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Two girls named Madhumitha and Varsha went to Ooty for vacation with friends, but tragedy struck when armed men entered their hotel room and killed them. The friends discovered the gruesome scene and called the police. As the investigation unfolded, it was revealed that the deaths were linked to ...

Listed by Christopher Joshua 25 days ago
The billionaire's son

In short, there is a twelve-year-old boy, Alexander, who has a cool father and is a billionaire, but fails to cope with his duties as a father. However, the cool father has no wife, and the boy is being raised without a mother. There is also an eighteen-year-old guy, Dima, who is deceiving his ...

Listed by Narsha Bulgakbaev 5 months ago
Charles Muley, A Therapist's journal

This is a story about a hated psychotherapist. named Charles Muley. The character writes his own journal then puts it into a novel if he isn't hired into his second job. You can categorize this as a contemporary genre. It dives into his various clients in his work. Different aspects of mental hea...

Listed by Ian Rodrigo Carrillo Castro 2 years ago
My Dark Dreams

My Dark Dreams is about a detective who is on a case of a serial killer, but when the serial killer turns out to be a warlock werewolf. The detective finds himself in looking for how in more, ways than one as he sat out and discovers friends and family that he didn't even know he had.

Listed by Tony Clements 6 years ago

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    “The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

    Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA