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Leprechaun Revenge

A village of leprechauns go on a killing spree after a large group of people break into their village and steal all of their gold.

Listed by Javon Hill 1 year ago
Nicholas Rainbow

When Nicholas' father (Mark) consults with an African traditional healer to cleanse his ailing spirit, the sangoma (Makhosi) informs Mark that Nicholas' late mother Mary's vengeance is the cause of his illness. Stubborn Mark refuses to oblige to Makhosi's warnings, so she turns her divination to ...

Listed by Dhiren Lalkisson 4 years ago
Bathtub Talk

Late one night a man and a woman have an intense conversation while he is in the bathtub.

Listed by J. A. Proctor 1 month ago

Logline: A group of condemned criminals are forced to survive inside of an arena against wolves for 24 hours. Brief Synopsis: Bryan Edwards, a man who was wrongfully convicted of three counts of first-degree murder, was sentenced to prison before finding himself inside of an arena in a game of s...

Listed by Catherine Kreslin 1 year ago
The billionaire's son

In short, there is a twelve-year-old boy, Alexander, who has a cool father and is a billionaire, but fails to cope with his duties as a father. However, the cool father has no wife, and the boy is being raised without a mother. There is also an eighteen-year-old guy, Dima, who is deceiving his ...

Listed by Narsha Bulgakbaev 1 year ago
A Dead Living

LOGLINE:- A woman's life is turned upside down by somebody unknown to her, yet intent on revenge!! "AUDIO PROMO Trailer":- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN0gPh5MRZ8 SYNOPSIS:- Suzy and John are an interracial North American unmarried couple. John's is 50, Suzy is 24 and f...

Listed by Paul Innocent 5 months ago
Contact Paradox

First contact team must decide if the continuation of the mission will violate the Prime Directive. With the ship damaged beyond repair in space, must they self-destruct?

Listed by Edward Wooldridge 6 years ago
My birthday coming

Dozens of presentations or something that will bring big life and commitment to the audience to realize this is the great invention that will mean good for the world. Businesses titles and phrases will be implemented and copyrighted along the lines of having an successful play, movie, show, or bu...

Listed by Fred Thomas Lyons 1 year ago
Proyecto Evolucion

Nick es un joven que acostumbra a vivir su vida al extremo, y al seguir el amor, empieza uno de sus más grandes aventuras por el mundo, sin embargo, en el momento que encuentra su verdadera razón de vivir, también empieza el proyecto más grande que cambiaría la vida en decadencia de este plan...

Listed by Ernesto Alonso Marquez Perez 5 years ago
The Sleepwalker

Norway, nineteen eighty-four. In the Jade Forest Hospital Facility, a new state-of-the-art hospital, a group of insomniac patients opt for a new medical experiment trial with a drug to help them sleep. However, as they fall asleep, they are unknowingly hunted down by an unseen force. They become ...

Listed by Matt Taylor 2 years ago

Discuss these marketplace scripts for sale with the community:

  • kiiru
    i need help on how to write script because i have script ideas
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • zunai
    my girl story the sad story
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Jay Rastik
    Jay Rastik
    I like The Talent and My Dark Dreams. I'm a new filmmaker, writing a script right now. I want to get a budget together for a web series. looking for guidance and people to work with.
    LikeReply 25 years ago
    • STANDS4
      Good luck, Jay! Thanks for your feedback...
      LikeReply 14 years ago
    • benjamindiana
      What's the web series about?
      LikeReply2 years ago

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“The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA