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La Carrera de Texas \ The Texas Run

Synopsis: After a botched bank heist, twelve perfect strangers must make their way across the entire state of Texas in order to cross into Mexico for sanctuary. However, as they make their own treks, they begin dying off one by one all the while being pursued by a legendary Texas Ranger and every cop in the territory.
Asking price: Negotiable
Genre: Crime, Thriller



A room is filled with ten complete strangers, MR. GRAY (male, mid 20s), MS. RED (mid 20s, Hispanic female), MR. BLUE (male, late 20s to early 30s), MR. BROWN (male, early 30s), MR. PINK (black male, early 40s), MS. GREEN (black female, late 20s), MS. ORANGE (black female, early 30s), MR. BRONZE (white male, early 20s), MS. GOLD (female, early 20s), MS. PURPLE (Hispanic female, mid 20s).

They’re all sitting in chairs facing a board with plans on it.

They’re all wearing black suits with black gloves and there’s a serious demeanor to their attitudes.

It’s quiet as they all look forward waiting for someone to show up.

Two men enter the room, MR. BLACK (white male, early 50s), MR. WHITE (male, late 30s), dressed the same as everyone else.

The younger of the two steps off to the side of the board as the older man steps in front of it.

Mr. Black begins to speak to the ten strangers.


Alright, you all know why we’re here. We have a job to do in just a few short minutes. And each one of you has been recruited for this job for a specific reason. Each one of you possesses a certain skill that will determine our success for the day. Each of you are a key element in this job.

The old man points to his younger counterpart.


My associate and I have brought you all in on this job either on recommendation or known reputation. Meaning each of you know how handle yourself on a job of this magnitude. From this point on however, we won’t be using our given names. None of you know each other and a very few know me and my associate personally. Beyond that, we’ll only be using given aliases from here on out. Each of you already know your aliases, so in a minute I’ll be making the proper introductions. As for me, all of you will refer to me as Mr. Black.

Mr. Black then gestures to his associate.


This is Mr. White. Mr. White is now going to go over the plan in great detail, so everyone knows their job and who they’re going to be partnered up with. Listen to what he says, and it’ll not only save your life but everyone else’s as well.

Mr. White walks in front of the board as Mr. Black takes a step to the side.


So, we’ll be hitting the Imperial Bank at 11 a.m., each one of us has our positions we need to be at. Once we’re there, we have 25 minutes to clear the bank if no alarms are set. Any more than that without an alarm is running at risk of having heat on us. We’ll be divided into teams of two, taking six cars upon arrival. Cars one and two will maintain civilian entry and exiting, anyone comes in or out and the job will be a bust. Cars three and four will work crowd control. After surveying the site, the time frame we’ve chosen has been carefully picked so as to account for the least number of bodies there. Maintain control and exert authority to managers, employees, and customers. Cars five and six will be on the vault. You’re responsible for getting us in quick and out even quicker. After careful consideration and vetting, the boxmen we’ve chosen for this job have proven that they know how to open the vault at a fraction of our window. Hopefully, you still do by the time we’re on the clock. After we have the score, we’ll split up into three groups of four, take the three cars we discussed taking, and drive to the designated drop points where each team will switch vehicles. Each team is designated AFTER clearing the bank as Car one, Car two, and Car three.

Mr. White signals for Mr. Black to finish up as he walks back in front of the board again.


We all know the score we’re taking, 96 million dollars. Split 12 ways that equals out to 8 million a cut. Minus the 600K each of us will have to kickback to the cartel once we’ve made it over the border. I know it seems like a lot but that’s the price we pay for safe passage and sanctuary when you pull off a job like this. Each car takes 32 million with them as they each take their route towards the border. Car one drives for Austin, Car two drives for Houston, and Car three heads west to Ft. Worth then heads south towards San Antonino. All cars will drive their given routes and once you’ve made it to your city, you’ll check in. Sat-phones will be in the glove box of your switch car so once the first car checks in, the other two will have six hours to confirm they’re at their city. After those six hours, each of you will start driving southwest towards Laredo.

Black then points to Laredo on the map pinned to the board.


Once we’ve met up there, we’ll all cross the border into Nuevo Laredo where we’ll meet our contacts. They’ll keep us shacked up for a few days until they move us further west. After the heat dies down and some much needed R n’ R, we’ll all cross over again into California. If you are caught, you are on your own. We don’t know each other’s names, or any real details about each other except physical descriptions.

Mr. Black then starts looking at each crew member as he’s about to name them off.


Having said that, I’ll now make the introductions as to who you’ll be working with today.

He then starts naming and pointing at each member of the crew, one by one.


Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown, Ms. Green, Ms. Purple, Mr. Pink, Ms. Orange, Ms. Red, Mr. Grey, Ms. Gold, and Mr. Bronze.

Mr. White then walks up next to Mr. Black.


Each of you knows your job, each of you knows your car, and each of you knows what to do and where you go after the job is done. Are there any questions?

The crew member shakes their heads and barely say anything.


Alright. Each of you go to your assigned vehicle and in the trunk you’ll find you weapons needed for the job there, as well as masks and extra ammo. Good luck everyone, we meet in Dallas in 20 minutes.

The crew members all get up from theirs chairs as they’re all begin exiting the room.



Johnny Cash’s “Cocaine Blues” plays over.



The sound of screeching tires echo throughout the parking structure.

A car is driving sporadically through and coming to an abrupt stop as two individuals are in it, Ms. Red and Mr. Gray.

Ms. Red exits the car physically distraught and walking towards the trunk.

She then opens it to find four duffle bags that look full and covered in spurts of blood.

She opens the zipper to one of them to see it’s filled with stacks of cash.

She pauses for a moment looking at the money realizing the job was a success.

She zips the bag up as she walks up to the passenger side door with Mr. Gray opening it and showing that he’d been shot in the side of the stomach and is bleeding profusely.

No words are exchange between to two as Ms. Red helps Mr. Gray exit the car and walks him over to the Switch vehicle as she places him in the back seat.

The sounds he makes shows he’s in great pain as she lays him down with him nodding his head.

Ms. Red then leaves to collect the Duffle bags as she unloads the Job car and loads the Switch car in a timely manner.

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Dyaln Russell Richardson


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