Acronimous's Scripts Page #5
Here's the list of scripts submitted by acronimous — There are currently 285 scripts total — keep up the great work!
FADE IN: 1 EXT. ROAD - DAY The TRACK is SILENT. The CAMERA looks at a sign. It reads: CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE Established 1935 Gradually we can begin to hear, in ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
INT. ROOM OLD BREWERY DAY Half in shadow, a man named VALLON, dressed in black, fastens a clean white clerical collar around his thick neck. He raises a jagged razor to his face, RAKES it across his right cheek, drawing BLOOD. He does not flinch. The sharp SCRAPING of the jagged blade against s... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America The movie begins with scenes of people screaming in horror and running down the streets of a big city. The ground shakes from what seems like giant footsteps. There are pieces of building debris falling everywhere, people getting crushed, power lines coming down, etc. - complete pandemonium. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
From a BLACK SCREEN --we’re in the middle of a confidential conversation. ANDY (V.O.) The screen says it’s an unimplemented trap but the dialogue box is wrong, it’s a system error. JOANNA (V.O.) When did it happen? ANDY (V.O.) About 10 minutes ago, we’ve been working it. JOANNA (... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN A RIVER. We’re underwater, watching a fat catfish swim along. This is The Beast. EDWARD (V.O.) There are some fish that cannot be caught. It’s not that they’re fasteror stronger than other fish. They’rejust touched by something extra. Call it luck. Call it grace. One such fish ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Written by Lawrence Kasdan, J.J. Abrams & Michael Arndt ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. APARTMENT BUILDING (NEW YORK), HALLWAY - NIGHT ANGLE ON apartment doorway. As it opens and an enormously SWEET-FACED, ELDER WOMAN steps out, bungled up against the cold -- turning back to call inside to the unseen love of her long life. SWEET-FACED WOMAN I'm just going to get ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
A DESK COMPUTER A man's hand is punching out a series of figures on the keyboard. BUD (V.O.) On November first, 1959, the population of New York City was 8,042,783. if you laid all these people end to end, figuring an ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
EXT. LONELY COUNTRY ROAD. DAY. An empty ribbon of asphalt. Winding through an endless stretch of meadows and farmlands. For a long moment, silence. Then, a distant speck. A car moving toward us. A SOUND APPROACHING WITH IT NOW. A RADIO BLARING AND TWO RAISED VOICES SINGING WITH IT. TR... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Wiseau Films logo Opening credits play against generic footage of Johnny stalking about San Francisco Exterior shot of Johnny’s car pulling up outside his house Johnny enters the living room Johnny: Hi babe! I have something for you. Lisa: What is it? Johnny: Just a little something. He pl... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
EXT: WINTER RIVER, CONNECTICUT -- DAY A bucolic New England town, but rather too clean and neat to be entirely real. There is no visible population. Ominous, vibrating music. On Main Street, a banner proclaims: COME TO THE ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 -BLACK The lonely sound of a buoy bell in the distance. Water slapping against a smooth, flat surface in rhythm. The creaking of wood. Off in the very far distance, one can make out the sound of sirens. SUDDENLY, a single match ignites and invades the darkness. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
INT. DR. JAFFE'S OFFICE - DAY A successful-looking doctor sits behind a desk in a well- appointed office. He's looking at someone off-camera. DR. JAFFE Uh, but you have no actual medical ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 GIANCALDO. SALVATORE'S MOTHER'S HOUSE. EXT/INT. DAY The October sun slashes through the gray clouds, cuts across the shadow towards the sea, along the coast where the new suburbs of the city of Giancaldo have been built up. Bright light streams through the windows, glancing off the white wal... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 OMITTED 1 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY JENNIFER HILLS races down from a stoop, a suitcase rolling along behind her. Even dressed down, this city girl can't hide her natural beauty and panache. She makes her way a... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
CLINTON: Thank you! (APPLAUSE) Thank you! (APPLAUSE) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (APPLAUSE) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! In the spring of 1971 I met a girl. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) The first time I saw her we were, appropriately enough, in a class on political... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer FADE IN: TITLE SEQUENCE: 1INT. BOSTON - OLD NORTH CHURCH - DAY The setting sun backlights a series of abstract colored images. Holy images of STAINED GLASS and lead. FOOTSTEPS ECHO across the marble floor. REVEAL - JULIE JAMES A little older, a little wiser, yet still very pretty, no doubt.... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 INT. SUV -- DAY 1 No sound. We are in a speeding SUV. The passenger, LARA, unsnaps her seat belt and reaches for the door handle. The driver, JOHN, sees her door open and dives to GRAB her. The SUV spins, HORNS BLARE, TIRES SCREECH, cars swerve to avoid collision. We aren't sure ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. ANDY'S BEDROOM A row of moving boxes lie on the floor of the room. They are drawn up in crayon to look like a miniature Western town. The bedroom is lined with cloud wallpaper giving the impression of sky. One of the boxes has a children's illustrated "WANTED" poster o... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 INT. BOSTON HOUSE SALOON, APPALOOSA - LATE AFTERNOON 1 Particles of dust float in rays of sunlight slicing throughlouvered saloon doors. The doors push open silhouetting the holstered guns of two men. The bartender, FAT WALLIS, looks up as he lights an oil lamp chandelier. Close on CHALK ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 EXT. PLAYGROUND IN PARK - DAY 1 WIDE ANGLE VIEW: A playground in Brooklyn. A winter sun shines brightly. Stark trees and patchy grass. A boy of about 10 years stands apart from a group of kids his age. In his hand he is holding a large piece of tree branch, twirling it absently, with t... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
I didn't know it was so bad. Couple of incendiaries, these old buildings go up like cellophane. There's a wall that separates the old section of Nuremberg from the new. Goes back to... Ho... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 EXT. THE OCEAN - DAY 1 CLOSE ON a beautiful 40-YEAR-OLD WOMAN at the helm of a powerful SPEEDBOAT -- her hair tossed back by the wind, her mouth in a euphoric grin. FADE OUT. 2 ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago |