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The Sleepwalker

Synopsis: Norway, nineteen eighty-four. In the Jade Forest Hospital Facility, a new state-of-the-art hospital, a group of insomniac patients opt for a new medical experiment trial with a drug to help them sleep. However, as they fall asleep, they are unknowingly hunted down by an unseen force. They become trapped within the one thing they desired most.
Asking price: Negotiable
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

Fade In:


A bald male prisoner, clearly middle-aged, wakes from his bed, examining his cell. He can tell something is wrong but is unable to determine what, inspecting the walls of his cell. Everything appears slightly distorted. He looks out to the other cells in the prison ward only to find them empty, leaving through the open cell doors. He is able to see that the rest of the cells are locked. Standing in the corridor outside his cell, the situation clearly gets to him as he holds his head in confusion.


“Hallo? Gutter? Vokter?”



(He calls out as he walks.)


Exploring the prison, he wonders what the world outside was like, but as he appears outside a window, the sky is black, but all the stars and galaxy are visible, but appear to be lightless despite having colour. Aleksander proceeds down the long corridor to the main transit corridor. Examining a picture of a city re reads the title which shows ‘OSLO 1935’

Aleksander to look away, upset. Exploring the transit corridor. The absence of everyone unsettles him.

Exploring the main section of the prison, walking past the social area, he looks into the cafeteria, finding it empty. Looking past into the open viewing kitchen, which is also empty, some of the equipment is still on, lights dimly flickering.


(Screams hatefully)

“Helvete! They left me!”


Entering the kitchen, its frigid, unlike the rest of the prison. Unable to take the immense cold that gnawed away at him, he returns to the warmer climate back outside.


Seeing the glow of yellow lights at the end of the corridor approaching him ever slowly but despite their slow speed constantly moving towards him.

Throwing his hands to his head yet again, this time as if in pain, ignoring the sweat dripping from his head.

Walking back slowly, one foot at a time as he contemplates his next move, he is scared. Unable to take his eyes off the yellow lights that grew more intense with every passing moment until the heavy sound of a book falling breaks his focus, he Realises he has trekked a good section of the corridor.




Realising the light had been coming from behind him, from the cell block. He hadn’t noticed that he was so close to the lights.


Running into the library, a second book flies past his face from across the room, narrowly missing his face, causing him to fall into the door as he threw himself backwards, terrified of entering the room a second time.


(Bellowing at the doors)

“Din javel!”

Exploring the library, the room is now quiet. Nothing moves, nor makes any sound, the whole situation starts getting to him, feeling his heart beat faster Aleksander is visibly distraught He makes his way to the end of the room, refusing to inspect the room any further, fearful of the fire that was stalking him, he turns, planning to leave when he is stopped in his tracks.

He watches as the two yellow orbs motioned past the doorway, disappearing further down the corridor. The orbs are bright but unnatural, two large orbs that seemingly float, almost ethereal in appearance. He is shocked in disbelief starts laughing to himself. Stopping as the frigid freezing temperatures returned yet his back feels---warm, a constant warm breeze gently kissed his pale skin neck.

He doesn’t want to turn around and just leaves the library but finds himself being pulled, unable to stop his body as he turned. Looking into the depths of reflective pale blue, he knew it was too late. All he can do is scream.


(Screaming fearfully)


Being cut off his hold his throat, feeling blood trickle down his hands before his body grows weak & numb crashing to his knees before the world slowly fades to nothing his last sight the unbearable sight that inflicted the killing blow that is off screen.

The world no longer seems distorted and appears to be normal again. Entering the room are several prison guards all confused, inspecting the bloodied remains of Aleksander. One guard looks to the one standing beside him.


Didn’t think they would get him, not on this level.


They always go after the gentle ones.



Warden is here!

An older man in a suit, clearly the warden enters the library, finding Aleksander seeing the ghastly sight. All he could do was vomit at the sight. Looking down at the decapitated body, he took one step before having to throw up again; the head decapitated the face almost unrecognisable entire sections of flesh missing, ripped from the severed head, strings of red muscle exposed holding small strips to the head just intact, their strength minimal.


God have mercy on us all. Secure the area and call the morgue to come collect the body. I want this inmate or gang found.

Picking a book up off the floor, he drops it on one of the many tables. Retreating to the doorway, he spots two guards at the end of the corridor, the two more guards. He throws his hands up, gesturing to them.


(Yelling to get their attention)

“Her borte! Her borte!”.

The Warden looks back in the room at the blood-stained floors.

INT. Medical Common Room – Day

The news reporter speaks from the small and cube shaped tv as it stands on the desk in front of a small collection of sofas.


“Arne Treholt was arrested today on suspicion of spying for the Soviet Union. Before his arrest, Mr. Treholt was successively a journalist, a junior Norwegian Labour Party politician and a medium-level official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”

Two young women dressed in white medical gowns sit on a sofa. Elisabeth calls from the sofa she is resting her head on the woman beside her, bored with waiting.


“Hey Otto! Turn that rubbish off."

Elisabeth called from the sofa as she rested her head on the woman beside her, bored with waiting.



Tasha agrees resting her head on top of Elizabeth’s both women are equally bored.

Pulling himself up from his chair, disturbing his rest.


(States as he turns of the TV)

“Jada venn. There you go”

The group sit around the small lounge all are equally bored, the two women are playing with each other’s long hair curling it over each lip, twirling it between their fingers. Otto is resting back in his chair, listening to the radio now as he watches a large man built like a brick house struggle to get a fan to work.


(Otto cheers)

“Come on Isaac. You can do it!”

Causing both women to chuckle, slapping each other with their hair causing them to laugh even more.

Elisabeth realised they were short one.


(Pushing Tasha’s auburn hair out of her face)

. “Where’s Thea?”

The two men both shrug as does Tasha beside her looking around




Across the facility, in a small cubicle together, Thea and the nurse, Nurse Kari, the groups go to nurse are in a cubicle together. Thea is wearing the same white medical gown however her pants are pulled down around her ankle. Nurse Kari is performing oral lesbian sex. Thea just as she is about to reach climax, Kari suddenly moves away teasingly, slowly returning, Kari takes off her dress, sliding her hands down her body; She reveals she is not wearing panties. Thea soon ran her own hands down Kari’s bare body, feeling the warmth of her vagina. Thea fingers Kari before she slowly falls to her knees with a smile that stretches across her face with impatient delight.


Walking around the corner entering the lounge, the group’s doctors, one late middled aged and grey hair the other appearing roughly the same but with ginger hair.


(in a slightly annoyed tone)

“Right, we have here Tasha Zuro? Check. Elizabeth Mason. Check again. Otto Hillestad and Isaac Gaudin two more checks and no Thea Mensen. Jarl could you go find her, I bet you she is smoking in the toilets again”

His colleagues who vanished instantly.


(O.S. Around the corridor)

“Right again Christoffer”


(He calls back to the second doctor before turning to the group, gesturing with his head to follow them into the room per usual.)

“Tell her once she’s done wrapping her tongue around that death stick to come in to the room.”

The two women stop, standing still in the locked cubicle, no one can see in but even still they feel like they had been caught the voice of Doctor Oppegard calls in.



“Thea! stop smoking and come in to the room.”


(Pulling her tongue back, dribbling down herself)

“Sure, coming now, just give me a minute”

Continuing to kneel she looks at the mess down herself before back to Kari who grins at her before licking the mess up as Thea gets to her feet.



“I thought that was Kenneth then for a moment”

The two women race to re-dress themselves.



“Don’t be foolish, the man is blind as a bat”



“Watch it, he’s still my husband”


“Yet you’re in here with me” Thea told her”

Thea slaps Kari’s arse jokingly, causing Kari to gasp loudly.

INT. – Hospital Toilet - DAY

The two women leave the cubicle as a female patient stares at them with Thea smiling at the patient who hadn’t realised what is going on in the stall beside her. Staring at Kari as Thea leaves the room, the door swinging shut on her walking away.


(Nervous smiling)

“Stress relief”

Kari smiles nervously again before walking away frantically leaving the patient befuddled to the two women.


Proceeding down the corridor with pace, Kari runs her hands through her hair pushing black strands back into a neat and tied back bun, continuing to walk trying to flee from the area before anyone can see her, her mind wanders to the patient and to Doctor Oppegard, worried if any of them realise. She turns the corner too quick. Unable to stop, she collides with a man dressed in a high-end luxury suit. The man is clearly few years older than Kari.


(Gets cuts off)

“Sorry Mr. Skeie I was……”


“Kari we are married you can call me by my first name you nut.”

Kenneth chuckles comforting the woman lovingly before seeing the state she was in. Becoming lightly concerned to her attire.


“You ok?”


(deeply nervous in her tone and body language.)

“Yes, just had some trouble helping Thea, I mean Miss Mensen. Lady issues”

Repulsed Kenneth just smiles and nods uncomfortably.


“I will leave it there. I am heading out to the shops for a few minutes. Lapskaus for dinner?”

Walks a handful of steps away, heading to the nearby exit.


“Yes, please. Thank you. Speak later?”

Kenneth leaves through the exit disappearing from scene.


Opening the door, finding the group all waiting for her, Thea smiles weakly as she scurries to her seat.


“Sorry personal issues.” (Sits down) “What have I missed?”

The Doctors are visibly annoyed while the patients are clearly not interested or caring.


(Through gritted teeth)

“A long wait”

Seeing the anger in his college, Doctor Oppegard launches forwards starting the conversation.


“Yes right, as you know we have failed to deal with you insomnia, but we think we might have a possible cure for you”


“What is the catch?”

The two doctors look at each other, both shrugging before Doctor Oppegard nods, gesturing with his head to the group. The group seeing the two doctors brace themselves for the bad news.


“It’s only just passed animal trial testing, there has been two other human trials, but you will be the third group. So, we don’t fully know the side effects it could have on you all”

Doctor Oppegard scratches his hair nervously. He knows how aggressive the group could be at times.


“That’s it?”

(Gets up and holding his arm out)

“Give me this jab or tablet or whatever it is. I’m in”

The rest of the group don’t speak, simply looking at one another before Otto realises the group ‘s silence, kicking Isaac in the leg, gesturing with his other hand to stand up. Isaac runs his hands over his bald head before sighing as Otto stares at him like a lost puppy, peering into his brown eyes. Eventually Isaac gets up to him and sticks his arm out too before turning to Otto.



“You’re a pain, boy,”

Otto stands, smiling with delight. The three women remain unconvinced, Tasha and Thea more than Elisabeth who sat in silence as the two women moved forwards, leaning towards the Doctors who are sat behind their desk opposite the group that are sitting in chairs forming a semi-circle in the room.


“What will go wrong?”


“Are all Russians this cynical?” Doctor Oppegard asked her back in response to her questioning, earning him a slap around the back of the head by his fellow doctor.


“Well, what will go wrong?”

Doctor Karlsen stands up, gesturing to both sides of the desk to calm and sit down.


“There are no serious side effects known at the moment and you will all sign a form which will go over everything all we need to know at the moment is yes or no.”

The older doctor resumes his position in his chair.



“I guess,”


(Same time)


Both women are unsettled by the timing of the other.


The Doctors allow the patients to leave the door, one holding the door open the other grabbing several forms and following the other doctor leading the group back to the common room via the corridor.


Heading back into the lounge, all of them now take a document form, the group of patients start reading the heavily worded documents that are thick as books. The group sit in silence as they read side effects some mundane as itching to more serious to nausea and the rare possibility of strokes, despite the almost impossible chance it alarms the group, nevertheless.

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Matt Taylor

Matthew Taylor (Born Nov 19, 1998) is an English writer who began writing text adventures 2016-2018 and started writing novels with his first novel 'DEAD SEA' in late 2019 and has continued to write various novels ever since. With a highlight novel that gained some popularity 'Skies Of Red Dawn' in early 2022. 

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