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Submitted Scripts 12 total
Roger, do you believe in heaven? I guess. That's where they say my mom went. - Maybe that's where my dad went. - Probably. Hey, maybe your mom and my dad are friends up there. - That could be. - 'Cause you're my best friend down here. You're my best friend too, J.P. Roger, how come Maggie's... | added by jameslanderson 4 years ago | |
Start [The opening titles, cast, and crew are shown as a small bug flies around the screen before being swallowed by a dragonfly, which then flies around a desert landscape, through and in-between various vehicles, eventually right into the windshield of a truck] Truck Driver: Goddamn bugs... Ill... | added by jameslanderson 4 years ago | |
That looks fabulous. Thank you, Geoffrey. We'll also take a bottle of red as well. Thank you. Thank you, Barry. That looks wonderful. Beautiful day. Where are you going? - To eat my sandwich. - You won't be hungry for prawns. - I don't like prawns. - Darling, don't wander off. For God's sake, lea... | added by jameslanderson 5 years ago | |
The Hovitos are near. The poison is still fresh, three days. They're following us. If they knew we were here, they would've killed us already. This is it. This is where Forrestal cashed in. A friend of yours? A competitor. He was good. He was very, very good. Seor... nobody's come out of there al... | added by jameslanderson 5 years ago | |
What is your pleasure, sir? HELLRAISER Jesus wept... We have such sights to show you... No, don't do that! Go to Hell! HELLBOUND - HELLRAISER II Ah, the Suffering... the sweet suffering. Welcome back. - Where am I? This is the Chanard Institute. It's a psychiatric hospital. Psychiatric? - Remembe... | added by jameslanderson 5 years ago |
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Holly Goldberg Sloan
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