it.00:
03:40 We caught him at it.00:
03:41 It's just curiosity.00:
03:43 He doesn't speak english.00:
03:44 Then why did he listen and why did he try and stab this man?00:
03:47 I presume he was trying to defend himself.00:
03:49 In this part of the world carrying a knife doesn't mark a man as a criminal.00:
03:55 You there, let him go.00:
03:57 Major baker, arrest this man and hold him incommunicado for a week.00:
04:01 After that, my advice is you kick him out of castelrosso.00:
04:05 Just who are you to give me advice, major?00:
04:09 Then I'm asking you as a favor.00:
04:13 I'll consider it.00:
04:15 All this cloak-and-dagger stuff.00:
04:17 Let him go!00:
04:18 Pappadimos, have you got your silencer?00:
04:20 Yes, sir.00:
04:21 Shoot the laundry boy.00:
04:23 Are you crazy?00:
04:24 And if the major gets in your way shoot him too.00:
04:27 That's an order.00:
04:38 Captain, this man's insane.00:
04:40 You won't let him do this.00:
04:42 I can't stop him.00:
04:43 He's in charge and anyway, I agree with him.00:
04:45 He doesn't have to shoot you.00:
04:47 He just has to call our h.q.00:
04:49 And you'll be on the first troopship home as a private.00:
04:55 Unless you give him your word that you'll do exactly as he says.00:
05:07 All right.00:
05:09 If it means that much to you, you have my word.00:
05:12 Take him, sergeant.00:
05:17 Stupid theatricals.00:
05:19 You're entitled to your opinion but I just saved your life.00:
05:45 I'm desperately sorry, gentlemen.00:
05:48 Really I am.00:
05:49 It's embarrassing.00:
05:51 Well, just look at it.00:
05:52 Mallory: No. it's exactly what we want.00:
05:54 I know you wanted a boat that no one would notice but that's a disgrace.00:
05:58 Now, look here. just give me 36 hours.00:
06:01 I know where I can get a perfect german e-boat.00:
06:06 I promise you, only one careful owner.00:
06:08 I'll pop over to rhodes and get it.00:
06:11 won't the germans have something to say?00:
06:14 If they knew.00:
06:15 But I've got some very good connections over there.00:
06:18 What do you say?00:
06:20 No, thanks. we can't wait.00:
06:21 I'll get a couple of my chaps to help you with your gear.00:
06:26 No. that's all right.00:
06:28 Right. I get it.00:
06:29 Special cargo and all that, what?00:
06:41 Brown?00:
06:42 Yes, sir?00:
06:43 What do you think?00:
06:44 Well, she's a bit of a monster, sir but I think I've got her worried.00:
06:54 Comfortable, professor?00:
06:56 Yes, thank you.00:
06:57 The boys have almost finished.00:
07:00 .. permission to speak.00:
07:02 What about?00:
07:03 Well, the condition of this vessel.00:
07:06 Talk to captain mallory about that.00:
07:08 He's in charge of transportation.00:
07:10 Very good, sir.00:
07:12 Sir, I've inspected this boat and I think you ought to know that I can't swim.00:
07:18 I'll keep it in mind.00:
07:38 Dead on 10:00, sir.00:
07:44 Man: Hello, lucky.00:
07:46 Hello, Lucky.00:
07:48 Report my signal.00:
07:50 Report my signal.00:
07:51 Hello, george mike william.00:
07:53 Hello, george mike william.00:
07:55 Strength three, strength three. over.00:
07:58 Hello, Lucky.00:
07:58 High Flight reports indians on warpath in your territory so please be careful.00:
08:04 Also, severe storms expected throughout your area tonight.00:
08:09 Repeat:..00:
08:36 Hey.00:
09:29 (whistles) Ship ahoy!00:
09:40 Go on working.00:
09:41 They'll have glasses.00:
10:37 German: Lower your sails!00:
10:40 Eh?00:
10:41 Lower your sails!00:
10:44 We are coming aboard.00:
10:48 Ti lei ton katalavni kanis?00:
10:55 Ton katalavni kanis?00:
10:59 Me sinhurite then milo jermanica ti thelete!00:
11:04 Statatste to kai ki amesos!00:
11:07 Andaxi.00:
11:10 Andaxi.00:
11:11 ..00:
11:15 Cataveste ta pania.00:
11:28 German: Bereight zu borden.00:
12:03 Steh auf!00:
12:08 Steh auf!00:
12:11 Anixe.00:
12:52 ..ah!00:
14:04 (thunder crashing) (wind howling) It's knee-deep in the hold but I should think we'll manage.00:
15:03 You want a breather?00:
15:04 Wouldn't mind.00:
15:13 Funny the way that german officer kept speaking english to us back there.00:
15:17 Almost as if he knew who we were.00:
15:21 I've had the same thought.00:
15:23 I think our friend baker may have some explaining to do.00:
15:28 I shouldn't have done it.00:
15:30 What's that?00:
15:31 Dragged you into this.00:
15:32 I'm sorry.00:
15:34 Forget it.00:
15:34 I was getting tired of crete food anyway.00:
15:38 No. I'm stupid sometimes.00:
15:39 Even when I was a kid I always took it for granted people wanted to play the games I liked.00:
15:45 Then I'd get furious when they didn't.00:
15:47 Well, now they have to so why worry?00:
15:52 (wind howling) Hot coffee.00:
16:16 Oh, that's good.00:
16:25 Sorry, captain.00:
16:26 There's a serious shortage of cups aboard this ship.00:
16:30 Remember I did point out certain deficiencies in this vessel.00:
16:34 I remember.00:
16:40 Thanks.00:
16:41 My pleasure.00:
16:44 Any time you want another little chat, sir-- about this boat, I mean-- I'm available.00:
16:50 All right.00:
16:55 And I still can't swim.00:
17:05 Don't mind him.00:
17:05 He doesn't mean anything.00:
17:07 I don't mind him as much as he seems to mind me.00:
17:14 Have you been together long?00:
17:16 Since the beginning out here.00:
17:17 He's the best friend I have in this part of the world.00:
17:26 That's a pretty good partner you've got there yourself.00:
17:31 Yes.00:
17:35 We've been together for a long time too.00:
17:38 You're lucky.00:
17:44 He's going to kill me when the war is over.00:
17:50 You're not serious.00:
17:52 Yes, I am.00:
17:53 So is he.00:
18:02 About a year ago I gave a german patrol a safe conduct to get some wounded into hospital.00:
18:09 I had some romantic notions in those days about fighting a civilized war.00:
18:14 Anyway, they wanted andrea pretty badly even then.00:
18:18 They shot their casualties went over to his house and blew it up.00:
18:22 He was out o the time but his wife and three children were in the house.00:
18:29 They were all killed.00:
18:33 I helped him to bury them.00:
18:35 He didn't say a word to me-- never looked at me-- but after it was over, he turned to me ..00:
18:44 It wasn't the germans who were responsible but me-- me and my stupid anglo-saxon decency.00:
18:55 Then he told me what he was going to do and when.00:
19:00 Do you think he still means to do it?00:
19:05 He's from crete.00:
19:07 Those people don't make idle threats.00:
19:13 When I thought I was getting leave .. I was going to ask for transfer to another area.00:
19:18 Some time to think, get ready for him.00:
19:22 And I messed that up.00:
19:25 I'm sorry.00:
19:26 That's all right.00:
19:28 It's going to be a long war.00:
19:31 What makes you sure he's going to wait that long?00:
19:34 Well, I'm not.00:
19:37 Not if he gets the right opportunity.00:
19:43 What I'm banking on is that right now all he wants to do is to kill germans.00:
19:47 As long as I can be useful to him in that department ..00:
19:56 I hope.00:
19:58 That's nice of him.00:
20:01 Well, I can see his point.00:
20:05 The only way to win a war is to be just as nasty as the enemy.00:
20:09 One thing that worries me is that we're liable to wake up one morning and find out we're even nastier than they are.00:
20:14 Can't say that worries me.00:
20:16 Well, you're lucky.00:
20:29 Think I'd better have a look at the hold.00:
20:33 Before miller tells me to.00:
21:15 (glass breaking) (creaking) (wind howling) (bird squawking) (clanking) (speaking German) Help!00:
35:50 Well, we've saved the explosives the guns, and most of the ammunition.00:
35:58 I'm afraid we've lost the food and the medical supplies but if we make our rendezvous alexis they should be able to supply us with both.00:
36:07 Let's get out of this place as quickly as we can.00:
36:11 Pappadimos and miller you'll have the first shift with the stretcher.00:
36:16 You're officially taking command of this team, sir?00:
36:22 Yes, I suppose I am. why?00:
36:23 Just for the record.00:
36:44 This afternoon on the boat, you fumbled your job.00:
36:50 How did that happen?00:
36:54 I don't know, sir.00:
36:57 But the man was a foot away from you with his back turned.00:
36:59 You only wounded him.00:
37:01 How could you miss?00:
37:04 I must have hesitated, sir.00:
37:07 You hesitated?00:
37:09 A man of your experience?00:
37:12 The butcher of barcelona?00:
37:14 How could you hesitate?00:
37:18 Well, I was tired.00:
37:21 I'm tired and I'm fed up.00:
37:23 I've been fighting this war a long time.00:
37:26 I've been killing germans since 1937.00:
37:28 There's no end to them.00:
37:30 You shoot a man at 200 yards, he's just a moving target.00:
37:33 You kill him with a knife-- you're close enough to smell him.00:
37:39 I smell them in my sleep.00:
37:42 After the last time out I made a kind of pact with myself.00:
37:44 I'd do my job, but I wouldn't do the other anymore.00:
37:49 Not if I could help it.00:
37:52 And who gave you the right to make a private peace?00:
37:56 You think you're the only one who's tired?00:
38:00 I do my job, sir.00:
38:01 Your job is to kill enemy soldiers.00:
38:12 (radio buzzing) (continuous buzz) .. a code word.00:
38:43 If we don't answer it, there will be a patrol here in no time.00:
38:46 (man speaking German) Ja?00:
38:51 Wo zum teufel bist du denn geblieben.00:
38:54 Es ist schon funf nach zwei.00:
38:56 miene uhr muss zu langsam gehen.00:
39:00 Dann reguliert, du idiot.00:
39:02 Ja, Ja.00:
39:04 Alles in ordnung?00:
39:05 Ja, ja, alles in ordnung.00:
39:08 Bleibt wacht.00:
39:09 Ja wohl.00:
39:12 Wird gemacht.00:
39:18 Let's pack the gear and get out of here.00:
39:22 (alarm ringing) Let's go.00:
39:50 Well?00:
39:54 The major's leg is broken in two places.00:
39:57 For all we know, he's hurt inside too.00:
39:59 He needs proper medical attention.00:
40:01 What do you suggest?00:
40:02 If we leave him here the germans will take care of him.00:
40:05 If he doesn't get sulfanilamide for his leg he doesn't stand a chance.00:
40:10 so do i.00:
40:13 We have two choices.00:
40:14 Take him with us, and if he doesn't get help soon, he'll die or we can leave him here and he'll tell the germans everything.00:
40:23 Roy? never.00:
40:25 He might not be able to help himself.00:
40:27 They have other drugs besides sulfa.00:
40:30 All they have to do is shoot him with scopolamine and he'll tell them our whole plan, in detail.00:
40:36 There is, of course, a third choice.00:
40:39 better for him, better for us.00:
40:43 You take that man along you endanger us all.00:
40:45 Why don't we just drop him off the cliff and save a bullet?00:
40:48 And why don't you shut up?00:
40:51 Yes, there's a third choice.00:
40:54 We'll make it if necessary when it's necessary and not before.00:
41:03 Now let's get moving.00:
41:05 Brown, from now on your job is to look after major franklin.00:
41:12 I said move!00:
42:22 Good morning.00:
42:26 I'm sorry.00:
42:27 Don't be silly.00:
42:29 It's just bad luck.00:
42:31 Well, what do we do now?00:
42:34 Where are we?00:
42:36 We're on our way.00:
42:37 I'm going to hold you up.00:
42:39 No, you won't.00:
42:40 Anyway, the professor here won the toss.00:
42:44 He's just dying to carry you aren't you, professor?00:
42:46 That's right.00:
42:47 You're nowhere near as heavy as I thought you were.00:
42:50 You've got to leave me.00:
42:54 You're out of your mind.00:
42:57 It's radio time.00:
42:58 Franklin: Well, it's all on your plate now.00:
43:04 You'll never be able to thank me enough will you?00:
43:08 I wanted the job all the time.00:
43:35 Jensen: Hello, lucky.00:
43:37 Hello, Lucky.00:
43:39 Report my signals.00:
43:40 Hello, george mike william.00:
43:42 Hello, george mike william.00:
43:42 Strength four. strength four. over.00:
43:45 Hello, Lucky. This is most urgent.00:
43:49 Paddington Station will close at midnight x minus one.00:
43:53 Do you understand?00:
43:54 X minus one. Over.00:
43:57 We've lost a full day.00:
44:00 Germans are going to hit kheros a day ahead of time.00:
44:06 Gives us until midnight the day after tomorrow.00:
44:10 (whistling) Message understood. message understood.00:
44:14 Over and out.00:
44:24 (whistling) I'd like to be alone with the major.00:
45:35 Roy, that was foolish.00:
45:40 You almost ruined everything.00:
45:41 We've just heard from headquarters.00:
45:42 We're canceled out.00:
45:46 Scrubbed.00:
45:48 What?00:
45:48 They're going for an amphibious landing the day after tomorrow on the east coast.00:
45:58 The turkish side.00:
46:00 Turkish side?00:
46:01 And they're coming in force.00:
46:04 As far as we're concerned, the pressure's off.00:
46:07 All we have to do is just make as much trouble as we can.00:
46:11 By tonight, we'll have you in the hands of the underground.00:
46:15 We'll have you taken care of.00:
46:24 If you try this again I'll have andrea break your other leg.00:
46:37 Man: Aufs gelaende verteilen.00:
46:53 Good luck.00:
46:54 Do not worry.00:
46:55 I shall see you tonight at st. alexis.00:
47:24 (whistle blows) ...Absehweiten.00:
47:33 (whistle blows) Schnell! feuer!00:
49:00 Good evening, gentlemen.00:
49:05 Obviously, this place has been used before.00:
49:10 Any food around?00:
49:14 .. no.00:
49:17 Weren't you a little careless just now?00:
49:18 We might have been anyone.00:
49:21 Oh, no, no.00:
49:21 I heard you coming five minutes ago.00:
49:31 ..00:
49:33 No!00:
49:39 Mallory: Pappadimos.00:
49:40 It's time to relieve andrea.00:
49:42 I'll take it.00:
49:45 No.00:
49:49 Pappadimos, you go.00:
50:32 (crackling) Maybe he brought us some food.00:
50:58 Hold it. he might be faking.00:
51:09 Saved.00:
51:17 Woman: Don't move!00:
51:21 Raise your hands!00:
51:24 Raise your hands high!00:
51:26 All of you!00:
51:29 You with the food.00:
51:31 Speak.00:
51:33 Ich bich ein deutches soldat.00:
51:38 You are not germans.00:
51:42 Which of you is major franklin?00:
51:45 The man on the stretcher.00:
51:47 Who are you?00:
51:48 My name is maria pappadimos.00:
51:53 You may put your hands down.00:
52:03 Pappadimos?00:
52:05 They told us pappadimos was a man.00:
52:08 My father.00:
52:08 He was taken two days ago.00:
52:10 He was taken?00:
52:12 He told them nothing.00:
52:14 He will die first.00:
52:16 You have any sisters or brothers?00:
52:18 A brother spyro in america.00:
52:24 Oh, he's not as far away as all that.00:
52:27 He's that handsome devil right over there.00:
52:39 Spyro.00:
52:44 What did you do that for?00:
52:45 To remind you to write letters occasionally.00:
52:48 There's a war on.00:
52:50 I mean before the war.00:
52:52 I promised myself I would do this the first time I ever saw you again.00:
52:58 .. I'm sorry, brother.00:
53:07 (woman moaning) Which of you did this?00:
53:19 ..00:
53:21 It was me.00:
53:24 Who is she?00:
53:25 She's my friend anna.00:
53:26 She's one of us.00:
53:27 It's bad that this happened to her.00:
53:31 Before the germans came she was a schoolteacher in mandrakos.00:
53:35 Last year she was caught.00:
53:37 They tortured her to make her betray us.00:
53:39 They whipped her until her bones showed.00:
53:43 Some nights we could hear her screaming.00:
53:46 Then they took her to the fortress and kept her there for six months.00:
53:51 When they let her go she could not speak.00:
53:57 She has never spoken since.00:
53:59 Not even in her dreams.00:
54:01 Even I have never been allowed to see the scars on her back.00:
54:06 But she's a good fighter-- as good as any of you.00:
54:09 Like a ghost, she goes anywhere.00:
54:11 She got us these guns.00:
54:12 She kills without mercy.00:
54:15 You're very lucky, brother.00:
54:24 (gasps) No!00:
54:26 No, they're the friends.00:
54:28 Ourfriends.00:
54:32 (speaking Greek) (gunfire in distance) (bell ringing) Halte!00:
55:32 Zwei in ie kirsche.00:
55:33 Zwei rechts.00:
55:34 Zwei voraus.00:
55:36 (playing Greek music) Abeteilung halte!00:
55:52 Drei rechts.00:
55:54 Drei links.00:
55:56 Abeteilung weiter.00:
56:37 It's gangrene, sir.00:
56:39 If the major's leg doesn't come off he's going to die.00:
56:43 Does he know?00:
56:44 I don't think so.00:
56:52 Sir?00:
56:55 Pardon me, but this is the first chance I've had to talk to you alone.00:
56:59 I don't want to be left out anymore.00:
57:01 I just want to be part of the team again.00:
57:04 Please give me a chance.00:
57:06 You can trust me.00:
57:08 I'll think it over.00:
57:15 That's gangrene.00:
57:16 What choice do we have now, captain?00:
57:18 Who relieved you?00:
57:19 She did.00:
57:20 In future will you take orders only from me?00:
57:22 Yes, sir. I asked you a question,sir.00:
57:24 And I heard you, corporal.00:
57:28 Get yourself something to eat.00:
57:30 That's an order.00:
57:32 Thank you, sir.00:
57:39 There's a lot of activity down there.00:
57:42 I can hear it.00:
57:44 Oh, they're turning mandrakos inside out.00:
57:47 As soon as they move out, we're going to move in.00:
57:50 We're going to get you to a doctor.00:
57:52 .. you are doing well.00:
57:57 Brown is a liar, and so are you.00:
58:00 I haven't lost my sense of smell, you know.00:
58:03 I just hope the doctor's a good surgeon.00:
58:07 (chuckling) I wonder what old jensen would say.00:
58:12 My luck seems to have changed, hasn't it?00:
58:16 I don't suppose I'll ever be a general now.00:
58:30 ..00:
58:32 He's not a bad fellow.00:
58:34 No, not bad at all.00:
58:36 (plane engine revving) Mallory: Are you sure there's a tunnel out of that ravine?00:
59:12 Yes. they'll never find us there.00:
59:14 They found us here.00:
59:15 Let's go! let's go!00:
59:26 Man: Feuer!00:
59:27 (mortar shells exploding) Keratathes!01:
00:53 Oh, excuse me.01:
00:54 Tipota.01:
00:56 Where is this tunnel?01:
00:58 Up here, sir.01:
01:40 Where does this lead to?01:
01:42 We'll come out just behind mandrakos.01:
01:47 All right.01:
01:48 Let's keep going.01:
02:03 Anna?01:
02:05 Anna!01:
02:12 You're limping.01:
02:14 Are you hurt?01:
02:15 You need help?01:
02:28 (Greek music playing) (whistling to music) Thank you, old bean.01:
04:09 Get off your behinds.01:
04:20 Do you think there's a fire escape here?01:
04:27 Man: Macht auf!01:
05:44 (music ends) (applauding) (speaking Greek) Ach komm hier ist koinplatz.01:
06:19 ..01:
06:27 Yalo, yalo.01:
06:39 ♪♪Ees ton afron ees ton afron thalassas♪♪01:
06:44 ♪♪es ayapee moo ee ayapee moo keematai♪♪01:
06:50 ♪♪parakalo sas keemata♪♪01:
06:55 ♪♪mee moo♪♪01:
06:56 ♪♪teem xeepnate♪♪01:
06:59 Everyone: ♪♪Yalo, yalo♪♪01:
07:01 ♪♪peeyaname♪♪01:
07:04 ♪♪ki olo te ithia leyame♪♪01:
07:08 ..♪♪01:
07:11 these are fine people.01:
07:13 ♪♪Ya loya moo♪♪01:
07:15 ♪♪na theemethees♪♪01:
07:21 ♪♪na hamilo nahamilonan ta voona ♪♪01:
07:26 ♪♪navlepa teen♪♪01:
07:28 ♪♪navlepa teen annoola♪♪01:
07:31 ♪♪navlepa to spita♪♪01:
07:35 ♪♪ki moo nas prizee♪♪01:
07:37 ♪♪stee vahoula♪♪01:
07:40 Everyone: ♪♪Yalo, yalo♪♪01:
07:43 ♪♪peeyaname♪♪01:
07:45 ♪♪ki olo te ithia♪♪01:
07:48 ♪♪leayma♪♪01:
07:49 ♪♪yalo na pas♪♪01:
07:51 ♪♪yalo narthees♪♪01:
07:53 ..♪♪01:
08:00 (singing dies out) Solider: Give up quietly, gentlemen unless you want a great many innocent people killed as well as yourselves.01:
08:48 Bleiben sie vor der tur.01:
08:52 Turn around, please.01:
08:57 Captain mallory, my congratulations.01:
08:59 You've made a remarkable effort.01:
09:02 Unfortunately for you it was doomed from the beginning.01:
09:05 Will you tell me where you've hidden your explosives?01:
09:09 No.01:
09:10 As your commanding officer captain mallory must play a heroic role.01:
09:13 You needn't carry such a burden.01:
09:16 You've all suffered a great deal.01:
09:18 Why prolong that suffering?01:
09:20 For you the war is over.01:
09:23 ..01:
09:25 A captain in the s.s.01:
09:28 His methods, quite frankly, are most severe.01:
09:33 Therefore, you must be considered as spies and you all know the penalty for espionage.01:
09:38 If any one of you has the courage and intelligence to tell me where the explosives are I promise you will not only save your own life but the lives of your comrades.01:
09:51 This will be your only chance, gentlemen.01:
09:54 I do advise you to take it.01:
09:56 ..01:
09:57 Please, sir, I am no spy.01:
09:59 I am not one of them.01:
10:00 ..01:
10:02 Lassen sie.01:
10:07 Go on.01:
10:09 ..01:
10:11 .. I'm just a poor fisherman.01:
10:15 ..01:
10:16 They killed my sailors and stole my boat.01:
10:19 They forced me to join them.01:
10:22 Sir, I am their prisoner.01:
10:24 Where did you learn your english, fisherman?01:
10:26 In cyprus, sir.01:
10:29 I swear to you it's true.01:
10:31 ..01:
10:34 Colonelstavrou?01:
10:37 Oh, no. no, sir.01:
10:38 My name is nondos salloonius.01:
10:40 As I told you, I'm a fisherman from cyprus.01:
10:46 Then how did you happen to wear a shoulder holster?01:
10:49 ..01:
10:52 They forced me to wear it and made it a kind of joke.01:
10:57 And where are the explosives?01:
10:59 ..01:
11:01 I would tell you if I knew ..01:
11:05 See, they didn't say.01:
11:08 ..01:
11:09 They don't trust me.01:
11:11 I don't blame them.01:
11:25 The commandant will telephone you shortly to congratulate you, muesel.01:
11:29 Thank you.01:
11:30 I've questioned them about the explosives but they refused to answer.01:
11:33 The greek claims that he is not one of them.01:
11:37 Gehen sie.01:
11:38 You are not of this company, you say?01:
11:41 Oh, no, sir.01:
11:42 No, sir, I am not.01:
11:43 You are a liar.01:
11:48 ..01:
11:49 A liar.01:
11:54 Come, come. that didn't hurt.01:
11:56 Where are the explosives?01:
11:58 I don't know, your excellency.01:
11:59 Your excellency I swear I do not know.01:
12:03 I am not one of these men.01:
12:04 They forced me to join them.01:
12:06 As I explained ..01:
12:09 I'm just a poor fisherman from cyprus.01:
12:15 ..01:
12:17 Nondos salloonius.01:
12:19 ..01:
12:22 These men, they stole my boat and they forced me to join them.01:
12:27 ..01:
12:28 Bringen sie ihn vorwartz.01:
12:29 I am their prisoner.01:
12:48 Hauptmann sessler!01:
12:50 Halten sie ehren mund!01:
12:58 Where are the explosives?01:
13:01 I want an answer now.01:
13:02 Otherwise, I shall personally rearrange this officer's splints.01:
13:14 Very well.01:
13:16 (gasps) (gagging) ..01:
13:23 Stehen sie auf.01:
13:25 (gagging) Stehen sie auf!01:
13:27 Bevore diese verkrautzen!01:
13:28 Get up!01:
13:31 I'm sick, I'm sick.01:
13:32 Get up!01:
13:33 .. oh, I'm sick.01:
13:34 Raus.01:
13:36 Raus mitte der kerl bevore die luft verstinck.01:
13:38 (gagging loudly) I'm sick.01:
13:42 Please, I'm sick.01:
13:43 I'm sick. I'm sick.01:
13:54 Call the sentry in.01:
14:00 Wache!01:
14:07 Now, oberleutenant get on the phone.01:
14:11 Tell them that you're not to be disturbed until you give further orders.01:
14:21 ..01:
14:22 ..01:
14:25 Perfekte.01:
14:37 Whew.01:
14:37 Not very hygienic, I must say.01:
14:39 Shocking taste in undies too.01:
14:41 Oh, well.01:
14:42 Heil, everybody.01:
15:03 Well, roy we're going to leave you here.01:
15:07 I understand.01:
15:12 We're going to let them chase us around for a while.01:
15:16 But one thing that they mustn't know is about the landing tomorrow night.01:
15:23 Of course.01:
15:26 Don't worry.01:
15:31 Oh, thanks.01:
15:34 Good luck.01:
15:40 Mallory: Hold it.01:
15:42 We're going to leave major franklin behind.01:
15:48 He's a wounded officer.01:
15:51 I expect him to get proper medical attention.01:
15:53 Muesel: We don't make war on wounded men.01:
15:59 We are not all like hauptmann sessler.01:
16:04 Now, where's the camp radio station?01:
16:07 I will not tell you.01:
16:13 You wouldn't hesitate to kill me for any ..01:
16:17 But not this one.01:
16:19 In any event, I will not tell you.01:
16:38 So long, roy.01:
16:39 Good luck, keith.01:
16:45 Well, lucky, I shall miss you.01:
16:47 ..01:
16:49 You will try to be a bad patient, won't you?01:
16:52 Keep asking them for bedpans-- drives them mad.01:
16:56 I'll keep it in mind.01:
17:01 When this is over, we'll meet at simpson's.01:
17:04 You can buy me lunch-- roast beef, yorkshire pudding, nice little red wine.01:
17:08 Steak and kidney pie.01:
17:10 Anything you say.01:
17:11 You'll be paying for it.01:
17:19 ..01:
17:20 What a performance.01:
17:24 All right.01:
18:21 Well, I hope you were right to leave franklin with the germans.01:
18:48 (tires squealing) Sir?01:
19:06 Yes?01:
19:07 No, not you, sir.01:
19:08 Mr. stavrou.01:
19:10 Hmm?01:
19:11 Tell me about yourself.01:
19:14 What do you want to know?01:
19:16 Are you married?01:
19:17 I have been married.01:
19:19 My wife and children were killed.01:
19:28 Have you killed many people?01:
19:32 Only germans.01:
19:34 Oh, some italians too.01:
19:36 Captain mallory?01:
19:38 Yes.01:
19:39 You're a lucky man.01:
19:41 Yes, I know.01:
19:44 Mr. stavrou?01:
19:45 Yes?01:
19:47 I like you.01:
19:52 I like you too.01:
20:12 (bell ringing) (priests chanting) (speaking Greek) (priest speaking Greek) Yeah?01:
20:52 ..01:
20:54 Oh, baby face. who would have known you?01:
20:57 You've got to get rid of that fuzz under your nose.01:
21:00 Oh, no. I'm an officer now.01:
21:01 Sorry, old bean.01:
21:03 You picked the wrong uniform.01:
21:04 (metallic clinking) Lights out in five minutes.01:
21:10 I want you all to get as much rest as possible.01:
21:12 The first thing in the morning we've got to ditch the truck and get hold of another car.01:
21:18 Then we're going to pick up the explosives and go into navarone.01:
21:23 We've got to be inside the fortress by 10:00 tomorrow night.01:
21:27 Might one inquire how, sir?01:
21:29 We're going to walk in.01:
21:31 Simply because of this masquerade?01:
21:34 No.01:
21:37 Because I told franklin our orders had been changed.01:
21:44 We weren't after their guns anymore.01:
21:45 I told him we were just to create a diversion for a full-scale assault tomorrow night on the turkish side.01:
21:52 If my hunch is right the germans will give him scopolamine before they operate and that's what he will tell them.01:
22:00 They may not believe it but they'll be faced with the fact that he does.01:
22:06 So I'm gambling that they'll clear out of navarone take up positions on the coast.01:
22:12 Very clever.01:
22:15 But that still leaves the garrison inside the fortress and we get them out by having andrea, pappadimos, and brown start up diversions all over navarone.01:
22:29 If there's enough confusion going at the same time, the two girls will steal the fastest boat that they can find so we'll have a chance of getting out of here when this thing is over.01:
22:45 Very clever,indeed.01:
22:48 Suppose, just for the sake of argument they don't have any scopolamine?01:
22:51 What happens then?01:
22:53 Suppose they use the old-fashioned methods?01:
22:57 Suppose your ventriloquist dummy just won't talk?01:
23:01 He's a very good man.01:
23:03 He won't be easy to break.01:
23:05 He may suffer a lot before he tells them what you want him to.01:
23:08 He may even die on them and tell them nothing at all.01:
23:12 Have you considered that, captain?01:
23:17 Yes, I've considered it.01:
23:18 I'll bet you have.01:
23:23 I'll bet you'd considered that as far back as the cliff.01:
23:26 You and your three choices.01:
23:29 I'll bet that's why you ordered us to drag that poor, dying, one-legged man around with us all this time.01:
23:35 Even if he lives, he'll never be the same again.01:
23:39 Do you know what you've done?01:
23:41 You've used up an important human being.01:
23:49 Oh, I misjudged you.01:
23:50 .. you're rather a ruthless character captain mallory.01:
23:58 I didn't think of it back on the cliff.01:
24:01 ..01:
24:03 I'd have done exactly the same thing.01:
24:04 It's the only chance we've got to get the job done.01:
24:07 The hell with the job!01:
24:08 I've been on a hundred jobs.01:
24:10 Not one of them's altered the course of the war.01:
24:13 There will be 1,000 more wars until we kill each other off.01:
24:16 I don't care about the war anymore.01:
24:19 I care about roy.01:
24:20 If turkey comes in on the wrong side?01:
24:22 Let the whole bloody world come in and blow itself to pieces.01:
24:26 And what about the 2,000 men on kheros?01:
24:29 I don't know them but I do know the men on navarone.01:
24:33 miller, the man was finished when he fell.01:
24:37 That's easy for you to say, sitting there drinking coffee.01:
24:54 You know, it's funny.01:
24:55 I was grateful to you when you left him behind today.01:
24:59 I just hope before this job's over that I get the chance to use you the way you've used him.01:
25:08 I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of any other way.01:
25:15 Everybody get a good night's sleep.01:
25:17 No matter how it goes tomorrow, you're going to need it.01:
25:26 I'll take the first watch.01:
26:38 Hello.01:
26:59 Tell me, schoolteacher from a purely moral point of view bearing in mind that we represent the side of goodness and civilization do you think that what I did to franklin was a civilized thing to do?01:
28:08 (groaning) (screaming) Er ist ein verdammt schieriger bursche, herr general.01:
28:22 Was sind sie dich fuer ein vien.01:
28:26 Habt ihr scopalamin da?01:
28:27 Man: Jawohl, herr general.01:
28:28 Dann geben sie scopalamin.01:
28:30 Sie konnen gehen?01:
28:34 Jawohl, herr general.01:
28:35 Scopalamin, nichts anderes verstanden?01:
28:46 (bell ringing) Unser l.k.w. ist gusamm engebrochen.01:
29:11 Schen sie zu.01:
29:12 Ob sie ehn sofort ordnung bringen konnen.01:
29:15 Die zwie idioten dort druben sind absolut hoffnungslos am besten wares sie an die ostrefront zu schucken ich bin ein guter mechaniker, herr oberleutnant.01:
29:25 Ich werder ihnen in ordnung bringen.01:
29:28 (engine starting) Passen sie auf.01:
29:34 Hande hoch.01:
29:40 (explosions) They are burning mandrakos in punishment.01:
30:30 German soldier: Raus, raus, raus!01:
32:39 This part of the town has been evacuated because the vibration of the guns has weakened the houses.01:
33:40 Where will the attacks come?01:
33:42 Where will the attacks come?01:
33:44 On the turkish side.01:
33:46 What time?01:
33:48 Herr general, wenn sie mir nicht erabben sofort zu operiren wird dieser mann sterren.01:
33:57 (siren starts blaring) (engines starting) Is the timetable clear?01:
34:20 Any questions?01:
34:22 Good luck.01:
34:39 I won't be needing this.01:
34:40 You take it.01:
34:43 Spyro.01:
34:46 Andrea?01:
34:49 Yassu.01:
34:53 Yassu,maria.01:
34:55 Everybody stay exactly where you are.01:
34:57 The party's over.01:
35:00 Somebody stepped on the cake.01:
35:03 Exhibit "a"-- a clockwork fuse-- elementary and archaic, but they work.01:
35:08 Only this one won't work anymore.01:
35:11 Do you know why?01:
35:12 The clock's okay but the contact arm's been broken off.01:
35:14 This clock could tick until christmas and it wouldn't set off a firecracker.01:
35:21 Exhibit "b"-- exhibit "b" is missing.01:
35:24 All my slow-burning fuses are gone, disappeared, vanished.01:
35:29 Exhibit "c"-- my time pencils.01:
35:32 75 Grains of fulminated mercury in each one of them.01:
35:36 Enough to blow my hand off and very unstable.01:
35:40 Very delicate.01:
35:51 Which means that there is a traitor in this room.01:
35:53 You're crazy. it must have happened at base.01:
35:56 No, I'm not that crazy.01:
35:57 I checked it all before I left the base.01:
36:01 No, here. here.01:
36:05 Someone here.01:
36:09 But who?01:
36:12 Who?01:
36:13 There have only been two times when this stuff's been out of my sight.01:
36:16 Once was when andrea and maria took it away to hide it but it was all right when we picked it up again.01:
36:25 The only other time is when we left it in the back of the truck and all of us went to scout the gates.01:
36:30 ..01:
36:35 Except her.01:
36:38 We left her on guard in the truck, alone.01:
36:42 You are crazy, sir.01:
36:44 Let me just think for a moment.01:
36:52 Ever since we came here we've been jumping out of one frying pan into another, haven't we?01:
36:56 Just think-- we're hiding ..01:
37:01 She's up in a tree, remember?01:
37:03 Anybody can signal to an aeroplane with a piece of tin or a hand mirror and they found us there.01:
37:10 ..01:
37:12 In the tunnel, she's lagging far behind with a shocking limp.01:
37:16 Anybody seen her limping lately?01:
37:17 But being back behind us, she could leave messages so when you take roy to the doctor the germans are waiting.01:
37:25 When she takes us to her place, they come right there.01:
37:28 But she got us out.01:
37:29 That house would have been a shambles and she'd have got hers too.01:
37:34 So what does she do?01:
37:36 She disappears into the bedroom .. and to leave a note.01:
37:42 Then she takes us to the wedding party and we're caught like rats in a trap because we can't get to our guns but even if we can, it means slaughtering half the population of mandrakos.01:
37:51 Maria: You are an insane man.01:
37:55 Am i?01:
37:57 Maybe I am.01:
37:59 Nothing would surprise me anymore.01:
38:08 But we can settle this thing very easily.01:
38:10 Let's see those scars the germans made on her back.01:
38:14 Those terrible scars.01:
38:19 How about it, maria?01:
38:20 Don't you want to see those scars you've never seen?01:
38:52 Q.e.d.01:
39:12 You cannot believe?01:
39:16 Believe it.01:
39:22 It's easy to be brave when you're free when you're with your friends but I was caught.01:
39:29 The others were free, but they didn't help me.01:
39:32 ..01:
39:34 I was alone in their hands.01:
39:38 They said they would put me into their brothels.01:
39:42 They said they would torture me.01:
39:47 I saw what they did to other people.01:
39:58 I'm sorry.01:
39:59 I cannot stand pain.01:
40:06 ..01:
40:10 Why didn't you put in with us?01:
40:16 You could have come with us.01:
40:19 It was your only chance to get free of them.01:
40:22 There was never any chance.01:
40:25 You never had any chance.01:
40:27 It was hopeless from the beginning.01:
40:30 You'll never get out of here-- never!01:
40:34 I tried to tell you last night.01:
40:43 (Anna crying) Can you do anything at all?01:
40:56 I don't know.01:
41:00 There's always some way to blow up explosives.01:
41:03 The trick is not to be around when they go off.01:
41:07 But aren't you forgetting something, captain?01:
41:11 The lady.01:
41:12 As I see it, we have three choices: One, we can leave her here but there's no guarantee she won't be found and they won't need a truth drug.01:
41:21 Two, we could take her with us but that would make things more difficult.01:
41:26 ..01:
41:27 Well, that's andrea's choice remember?01:
41:34 You really want your pound of flesh, don't you?01:
41:37 Yes. yes, I do.01:
41:40 You see, somehow, I just couldn't manage to get off to sleep last night.01:
41:44 If you're so anxious to kill her, go ahead.01:
41:46 Oh, I'm not anxious to kill her.01:
41:48 I'm not anxious to kill anyone.01:
41:50 See, I'm not a born soldier.01:
41:53 I got trapped.01:
41:55 You may find me facetious from time to time but if I didn't make some rather bad jokes I'd go out of my mind.01:
42:02 No, I prefer to leave the killing to someone like you-- an officer and a gentleman, a leader of men, a hero.01:
42:08 If you think I enjoy this, you're out of your mind.01:
42:13 I was trapped into it just like you.01:
42:16 You wanted it-- you're an officer.01:
42:18 I never let them make me an officer.01:
42:20 I don't want the responsibility.01:
42:21 Then you've had a free ride all this time.01:
42:25 Someone'sgotto take the responsibility!01:
42:27 !01:
42:30 I don't know.01:
42:33 I'm beginning to wonder who really is responsible when it comes to the dirty work-- the man who gives the order, or the one who has to do it?01:
42:41 We have no time for this.01:
42:42 Just a minute.01:
42:44 If we're going to get this job done she has got to be killed.01:
42:48 And we all know how keen you are on getting the job done.01:
42:53 I can't speak for the others but I've never killed a woman before-- traitor or not-- and I'm finicky, so why don't you do it?01:
43:00 Why don't you let us off for once?01:
43:03 Come on, be a pal.01:
43:04 Be a father to your men.01:
43:06 Come down off that cross of yours close your eyes, think of england and pull the trigger.01:
43:11 What do you say, sir?01:
44:36 You all know what you're supposed to do.01:
44:38 Get started.01:
44:40 Brown, you go with maria.01:
45:13 Now, miller you know that when you put on a uniform and learn how to do it it's not hard to kill someone.01:
45:19 Sometimes, it's harder not to.01:
45:22 You think that you've been getting away with it all this time.01:
45:25 Standing by.01:
45:26 Well, son, your bystanding days are over.01:
45:31 You're in it now, up to your neck.01:
45:34 They told me you're a genius with explosives.01:
45:37 Start proving it.01:
45:38 You've got me in the mood to use this thing and by god, if you don't think of something I'll use it on you.01:
45:45 I mean it.01:
45:48 Go on.01:
46:20 (siren wailing) Alles bereit, herr general.01:
47:18 (explosion) Halt! halt! halt!01:
48:45 Los.01:
48:47 Los.01:
49:03 (siren wailing) ..01:
49:14 Kourier, kourier, zuruck gehen.01:
49:25 Wacht auf!01:
49:26 (siren wailing) Schnell! schnell!01:
49:41 Gehen an sie weg. gehen an sie weg.01:
49:43 .. shnell!01:
50:09 (radio playing German ballad) (radio playing German ballad) (explosion) Wass haben wir hier?01:
51:16 Wass gibst?01:
51:17 Keine ahnung es war aber eine grosse.01:
51:30 (distant gunfire) You stay here.01:
51:42 I'll call you if I need you.01:
51:45 Whatever you say, sir.01:
52:38 Man: Was war ist?01:
53:08 Was machts du denn da, schlafst?01:
53:12 Wo ist mein cafe?01:
53:34 Mensch macht die vorhang zur los?01:
53:39 Verzeihung.01:
54:05 (alarm blaring) Herr general.01:
56:14 Danke.01:
56:16 Herr general?01:
56:18 Ich fahre zur festung zuruck.01:
56:21 Sie bleiben heir bis sie von mir hoeren.01:
56:23 Zu befehlen auf die festung.01:
57:10 Hilfe!01:
57:11 Hilfe!01:
58:21 Andrea: Spyro?01:
58:24 Spyro?01:
59:02 Detonator, sir, please.01:
59:08 I'll be finished here in about 30 seconds.01:
59:40 (drilling) Miller?02:
00:04 Miller?02:
00:16 Miller.02:
00:17 Yes, what is it?02:
00:29 What are you doing?02:
00:30 They'll search those guns.02:
00:31 They'll probably find my stuff.02:
00:33 They're not stupid.02:
00:35 If they should be careless they could bring about the same result.02:
00:39 This is the job I'm banking on.02:
00:42 This is our insurance.02:
00:44 What happens?02:
00:44 Would you mind bringing down the hoist, sir?02:
00:58 That's enough.02:
00:59 You see this bottom runner?02:
01:00 The first time they send this hoist down for shells this runner should come to here.02:
01:04 It will hit these two wires and we get a circuit.02:
01:07 A circuit that will send up all my plastic explosives here plus this little item that I borrowed here.02:
01:17 They won't see these wires when I slap on more grease.02:
01:22 Are you sure it will work?02:
01:24 No guarantee but the theory's perfectly feasible.02:
01:27 If this stuff does go up then everything else is going to go right up with it.02:
01:33 Suppose you don't get a contact?02:
01:35 Then I shall be responsible for sinking one of his majesty's destroyers.02:
01:40 Maybe the whole lot of them.02:
01:42 I'm sorry, sir.02:
01:43 It's the only way I know to get the job done.02:
01:46 As you said, I'm in it now-- up to my neck.02:
01:59 Hurry up.02:
02:34 Go ahead.02:
02:35 No, after you, sir.02:
02:36 Remember, I can't swim.02:
02:38 You won't let me drown, will you?02:
04:23 (gunfire) ..02:
05:30 I can't make it.02:
05:32 My arm.02:
05:41 Come on, man take it.02:
05:45 Grab it.02:
06:05 Zwei impuls auf achtzig grad.02:
06:09 Entfernung sieben komma funf kilometres.02:
06:12 Alarm geben.02:
06:15 Zerstoerer maehern sich Ich wiederhole.02:
06:19 Zerstoerer naehern sich.02:
06:25 (speaking German) Halt!02:
06:57 Zie, sie.02:
06:59 Unter suchen sie dass.02:
07:02 Versicht, herr general?02:
07:09 (hissing) (high-pitched whining) Herr ober, hier ist noch eine.02:
07:54 Weiter zuchen.02:
08:03 Impuls eins in feuerbereich.02:
08:06 Feind in feuerbereich.02:
08:08 Feind in feuerbereich.02:
08:10 Feind in feuerbereich.02:
08:28 Feind in feuerbereich.02:
08:29 Feind in feuerbereich.02:
08:39 Spyro is dead, isn't he?02:
08:44 What happened?02:
08:48 He forgot why we came here.02:
08:53 Batterie klar, herr general.02:
08:55 .. neh men sie battrie bezetzen.02:
08:58 Ya wohl, herr general.02:
09:04 Batterie bezetzen.02:
09:05 Minenraeumprupp meldet gescheutze klar zum gescheutze.02:
09:08 An die geschaestze.02:
09:11 An die geschaestze.02:
09:13 (alarm blaring) Verschluss einfahren.02:
10:29 Verschluss einfahren.02:
10:31 (bell ringing) Fertig zum feuern.02:
10:41 Schwing auf acht und zwanzig.02:
10:55 Acht auf.02:
11:19 Achtung-- fertig.02:
11:25 Feuer.02:
11:33 (shell whistling) Neunzig grad.02:
11:46 Neunzig grad.02:
12:03 Feuer.02:
12:25 Feuer.02:
12:43 (glass breaking) (ship's alarm sounding) (ships' alarms sounding) (men cheering) And now you're going back to crete.02:
14:24 Yes.02:
14:27 Come with us.02:
14:30 Withus?02:
14:33 With me.02:
14:34 I must go back.02:
14:36 You saw what the germans did to mandrakos.02:
14:39 Navarone will pay heavily for your success tonight.02:
14:50 Come on, I'll give you a hand.02:
14:52 I'm going back.02:
14:55 The job is finished.02:
14:57 Your job is finished.02:
15:00 What chance do you think you have of staying alive back there?02:
15:03 Well, I'm not so easy to kill.02:
15:13 Hey.02:
15:47 Well, the boys on kheros will be happy soon.02:
15:52 Of course it will be a bit crowded but there's nothing like an ocean voyage.02:
15:56 Fresh air, good food, deck sports, pretty girls.02:
16:07 I'd like to offer you my apology, sir and my congratulations.02:
16:21 To tell you the truth I didn't think we could do it.02:
16:24 To tell you the truth, neither did i.02:
16:37 Chorus: ♪♪Here's to the gallant men♪♪02:
16:43 ♪♪mission accomplished♪♪02:
16:44 ♪♪farewell my friends♪♪02:
16:48 ♪♪and so the legend ends♪♪02:
16:51 ♪♪farewell, miller, brown, and mallory♪♪02:
16:57 ♪♪young pappadimos, franklin, and stavrou♪♪02:
17:02 ..♪♪02:
18:08 spent a great deal of time filming in an ice-cold water tank, so to keep them warm and keep their spirits up, brandy was readily available, which led to some rather drunk actors by the end of the day -- except for gregory peck.02:
18:22 According to david niven, peck could drink brandy all day and not drop a line or slur a syllable.02:
18:27 It was, in david niven's words, "disgusting to see a man hold his liquor " 17 years later, you know, a belated sequel to this film was made.02:
18:36 That was in 1978 and the sequel was called force ten from navarone, with robert shaw and edward fox playing the roles we saw done in our movie by peck and niven -- but it wasn't nearly as successful as the original.02:
18:49 Now richard harris, who we just saw early in his film career playing squadron leader barnsby, is the actor linked to our next film which was one of his last movies.02:
18:58 This time he's an aging roman emperor going outside his family to choose his successor.02:
19:25 ''''''''''''''W'www richard harris is back in action in our next film although he's not the one engaged in the action.02:
39:04 He's the emperor of rome in 180 a.d.02:
39:08 And you know emperors.02:
39:09 They decide whose head will be lopped off or who's gonna be fed to the lions, but they pretty much sit on their thrones and let others do the hard stuff.02:
39:18 And the one who does the nitty gritty in our next film is russell crowe, our film being director ridley scott's epic from the year 2000,gladiator.02:
39:26 Winner of the oscar as the best picture of 2000, with russell crowe also winning as that year's best actor.02:
39:33 He plays maximus, the trusted general serving under the emperor marcus aurelius who has decided maximus should be his successor -- not the emperor's son, commodus, who is played by joaquin phoenix.02:
39:46 But, not surprisingly, that decision doesn't sit well with the son, who's a schemer who then hatches a plan to have maximus murdered.02:
39:54 All of this ultimately leading to maximus running afoul of slave traders and his ending up as a gladiator who has to battle opponents to the death as part of a spectator sport.02:
40:04 He does that, but always keeps his focus on one goal -- revenge against the emperor's nasty son.02:
40:10 When this film was released, it took everyone by surprise.02:
40:14 For one thing, epic movies like this involving togas, sandals, and slaves such asben-hur andspartacus -- had pretty much disappeared from the screen.02:
40:23 Also, director ridley scott had most recently been making smaller sized projects such aswhite squallandg.i.02:
40:27 Jane.02:
40:30 So his doing a big epic likegladiatorwas not only a surprise, but a revelation since it's so intense, powerful, and full of breathtaking action.02:
40:40 The public loved it, too, the film earning back a third of its $100-million budget in its opening weekend alone, after which eventually came 12 oscar nominations, and a final tally of five academy awards.02:
40:54 Here it is, also with oliver reed and derek jacobi, from 2000gladiator.02:
43:13 [ Children Laughing ] [ Wind Blowing ] [ Horse Whinnies ] [ Whinnying ] [ Men Shouting ] [ Horses Whinnying ] - Sir. -General.02:
44:37 -General. - Sir.02:
44:39 General.02:
44:41 - Sir. - General.02:
44:44 General.02:
44:45 [ Man Shouts ] Sir.
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"The Guns of Navarone" Scripts.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 15 Mar. 2025. <https://www.scripts.com/script/the_guns_of_navarone_1210>.
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