Acronimous's Scripts Page #10
Here's the list of scripts submitted by acronimous — There are currently 285 scripts total — keep up the great work!
FADE IN: EXT. SAWYER'S BACKYARD--DAWN Elegiac music murmurs as three female and barefoot PAIRS OF LEGS in skirts break from tableau to gently engage in Croquet. A blue mallet hits a blue ball through a wicket, a green mallet knocks a green ball, and a yellow mallet push... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
INT. DELTA GAMMA HOUSE - DAY 1 "HEAD OVER HEELS" by the Go-Go's plays as we wind through a flock of abstract, silky, golden strands -- PULLING BACK, to discover that the strands are hair on a BLONDE GIRL's head. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 INT. CHAMPION AIRCRAFT - BENNY GIACOMO'S OFFICE 1 A battered wooden desk drawer groans open and light brown skinned hands with dirty fingernails twist the cap off a pint of rye whiskey and pour liquor into a coffee cup. O.S. VOICE You know, when you fire somebody you have to stick to ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
ACT I PROLOGUE Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventure... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
ANCHOR WOMAN: Two households both alike in dignity in fair Verona, Where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean, From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, A pair of star crossed lovers take their life, Whose misadventured pi... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1. 1 INT. DARK STAGE - NIGHT 1 OPENING CREDITS: A SPOTLIGHT slices black space. In its beam, a DANCER materializes. She is fair-skinned. Beautiful and pure. The maiden twirls on pointe, a smile on her face, light as air and carefree. She pauses, her face grows worried. Sensing someone... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 INT. CHURCH 1 We’re at the funeral of Dorothy Kowalski. In attendance are mostly old folks, their offspring and several bored teenagers. WALT KOWALSKI stands towards the front of the church. He speaks to an older MAN in a bulky, out-of-date suit. OLDER MAN I’m real sorr... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
We are floating up a steep scrubby slope. We hear male voices gently singing "Tumbling Tumbleweeds" and a deep, affable, Western-accented voice--Sam Elliot's, perhaps: VOICE-OVER A way out we... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
PULP [pulp] n. 1. A soft, moist, shapeless mass or matter. 2. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper. American Heritage Dictionary: New College Edition ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Radio: October is inventory time. So right now, Statler Toyota is making the best deals of the year on all 1985 model Toyotas. You won't find a better car with a better price with better service anywhere in Hill Valley... Television: The Senate is expected to vote on this today. In other news, o... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: FULL SCREEN PHOTOGRAPH Grainy but unmistakably a man and woman making love. Photograph shakes. SOUND of a man MOANING in anguish. The photograph is dropped, REVEALING ANOTHER, MORE compromising one. Then another, and another. More moans. CURLY'S VOICE (crying out) Oh, no. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. WARSAW (ARCHIVE) - DAY Black and white. Street scene. People toing and froing. A man rattles by. SUPERIMPOSE CAPTION: WARSAW 1939 INT. STUDIO, RADIO STATION, WARSA... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
While this remains, we hear: "I believe in America." Suddenly we are watching in CLOSE VIEW, AMERIGO BONASERA, a man of sixty, dressed in a black suit, on the verge of great emotion. BONASERA America has made my fortune. As he speaks, THE VIEW imperceptibly begins to loosen. BONASERA... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TRAVIS BICKLE, age 26, lean, hard, the consummate loner. On the surface he appears good-looking, even handsome; he has a quiet steady look and a disarming smile which flashes from nowhere, lighting up his whole face. But behind that smile, around his dark eyes, in his gaunt cheeks, one can se... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
"Even if you accept the belief that a high "Incluso si se acepta la creencia de que un alto Trendex means a rising sales curve...." Trendex ...." significa un aumento de las ventas de la curva -Mr. -Sr. Thornhill? Thornhill? -Good night, Eddie. -Buenas n... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN. INT. BEDROOM. CLOSE-UP OF BONNIE PARKER. DAY Blonde, somewhat fragile, intelligent in expression. She is putting on make-up with intense concentration and appreciation, applying lipstick and eye make-up. As the camera slowly pulls back from the closeup we see that we have been ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Unchanged men in a changing land. Out of step, out of place and desperately out of time... Suddenly a new West had emerged. Suddenly it was sundown for nine men. Suddenly their day was over. Suddenly, the sky was bathed in blood. Bank Robbery 1 The cavalry (Credits) (The wild bunch in ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: A-1 LOS ANGELES - A DOWNTOWN INTERSECTION It is night, about two o'clock, very light traffic. At the left and in the immediate foreground a semaphore traffic signal stands at GO. Approaching it at about thirty miles per hour is a Dodge 1938 coupe. It is driven erratica... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Scene 1-Street in front of the Banks’ House (In front of stage, far right – Chimney sweep sitting on a chimney pot – spotlight on. Stage, in darkness, is set up like a living room, two pieces of luggage downstage stage left.) Sweep 1– Winds in the east, mist comin’ in Like someth... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: FULL SHOT - GRANT STREET - SAN FRANCISCO - DAY It is mid-afternoon, and there is a tempo and pace to the people walking, the doorman HOOTING for taxicabs, the policemen directing traffic. PAN SHOT - PEDESTRIANS waiting at street corner for light to change. CLOSE SHOT - MAN at the... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
Chapter 1 Scarlett's Jealousy (Tara is the beautiful homeland of Scarlett, who is now talking with the twins, Brent and Stew, at the door step.) BRENT What do we care if we were expelled from college, Scarlett. The war is going to start any day now so we would have left college anyhow. STE... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. PHOENIX, ARIZONA - (DAY) - HELICOPTER SHOT Above Midtown section of the city. It is early afternoon, a hot mid-summer day. The city is sun-sunblanched white and its drifted-up noises are muted in blanched their own echoes. We fly low, heading in a downtown direction, passing over ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: Part One The HARBOR at Miami Beach FADES IN, providing quick VIEWS of yachts, aquaplanes, and luxurious ship-craft lying at anchor in the calm, tranquil waters of tropical Florida. This dissolves to the NAME PLATE on the sid... | added by acronimous 8 years ago |