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The Scripts.com Marketplace Page #2

Finding a great screenplay on our marketplace is fast and easy — browse our collection of scripts for sale by genre or price, and connect with promising writers to make your next movie.

The Talent

The Talent is an action packed page turner that tells the story of a phenomenally gifted football player whose determination to win on the field might cause him to lose everything, including his life.

Listed by Lesley Manuel (Carter) 6 years ago
Dearest Mother

Tanya a small time model with a mental illness who experiences romance, drama, abuse, infidelity, and death of a loved one.

Listed by Cheyenne Kersey 3 years ago
Nicholas Rainbow

When Nicholas' father (Mark) consults with an African traditional healer to cleanse his ailing spirit, the sangoma (Makhosi) informs Mark that Nicholas' late mother Mary's vengeance is the cause of his illness. Stubborn Mark refuses to oblige to Makhosi's warnings, so she turns her divination to ...

Listed by Dhiren Lalkisson 3 years ago
Freight Train

Freight Train, an up and coming fictionalized rock and roll band tries to rise to the top of the music industry on the West Coast during the turbulent mid-to-late 1960's. In addition to facing the usual roadblocks of life on the road, the band unknowingly harbors several dark secrets including un...

Listed by brian dongelewic 2 years ago

James, a guy in the middle of his young age is dealing whit the tragic end of his relationship which leads him to get used to a toxic life style that completely upset his character. This situation gets him into a deaf, voiceless world making him extremely cold and uncompassionate…

Listed by Queo Melendez 2 years ago

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     What people are saying

    “The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

    Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA