Aviv's Scripts Page #5
Here's the list of scripts submitted by aviv — There are currently 613 scripts total — keep up the great work!
FADE IN: A TITLE SEQUENCE Still photos of twenty-four principal actors. 1 CLOSE SHOT - SIGN Nashville Airport. 2 EXT. NASHVILLE AIRPORT - DAY TRICYCLE MAN drives into parking lot and parks next to GREEN'S old Chevy. TRICYCLE MAM: locks his machine and walks toward coffee shop. GR... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
OVER BLACK; NARRATOR In the New York Herald, November 26, year 1911, there is an account of the hanging of three men -- CUT TO: Black and White Lumiere Footage Three men hung....bang...bang...bang. CUT TO: Newspaper Headline comes into focus; "Three Men Hung." QUICK DISSOLVE: Sub... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
INT: BELOW DECK ON A OCEAN GOING SHIP - NIGHT Fifty immigrants are packed onto benches along the walls of the small dark room. Some eat or talk, but most stare vacantly into space. Others sleep curled up among their baggage on the floor. A lamp swinging from the ceiling provides the only lig... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: From the BLACKNESS before the first images, we hear a young woman's tortured SCREAM, muffled by her own will. We see her mouth, open in agony; her face, beaded with sweat. Her name is ANNE, and she is Queen of France. She lies in A ROYAL BEDCHAMBER The royal DOCTOR kneels at the fo... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. THE GROUNDS OF WINDSOR CASTLE, FOREST - NIGHT Begin on black. The sound of rain driving into trees. Something wipes frame and we are suddenly hurtling through a forest on the shoulders of a wild-eyed, kilted JOHN BROWN. Drenched hair streaming, head swivelling left and right, as he search... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Sold sign is posted in front of a house. SHOT OF SIGN. CUT TO: 2INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME NIGHT The house is empty except for Bekins boxes which are packed. They are all over the rooms. The CAMERA SLOWLY MOVES IN AND AROUND the boxes until we REACH the bedroom. 3I... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN ON: Black screen SOUND OS -- a CHOKED BACK BREATH, GASPING, lungs looking for air, the struggle for life and we -- FLASHCUT TO: INT. LIMBO/WATER - ANOTHER TIME GASPING for BREATH continues, more relentless, harder, heavier and into the FRAME we SEE fragments, slowed into special moti... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
1 EXT. THE OCEAN - NIGHT 1 CAMERA SKIMMING along the top of the water. Moonlight on the surf. Racing toward the beach where large bonfires burn. TITLES AND TITLE SONG. CAMERA FLIES THROUGH FLAMES revealing: 2 THE SANTA CARLA BOARDWALK 2 This is the place where it's a... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
TITLE SEQUENCE As the credits run, we INTERCUT the following two sequences: EXT. NEVADA DESERT - IDOLS - DAY A SLOW DRIFT through a collection of crudely constructed, surreal, six-foot tall "IDOLS." Like modern demons. Grotesque. Disturbing. WE LAP DISSOLVE between details of th... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. TEXAS SCRUB -- DAY Two men in shorts and Hawaiian shirts are poking around a sandy section in the middle of scrub flats. SERGEANT CLIFF POTTS is in the f.g., a plant-and-tree guidebook in hand, as SERGEANT "MIKEY" HOGAN works a metal detector over a large, sandy bank in the b.g.... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
A battered 35mm movie camera stands alone on a wooden tripod surrounded by blackness. Opening credits begin. An almost imperceptible DOLLY in toward the movie camera. The dolly forward continues throughout the credits ending in an EXTREME CU of the camera's lens, filling the frame like a gian... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN On the fountain at El Pueblo. A jet of waiter rises into the air at regular intervals, tossing an empty ball in rhythm. Below the ball, the water cascades into the second tier of the fountain. SUPERIMPOSED over this fountain are the main and credit titles. Throughout the running of the ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
Notes: The beginning is identical to the movie, so we considered useless reporting it here. It's from Mathilda's first rifle training scene that the original script is totally different from the movie. This version is much more violent and the affective relation between Leon and Mathilda sho... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
TITLE ON BLACK; �10 P.M. - LOS ANGELES� DISSOLVE TO: 1 INT. SMART BAR IN BEVERLY HILLS - NIGHT It is the kind of bar where the well-to-do folks of LA go to pick up - or be picked up. Lesser-known actors, agents and executives of all ages. Into this bar comes Ben. Ben is in his thirties. He ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. NAZARETH - MORNING From above: Flying close over a thick grove of olive trees. MUSIC fades into the sound of wings beating through the air. We hear (OVER) the voice of a young man, thoughtful but strong. JESUS (V.O.) The feeling begins. It's a light tingling at first. Right on the top ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: BRIGHT BLUE TIGER Surrounded by a pack of dogs, ten of them snarling and gnashing their teeth. The TIGER'S, eyes burn with fury as he wheels in a circle, lunging at one dog clawing at another, keeping them all at bay. Suddenly, the TIGER leaps over the dogs and transforms into a ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
EXT. MISSISSIPPI RIVER - DAY A BOAT Specifically, a garbage scow. We see it from ON HIGH, chugging down the placid but mighty Mississippi. Head credits play over COVERAGE of the garbage scow. No sound, except for an incongruously heroic score. The COVERAGE is a little rough, coarse-grained; ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
The Himalayas. A still photograph, a portrait, of a mountain; the north face of Chomolungma - a peak also known as Mount Everest - twenty-nine thousand feet high. We hear a very young boy speak. BOY (VO) Mama, my story. A woman speaks: WOMAN (VO) Again? BOY (VO) Tell me. Portrait of a mou... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
INT. DINING ROOM - TOM GRUNEMANN HOUSE - DAY CLOSE SHOT of TOM GRUNEMANN, attractive young executive, sitting at the head of the dining room table carving a turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner. There are joyous sounds of celebration. The CAMERA PANS around the table revealing the happy family and... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1EXT: MIDTOWN MANHATTAN STREETS - DAY Behind the opening credits, we watch a montage of RUPERT PUPKIN making his daily rounds as a messenger delivering manila envelopes and packages to various New York offices, always courteous and polite in his demeanor, PUPKIN is an attractive-l... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. TAXI CAB - MOVING - DAY Rain falls on the rear window of a taxi parked in the taxi zone of the Charles de Gualle Airport. Aside from the incessant tapping of rain on the roof of the cab we hear the sounds of the airport: the almost monotonic loudspeaker declaring in French that ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
OVER BLACK We hear labored breathing. BLACK FRAME QUOTE APPEARS: "Revenge is a dish best served cold" - Old Klingon Proverb - QUOTE FADES OUT WE STAY ON BLACK ...breathing continues... Then a MAN'S VOICE talks over the breathing; MAN'S VOICE(O.S.) Do you find me sadistic? CUT T... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. VICTORIAN ESTATE - 1895 - DAY CLOSE UP: Ornate antique GRANDFATHER CLOCK strikes 2:15. The credits begin to roll. Calligraphy place cards are painstakingly hand-written in preparation for a formal reception. Servants meticulously clean an elaborate crystal chandelier. Hands r... | added by aviv 8 years ago |