Aviv's Scripts Page #21
Here's the list of scripts submitted by aviv — There are currently 613 scripts total — keep up the great work!
FADE IN: EXT. MOJAVE DESERT - DAY (TELEVISION IMAGE) A LONG LENS SHOT of a far distant metallic object hovering just above the ground -- maybe two or three miles away. The heat waves and the light refraction off the desert- scape make the object undulate rhythmically, keeping its true shape an... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1EXT. DESERT NILE RIVER VALLEY - DAY Somewhere in the Nile at the edge of the desert. CREDITS ROLL WRITTEN:EGYPT 1913 OMAR and his mule zigzag along the bottom of sun scorched dunes. 2EXT. TEMPLE EXCAVATION - DAY The mule and the boy finally reach a camp. A few tents dwarfed by... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. ELM STREET - DAY MEAGAN is coming down the sidewalk in slow motion. Her dress and long hair blow slightly in the breeze. The SOUND of CHILDREN CHANTING increases. DREAM CHILDREN (in chorus) One... two... Freddy's coming for you. On "you" there is a RUMBLE and a flash -... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. SKYLINE -- NIGHT Drizzling ... cold ... foggy ... gray sky vanishes into gray sea without a seam ... fog so dense we move through it blindly until ... looming huge: the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE. SUPERIMPOSE: SAN FRANCISCO -- THE NEAR FUTURE Impo... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: CREDITS OVER: EXT. SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Woodlands. Beautiful. Untamed. Soaring old-growth elms arch over riverside maples along the shores of the gently curving, deep-water Santee River. SUPERIMPOSITION: SOUTH CAROLINA April, 1776 Upstream, the swamps. Beauti... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: Over the titles we see SUPERIMPOSED the snow-capped mountains leading to Shangri-La. CLOSE-UP of an impressive-looking book. The covers open and the pages turn. The first page reads: In these days of wars and... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. THE MADISON HOUSE - BEDROOM - DAY In the blackness, a man, FRED, is sitting on a bed smoking a cigarette. We see his back, but with each glow of the cigarette ash, we see his face reflected in a mirror on the ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: BEFORE AND DURING TITLES 1EXT. - SKY NIGHT The moon and stars are visible, but as CAMERA looks down, the SCREEN fills with dark, billowing clouds. CAMERA moves into the clouds and just as they blank out the SCREEN, a distant shimmer of light becomes visible. Moving toward it, the shim... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. SUBURBIA - NIGHT A beautiful late summer night. Crickets chirping, sprinklers sprinkling. We PAN across one particular lawn, up one particular tree, where we see THE PEEPER (Jon Lovitz) sitting on a limb. He has a bottle of wine, some sandwiches, a Walkman. Suddenly the lights... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: A clock alarm SOUNDS over TITLES on BLACK. We HEAR someone clearing congested lungs, coughing up phlegm; a slight crash STOPS both the cough and the alarm. EXT. GEORGE'S BEACH SHACK - MORNING The cottage is a tiny, peeling p... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. PRISON CEMETERY -- DAY A handful of people are gathered in an open field under a fierce Mississippi sun. A couple of young inmates, JAKE and LEON, lean on their shovels. They are waiting to bury two iden... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FACE IN ON THE SURFACE OF THE OCEAN sunny and placid then slowly WE BEGIN DESCENDING UNDERWATER Moving down from the bright surface waters, through layers of fish and marine life... A school of vibrantly colored fish move with the current, their numbers are enorm... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: DARKNESS. A scream rises to an ominous crescendo as we SHOCK CUT INTO - MONTAGE of fast moving clips. Death, destruction, fear. All images taken from the previous ten Friday The 13ths. AGAIN, DARKNESS. OPEN ON: The year is 2455. The place is Old Earth. Barren, void of life, a ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN CLOSE SHOT— Cerberus — night. The three-headed guardian of the dead, The marble figure glares watchfully from one head while the other two seem to drowse in sleep. INT. HEADQUARTERS TENT — NIGHT CLOSE SLOT — ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 On a DEEP...DEEP...DARKNESS. 1 A FLICKER. Of LIGHT. Off to the side. Just barely. Noticeable. ORANGE...YELLOW...as we realise...It.s FIRE... A SOUND. Something SHATTERING... Then. A DISEMBODIED VOICE. Muted. We can.t quite make out What it.s saying. As it gets LOUDER. And LOU... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. FOREST - DAY Bird's-eye view. We circle lazily above the forest. Through a break in the trees, we catch an occasional glimpse of a prostrate form on the ground. As the circling camera gets closer we see ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: CREDITS Credits are played over Currier and Ives-like winter scenes from life in Grand Rapids. It's Christmas morning. -- Two well-bundled youths shovel out a suburban driveway while their father scrapes ice ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: OPENING CREDITS OVER QUICK CUTS: INT. MIRANDA AND DOUG'S BEDROOM - DAWN PUSH in on a sleeping couple in the dark. The ALARM CLOCK reads 5:59 AM. The woman's eyes open a secondbefore the alarm beeps and turns it off. She grabs aglass of water on her bedside table and drinks it. Cli... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 EXT. SLATE QUARRY -DAY 1 FRED FLINTSTONE, archetypical Everyman, sits atop his faithful heavy-equipment dinosaur, cranking the winch that makes the mighty beast rip and tear into the quarry wall. 2 THE QUARRY FOREMAN 2 looks down at his wristwatch. Well... actually, it's a wris... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: CLOSE ON A MASSIVE STEEL HEAD Our first thought: DR. DOOM? But it's not moving. A welder's torch sparks into frame in the hands of a sculptor on scaffolding. This is art, an epic 20 foot statue going up of a ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: JACK BAKER is standing before a dirty window, looking out at a dirty city street. He is wearing a tuxedo. VOICE (O.S.) Hey. WIDEN ANGLE It's the GIRL from this afternoon. JACK Hey. Jack looks at the Girl, sleepy and warm under the bedcovers, then at the rest of the apartment. N... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREETS (LOS ANGELES) -NIGHT CREDIT SEQUENCE. As OPENING CREDITS play, we study the city’s nighttime pulse, ribbons of headlights moving and cross-connecting like blood through the veins of a body -impressionistic, even beautiful, but what we’re hearing is soulful ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 EXT. CADILLAC DEALERSHIP - DAY 1 BILL BABOWSKY ("BB"), a wiry, dapper-looking man in hismid-thirties, is circling a baby blue Cadillac. A SALESMAN follows on his heels. SALESMAN She's a beauty. BB (looking at Salesman) Who? What? SALESMAN BB Who's the beauty? SALE... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: ...on a BLACK WAVE - vast, oceanic, and coming right at us. BEGIN TITLES. The wave is relentless, huge, menacing. We can't tell if this is daytime or night because it simply obscures everything - noisily. It sucks, it yawns, it roars. Then we realize... t... | added by aviv 8 years ago |