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The Mighty and Powerful Nelson Fire

Synopsis: Nelson Christopher Amador is 16 old from Seattle, WA and he had a really privileged childhood as a boy, But when Nelson was little, his parents were killed by a criminal name Arthur Denherd and Nelson becomes a foster a child and he lives with a very wealthy family The Donavons and Nelson moves to Maple Valley, WA but even though the family is very rich, Nelson is an outcast in the family and his step sister Krystal treats him like complete social Garage and makes fun of him and bullies him a lot through out his life. This causes Nelson to go from a very happy child to a shy, scarred 16 year old and a person with really no social life around him, Nelson goes to Tahoma High School basically as an outcast, As he is not very rich, or doesn’t even wear top notch fashion, Nelson also ends up having Zac Efron like hair. The only friends Nelson does have is Riley Owens and McKenna Franks and they are very supportive towards him. Nelson suffers a huge accident by the Cedar River and causes him
Asking price: Negotiable
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Epic, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Thriller

Thomas walks into the orphan edge and he knocks on the door.

Orphan edge person: Yes come in.

Thomas Donavon:
Yes My name is Thomas Donovan. We spoke on the phone about Nelson Christopher Amador. I would love to adopt him.

Orphan Edge Person: All right okay sir. I'm just going to need some paper work from you.

Thomas Donavon:
Oh yes of course. I will sign them for sure.

The orphan edge person hands him the papers and Thomas starts signing the papers.

Cut to:

Nelson starts playing on the monkey bars and jumping off the monkey bars.

Nelson sees the orphan edge person signaling him.

Nelson runs into the building.

cut to:

Int. the main office – afternoon

Orphan Edge Person: Nelson. I just wanted to tell you that you won't be here anymore and you will be staying with Thomas Donovan from now on.

Young Nelson Amador: Is his place nice?

Orphan Edge Person: His place is really nice actually. It will be a much better fit for you.

Young Nelson Amador: Oh okay.

Orphan Edge Person: Don't worry Nelson; Thomas is a really safe person to be around. I promise you.

Cut to:

Nelson starts packing up his things and Nelson starts downstairs and he hopes into the backseat and Thomas starts driving the car.

Nelson turns back as the car is moving and he sees the Seattle skyline.

Thomas Donavon:
I’m really sorry about what happened to your mother and father Nelson. And I'm going to make sure you that you have a really good life living in my house.

Young Nelson Amador: Oh okay.

Thomas Donavon:
Well anyway. We live in a town called Maple Valley and I know it's a much smaller town then Seattle but I am very sure that you are going to love the house.

Thomas keeps on driving the car.

Cut to:

Thomas parks the car by the house and Nelson get out of the car and he sees Thomas's house for the first time.

Thomas and Nelson start getting into the house.

Thomas Donavon:
Honey I am home.

Julie Donovan:
Hey Honey. Who is this?

Thomas Donavon:
This is Nelson I adopted him and he will be part of our family now.

Julie Donavon:
Oh welcome to our house Nelson. Make yourself at home.

Young Nelson Amador: Thank you.

Nelson goes upstairs and he sees his stuff up in his new room.

Nelson sees a little girl with black hair and he starts walking to her.

Young Nelson Amador: Hi I'm Nelson.

Young Krystal Donovan: Get away from me!!!!!!!

Young Nelson Amador: Oh I'm sorry all I wanted was to be your friend...

Cut to:

Ext. around the playground - afternoon

Nelson was looking for rocks in the forest.

Nelson ends up finding rocks in the forest. But some other boys take the rocks away from them.

Boy 1:
Oh what is this? Are you going to find more rocks?!...

The boys start laughing at him.

Young Nelson Amador: Well yeah I was. I was wondering if you could give me those rocks back?

boy 1:
Oh really.

The Boy ends up break the rocks and the rest of kids start laughing at him.

Nelson starts lying down by the tire swing and another boy comes to see him.

Young Riley Owens: I'm sorry that those kids are laughing at you.

Young Nelson Amador: It's okay. I'm Nelson by the way.

Young Riley Owens: I'm Riley.

Young Riley Owens: So where are you from Nelson?

Young Nelson Amador: Well I'm from Seattle, But I live with my foster parents.

Young Riley Owens: Are they nice to you.

Young Nelson Amador: So far they are. But not my stepsister.

Cut to:

Int. Nelson's bedroom – afternoon

Nelson is playing with action figures and he sees Krystal with her friends.

Krystal sticks her tongue at Nelson. And they keep on talking.

Nelson starts playing with Batman, Spider-Man, Hulk, and the red power ranger action figure.

Nelson looks at the window and sees a reflection of himself.

Fade to:

Int. Nelson's bedroom – morning

Nelson's alarm clock goes off.

Nelson wakes up and he looks at himself in the mirror.

12 years later

Nelson starts taking off his clothes and he starts taking a shower.

As Nelson is taking a shower, Krystal knocks on the door really hard.

Krystal Donovan:
Get your fucking ass out of the shower!!!!!!!!...

Nelson turns the shower off and he walks out.

Cut to:

Nelson heading back to his room and Krystal sees him.

Krystal Donovan:
You know that I should have showered first right?!....

Nelson Amador:
Yeah I know but sometimes I get up a lot earlier though.

Krystal Donavon:
You’re a fucking loser. And you need to do my homework once you get home!!!!!!

Nelson Amador:
But it's yours though.

Krystal Donavon:
Yes I and I want get out of this retarded small town so I can go to a big college.

Nelson Amador:
But what about the homework that I have to do?

Krystal Donavon:
Nobody gives a shit about you!!!!!!!! Do my homework.

Krystal slaps Nelson in the face Nelson falls to the ground.

Krystal Donavon:
You worthless piece of shit!!!!!!

Nelson gets back on his feet and he starts walking downstairs.

Cut to:

Nelson gets downstairs and he starts eating breakfast.

Julie Donavon:
Morning Nelson.

Nelson Amador:
Morning Julie.

Julie Donavon:
Are you excited for your field trip?

Nelson Amador:
Yeah I am actually. I mean nothing really existing usually happens to me so I'm looking forward to it.

Julie Donavon:
Have you thought about any colleges you want to go to?

Nelson Amador:
I don't know Julie. I don't feel like I'm good enough to go to college.

Julie Donavon:
Oh yes you are sweetie. You are a great writer and you really love science a lot. I'm sure you will find a place.

Nelson Amador:
Oh okay.

Thomas walks into the kitchen.

Thomas Donovan:
Hey everyone.

Nelson Amador:
Morning Thomas.

Thomas Donavon:
So how is your sophomore year treating you?

Nelson Amador:
Kind of more of the same.

Thomas Donavon:
Well Nelson. Just keep your head up. And I might need your help in my office later this week if you are available.

Nelson Amador:
Oh okay Thomas I will help you.

Thomas Donavon:
I know that you would Nelson.

Krystal walks into the kitchen.

Krystal Donavon:
Morning you guys.

Thomas Donavon:
Morning Krystal.

Krystal Donavon:
Dad I was wondering if Lexi and I could go to Bellevue later tonight. Can I go?

Thomas Donavon:
Sure you can go Krystal. Maybe you should bring Nelson along. After all it is Friday.

Nelson Amador:
Yeah I would love to come and I haven't been to Bellevue before.

Krystal Donavon:
Your not coming with me. You are doing my homework tonight.

Nelson gets very discouraged.

cut to:

Nelson walking to the school bus and the school bus picks him up.

Krystal walks to her parents’ fancy car and she drives to school.

Krystal drives by the bus and flips off all the kids riding the bus.

Krystal Donavon:
Bus losers!!!!!!!

Nelson sits down in the seat as the bus is taking him to school.

Cut to:

Ext. Tahoma high school entrance – morning

Nelson gets off the bus and he starts heading to his science classroom.

Riley ends up seeing him and he starts walking to him.

4.5 / 2 votes
Contact Author

Nelson Christian Amador

Nelson Christian Amador is an author, Screenwriter, Youtuber, and Photographer And a Photo Retoucher from Seattle, Washington. 

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