Farmehr2001's Scripts
Here's the list of scripts submitted by farmehr2001 — There are currently 2 scripts total — keep up the great work!
(Start) [funky 90’s beat and cityscape pan] (singing) ♬ New in town, [John Mulaney jumps out of apartment with rolled up papers] ♬ John Mulaney’s New In Town… [John tries to put mustard on his hot dog and dramatically squirts his shirt] ♬ He’s spilling mustard on his shirt, [John is in an ... | added by farmehr2001 5 years ago | |
[organ music playing] Welcome to Radio City Music Hall. It’s time. Any questions? No. Walk with me. [eerie organ music playing] [mechanical whirring] [audience applauding and cheering] Good evening. Hi, I’m John Mulaney, nice to meet you. Jon Brion, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to s... | added by farmehr2001 5 years ago |