1035776's Scripts
Here's the list of scripts submitted by 1035776 — There are currently 2 scripts total — keep up the great work!
[Movie Begins where Charlie Brown is on the pitchers mound, he throws the ball forward, there is a baseball bat CRACK! Charlie Brown tries to catch it, but runs all over the neighborhood trying to Catch it, finally the ball comes down, Charlie Brown catches it in his hands, and drops it. Snoopy, ... | added by 1035776 6 years ago | |
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [The movie starts with Linus and Lucy exiting their house, Linus finds an Apple on the ground, picks it up, and takes a bite, then throws it in the trash bin. Then Linus finds leaves on the ground and kicks them, then they stop at a pumpkin patch, Linus finds a small pumpkin and shows it to Lucy,... | added by 1035776 6 years ago |