Aviv's Scripts Page #26
Here's the list of scripts submitted by aviv — There are currently 613 scripts total — keep up the great work!
INT. OPENING MONTAGE OVER BLACK a low rumble increases in volume. FADE UP: A GLOVED HAND wraps around a bulky scissor-switch, thrusts DOWN. SNAP! - Electricity arcs through darkness. OS SOUND of MACHINERY turning on. TITLES OVER MONTAGE OF CLOCKS... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
The CAPITOL DOME at Washington fades in. It is night, and the dome is flooded in light. This view dissolves to the exterior of a Newspaper Office WINDOW, seen at night. The letters on the window, illuminated by a street light, are pi... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
INT. TV STUDIO - DAY A Susskind-type MODERATOR is speaking into camera: MODERATOR Tonight we'll discuss a subject most of us seem to consider either bad taste or frivolous or funny. But if our experts are right, we face what might be called a masculinity crisis. Every fourth American man uptig... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
CASTLE - NIGHT Now comes the moon riding over the horizon. Upon a hill at the edge of the wood squats a castle, its crude stonework bathed in cold silvery light. Queer carvings and runes decorate the ponderous gate. Heavy vines are c... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
And now the story of Sailor and Lula..... 1. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY A MAN rides a screaming massive Japanese motorcycle - wound out to maximum R.P.M. up the street. CUT TO: 2. SIGN BY ROADSIDE The sign reads “KIDS PLAYING - SPEED BUMPS”. CUT TO: 3. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY With a whin... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
TITLE SEQUENCE: The Bach-Vivaldi A-Minor Concerto for Four Pianos PLAYS OVER a series of family album photographs. Written in careful penmanship beneath each are names identifying family members: 1ST PHOTO: A man stands in front of the raised sounding board of a piano, playing the viola. Seated... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
Just east of Webster Avenue in the North Bronx, 187th Street is a predominantly Italian community and the commercial avenue of the neighborhood. Fruit and vegetable stands, pizzerias, butcher shops, bakeries, cleaners and dyers and bars flourish. ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: A CARD, WHITE ON THE BLACK SCREEN, READS: Why does a dog wag its tail? BENEATH IT, THE NEXT LINE FADES IN: Because a dog is smarter than its tail. CROSS-FADE TO THE NEXT CARD, WHICH READS: If the tail were smarter, the tail would wag the dog. DI... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
All IS A BLUR. . . ...then WORDS appear, twisting and vaguely transparent, reflected on the window GRADY TRIPP stands before as he reads from a sheaf of NEATLY-TYPED PAGES. GRADY 'The young girl sat perfectly still in the confessional... 1INT. CLASSROOM - UNIVERSITY - AFTERNOON Grady--45-y... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: TIGHT CLOSE - JOE THERRIAN - MORNING He's in his mid-thirties, his face relaxed in sleep, childlike. Nestled soundly a tangle in the arms of his wife. THE CAMERA STAYS CLOSE. SLIGHTLY BLURRED, SOFT, SLOWLY SWINGS ROUND TIGHT CLOSE - SALLY THERRIAN She's in her mid-thirties, with l... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
INT. PASTELS RESTAURANT- NIGHT An insanely expensive restaurant on the Upper East Side. The decor is a mixture of chi-chi and rustic, with swagged silk curtains, handwritten menus and pale pink tablecloths decorated with arrangements of moss, twigs and hideous exotic flowers. The clientele ... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
FADE IN on the words CZECH AIRLINE. We are panning across the words on the side of the plane. INT. AIRPLANE ANGLE DOWN on a tray table. Crumpled Czech bills and coins are on it. Hands are counting the money. The airline hostess announces the arrival at JFK - in CZECH. A hand reaches into... | added by aviv 8 years ago | |
DARKNESS. As the MAIN TITLES BEGIN, the theater thrums with a subsonic HISS which mounts in all the rattling power of THX, and we... BURN IN, BRIGHT LIVING COLOR: EXT. STRATOSPHERE - DAY The glory of stratospheric dawn. The engines of a silver Lockheed U-2F rasp upon the trace oxygen here at... | added by aviv 8 years ago |