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My Dark Dreams

Synopsis: My Dark Dreams is about a detective who is on a case of a serial killer, but when the serial killer turns out to be a warlock werewolf. The detective finds himself in looking for how in more, ways than one as he sat out and discovers friends and family that he didn't even know he had.
Asking price: $100 - $1,000
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery

it was a poem as Detective Tony read the poem out loud it

said roses are red violets are blue I leave this clue just

for you this one was lots of fun now what should I do? I

know I'll make round two.


"detective Tony what does this



"detective Tony what does this



It means whoever did this is

planning on killing again but

where and when that's the question


Just then, detective, Tony got a call over the CB radio it

was commander JD said.


Detective Tony we found a dead

body at 7632 winterField Dr and we

need your expertise

Detective Tony couldn't  believe what he had heard there

is another dead body found already then detective Tony ask.


What time was the body discovered?

Detective Tony left Jerry and Jim with paramedic while he

went to investigate the second dead body when Tony arrived

crime tape was placed around the house Commander J.D was

waiting for him outside.



Man Detective Tony I need you to

take a look at this body and tell

me what wrong with this picture.

Detective Tony and Commander JD head inside the house where

another officer was taking pictures of the dead body

immediately detective Tony notices the dead bodies mouth


wide open as it gets closer he starts the investigation

upon his investigation he notices the dead body has a

slight thing of blood dripping from the mouth and in the

right hand a cup of cold tea Detective Tony turns to the

officer who is taking pictures and says.


By appearance of the body I'm

going on a limb here but I'm

guessing she was poisoned. Hey

Miss would you mind stop taking

pictures for a minute and look for

any poisons around the house?


Sure thing right away detective


As the female officer left the room to search for any

poison Commander JD looked at detective Tony and said.

Scene 2 act


Okay detective Tony let me in on

it I know you didn't just send

that officer off just to look for

poison you know that there's

something wrong with this body and

you did not want to say it in

front of my new partner.


JD you're right there's something

wrong with this body and it's not

just the fact that this old woman

was poisoned and matter fact this

body has been well-placed in the

chair to make it look like she

died in the chair whoever poisoned

this woman didn't just throw it in

her tea.

Commander JD knew exactly what detective Tony was trying to

say the body can just sit there and die from the poison

somebody moved the body and placed it in the chair just as

detective Tony said but what made things even stranger was

how the body was placed with the cup of tea in the right

hand then the female officer came back in her hand was a

bottle poison and in her other hand another paper with a


This time written in the poem was one with lots of fun to

was a fool I just can't wait and see what number three will

be tomorrow Detective Tony Commander JD both that whoever


was killing these people had a sick sense of humor then

detective Tony notice something else by the old woman's

right hand a old alarm clock was stopped at 2:00 pm. when

Commander JD and detective Tony look at their watches they

noticed it was about 3:30 p.m. just then the paramedics



Tony listen to me there's

something highly unusual about

this case.


JD you're telling me earlier I had

to deal with another dead body

over where Jerry was only our way

from here Jerry and the new rookie

Jim where is the first to find the

body of an old man who was

strangled to death with no signs

of struggle which was also strange

I noticed that an old grandfather

clock which was stopped at 1 p.m.


What do you think this means?


To be totally honest I think it

means we have a serial killer on

the loose.

After detective Tony and Commander JD get through talking

detective Tony heads back towards the police station to

clock out on his way back he keeps looking in the back of

his rear view mirror feeling as if eyes were watching him

on the way to the police station.

Arriving at the police station detective Tony still

couldn't help but to feel as if somebody or something was

still watching him following him even after he clocked out

and headed back to his car he felt as if eyes were right

behind him on the way back to his apartment he notices a

bluish grayish Cadillac following him.

Detective Tony and decides to try to lose the Cadillac by

turning down an old alleyway the Cadillac drives right past

him detective training then radios in about the suspicious

Cadillac as detective Tony finished radio and in about the

suspicious Cadillac he begins to head home again when

detective Tony reaches his apartment he notices a old

familiar face it was the face of his adopted father mentor

and best friend mr. Prime as detective Tony hops out of his

car and greets mr. Prime.



Hi pops long time no see.


Glad to see son so how has work

been for you?


I can't complain pops matter fact

let's head inside and I can tell

you about my day today.

As detective Tony and mr. Prime head inside to Tony

apartment Tony stops and turns around as he looks around he

but sees nothing detective Tony decides to go inside as he

is inside his apartment and closes the door detective Tony

heads over two his kitchen once he reaches the kitchen he

goes inside his refrigerator and pulls out a can of tea and

gives it to mr. Prime then he goes back to the refrigerator

and grabs himself a Cherry Pepsi.

Detective Tony then opens his can of Cherry Pepsi and

starts pacing back and forth mr. Prime notices this as he

takes a sip of his tea tell mr. Prime puts down tea and ask



Tony my boy what's troubling you?


What do you mean pops what do you

mean what's wrong?


You know what I'm talking about

you don't drink a Pepsi and pace

back and forth unless there

something wrong.


What do you mean pops?


Huff... Now Tony don't play dumb

with me I know when something is

bothering my son but I can't help

you if you don't tell me.



Okay pops you win, you know me too

well it started bang when I got a

call in to office of Isabella dead

body when I arrived investigated

the the body was laying face down

on the ground the person was

strangled to death then an hour

later my commander called and

there was another dead body this

time the body is poisoned but the

strange thing about both bodies no

signs of struggle no clues except

for some notes with poems on them.

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Contact Author

Tony Clements

Hi, my name is Jerry John Fox and I love Stories not just reading, them but writing them as well. As a kid growing up I always dreamed of being many different things, but writing and telling stories has all ways been my passion. and at the age of 15, I moved out to Las Vegas Nevada with my grandmother and 4 Cousins who helped me with my stories by either spell checking them or reading them for me. But it wasn't until after I had graduated from Eldorado High School, that I really decided I wanted to become an author and try and get my stories published. now the authors that inspired me to write are in fact, Stephen King, RL Stein, George Lucas and my uncle Gerald John O'Hara. their stories are what inspire me to become an Author just like them. This is my first Story that I have decided to publish and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

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