Aviv's Scripts
Here's the list of scripts submitted by aviv — There are currently 613 scripts total — keep up the great work!
Episode 1 SHOOTING SCRIPT Pink Revisions 15/03/12 ii. Copyright of BBC Drama Production The sending of this script does not constitute an offer of a contract for any part herein. THE SECRET OF CRICKLEY HALL Ep 1 Pink Revisions 1. 1 EXT. CRICKLEY HALL - 1943 DAY 1 1 Six year o... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 201 EXT. HOUSE (ANDRZEJ’S JOB) - DAY 3 - 17:30 201 A WHITE VAN, sparkling new - like shots from a TVcommercial. It’s the one OLLIE’S been dreaming of owning for weeks. Is it his? Has he managed to get the money tobuy it? Pull out to reveal bright letters on the side. The logo for- ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
THIS SCRIPT IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Please do not discuss the contents of this script with anyone outside the Production. ©Caryn Mandabach Productions & Tiger Aspect Productions 2014 PBII - Ep 1 - Steven Knight - SHOOTING SCRIPT - 20/02/14 p.1 1 OPEN ON BLACK - FLASHBACK 1 1 T... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 EXT. OPEN DEVON COUNTRYSIDE, DEVON - DAY 1, AUTUMN- 1820 1 CRASH into sudden noise and movement as a dry mud-spattered black coach careens too close -sunlight glinting off it and its wheels churning dust into the frame. WELL-HEELED TRAVELLERS waiting at this unofficial staging post at... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
201 EXT. BISHOP’S FARM ‘HOME FIELD’ - DAEXT. BISHOP’S FARM ‘HOME FIELD’ - DAY Distant bird song: YELLOWHAMMER. Andy and Lance are detecting a few metres apart. Andy gets a signal and digs a plug of soil out of the ground. LANCE What you got? Andy pulls something from the hole and scrape... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 INT. GEMMA’S BATHROOM. MORNING 1 CHARLOTTE and JESS are in their school uniforms, GEMMA looks scruffy and is trying to tie her hair in a pony tail. They are all looking down the toilet. JESS is holding a fish bowl looking worried. CHARLOTTE Sorry mum, I just thought Nemo would like to g... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. LONDON. VAUXHALL. MI6 HEADQUARTERS. NIGHT The Headquarters of British Intelligence. An embassy of secrets. Intense security. Cameras. Bomb proof walls. A cab parks outside. A young man steps out. Mid- twenties. Lean and handsome. He’s Danny. His clothes are cool and casual. His hair s... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 INT. COTTAGE, BEDROOM. WESTERN ISLES - DAWN DAY 1 (06:11) 1 We float in the darkness. We can barely make out where we are. Somewhere in our mind we can hear the distant sound of footsteps, whispers that seem to race forward and past us, muffled arguments and cries that circle and fade like ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 INT. SUPERMARKET - NIGHT 0 1 CLOSE ON A JUMBO PACK OF MONSTER MUNCH - A female hand reaches into frame and plucks the crisps from the shelf. MEGA PACK OF HULA HOOPS- Swipe... SIX PACK OF KIT KATS - Again the hand swipes the chocolate. THE MYSTERY SHOPPER’S TROLLEY - Overloaded with co... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. TOLLGATE STREET - DAY 1 Close on the sign above the shop: Lovett’s Drapery. EDMUND is staring up at it, mesmerised by it. DENISE passing, full of purpose. DENISE What are you doing, Uncle? EDMUND Having your name above a shop -- it’s no small thing. DENISE (laughs) You’ve only... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 SUMMER. POSY DRAWING 1 2 EXT. DAY. STONEFIELD - THE GROUNDS. 2 Andy Cobb, early thirties, is digging an English garden inthe hot sun. He is lean, naked to the waist. It’s hard to tell which century he inhabits. Only when he stops to drinkfrom a plastic bottle do we realise he is of our time.... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 INT. NUMBER TEN CORRIDOR/MALCOLM’S OFFICE - MORNING 1 MALCOLM TUCKER, government director of communications, is arriving early. He's on the phone. Passes a CIVIL SERVANT. MALCOLM You're in Mark Hadley's office, yeah? CIVIL SERVANT 1 Yes. MALCOLM I need to see him. Another CI... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1. 1 EXT. SKARO - DAY 1 Spinning, blurry. A faint impression, of blue sky, mountains and a dark figure rotating past us - but all upside down! The spinning, slowing. Becoming gentle revolutions. The upside-down figure, silhouetted against the blazing sun - it is clearly MISSY. MIS... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 EXT. STREET. PRE-DAWN EXT. STREET. PRE-DAWN 1 A quiet, working-class residential street in Ireland, early 1950s. It’s morning, but it’s still dark. One of the front doors opens, and out slips EILIS - early twenties, open-faced pretty without knowing it. She closes the door quietly behind he... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
Now, this might be the room of any small boy, but it happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin. And, like most small boys, Christopher Robin had toy animals to play with. And together they had many remarkable adventures... in an enchanted place... called the Hundred Acre Wood. But of all... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
Over BLACK, we HEAR the sounds of an old TAPE RECORDING. Young VOICES are filtered amid a noticeable hum, hiss and crackle. We HEAR giggling and then someone named Charlie making vows of love to someone named Peggy Sue. CHARLIE (0.S). Hi this is Charlie and... Come on, say your name. PEGGY (O.S... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. LANTAU ISLAND - NIGHT The largest of Hong Kong's outlying islands... ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. AUDITORIUM - 1972 - DAY TWO BOYS sit on opposite sides of a chessboard. One is NINE, the other FOURTEEN. The room is SILENT, the tension between the two young players severe. All the ADULT PLAYERS that have been eliminated from this mat... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN on MARIA (late 20s), asleep in bed. She’s breathtakingly beautiful. Morning light fills the room. The sound of wind, and rippling cloth. Maria stirs, and opens her eyes. She stretches contentedly. Then she frowns. Rolls over. She’s alone in the bed? No, she’s not: PETER (20s) sits o... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. IRAQI DESERT - DAWN Harsh sunlight beats down over a bleak, unforgiving stretch of rocky desert. Amidst this desolation rise the ruins of an ancient Sumerian ziggurat, a massive stepped pyramid of mud brick that was on... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: BEGIN TITLES In murky light, a piece of paper sinks in a shallow tin tub. By degrees, faces and forms appear on the page: a swooning woman, (circa 1940) a cop who tries to catch her, a crowd of onlookers standing in the shadows of a tenement house in the aftermath of a murder. Before th... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
BEGIN MAIN 'TITLE SEQUENCE: An impressionistic montage: A SILHOUETTED MAN in front of mirror dons his Marine dress blues. Spit= polish shoes laced. Medals clipped to jacket. All in CLOSE-UP. We never= see him fully. The Man puts HIS HAT squarely on his head. EYES glint. On the man's ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. BROOKLYN BRIDGE -- NIGHT A wrecked Ford Mustang burns in the middle of the empty bridge. Empty. No other cars, no people in sight.. . There is a gaping hole in the windshield on the driver's side. Flames consume the backseat. Smoke spills out the windows. The radio still plays, ho... | added by aviv 8 years ago |