Andrecorrea220's Scripts
Here's the list of scripts submitted by andrecorrea220 — There are currently 2 scripts total — keep up the great work!
INT/EXT. DINER´S - DAY A diner´s is full crowded with clients, mostly teenagers, all around the counter and at the tables drinking the same green crystalline juice. BOY 1 This "green mania" juice is great, really addictive. BOY 2 True man, it´s catching on and is really wonderful. C... | added by andrecorrea220 2 years ago | |
INT. FAMILY´S HOUSE - NIGHT LUKE, 7 years old, is laying on bed and staring your closet. CUT TO: His father watches TV in the living room, several beer cans are scattered on the floor and on the couch, and a half-empty bottle of whiskey is in your hand. LUKE (V.O) (Screaming) DAD ! DAD ! DAD! ... | added by andrecorrea220 2 years ago |