Acronimous's Scripts Page #11
Here's the list of scripts submitted by acronimous — There are currently 285 scripts total — keep up the great work!
FADE IN: EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATURE) Window, very small in the distance, illuminated. All around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in th... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
CHARACTERS FOREMAN: A small, petty man who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally. Not overly bright, but dogged. JUROR NO. 2: A meek, hesitant man who finds it difficult to maintain any opinions of his own. Easily swayed and usually adopts the opinion of ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INSERT - A revolving globe. When it stops revolving it turns briefly into a contour map of Europe, then into a flat map. Superimposed over this map are scenes of refugees fleeing from all sections of Europe by foot, wagon, auto, and boat, and all converging upon one point on the t... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
THE SCREEN IS BLACK. We hear the sounds of gentle waves. OUR MAN 13th of July, 4:50 pm. I’m sorry... I know that means!little at this point, but I am. I tried, I think you!would all!agree that I tried. To be true, to be strong, to be kind, to love, to be right. But I wasn’t. And I know y... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TITLE CARD: SOME OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED OVER BLACK: APRIL 26, 1978, PLAZA HOTEL, NEW YORK 1 FADE IN: 1 2 INT. PLAZA HOTEL WINDOW NYC - DAY 2 IRVING ROSENFELD, not a small man, gets dressed andmeticulously constructs his combover. Camera WRAPS AROUND, see his hands with rings adjust his dar... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TITLE CARD ON BLACK: 'This is fiction.' 1 INT. SUBURBAN BATHROOM - DAY 1 20 year-old DANIEL HORDERN stands at the sink of a neat bathroom, his face covered in shaving foam. DANIEL (yells) Mum! He dips his blade in the basin and drags it across his cheek. Hewinces in pain. DANIEL (ye... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
EXT. UNDERWOOD RESIDENCE - NIGHT SLOWLY PULL IN on the front door of a fashionable DC townhouse. Off-screen, we hear the SOUND OF SCREECHING TIRES followed by a LOUD COLLISION. A CAR ALARM blares. After a moment, the door to the townhouse opens and A MAN emerges, curious to see what the... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TITLE OVER BLACK: 1957. The height of the Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union fear each other’s nuclear capabilities - and intentions. Both sides deploy spies - and hunt for them. INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS CLOSE ON AN ELDERLY MAN Reflected in a grimy mirror. The mirror is pro... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. AIRPORT - AFTERNOON Jesse and 14-year-old Hank are walking through an airport in Greece. JESSE So you got everything? HANK Mmm-hmmh. JESSE You going to play video games the whole flight, or do you think you might actually crack a book? HANK Probably read some. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
An intricate piano piece - GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL... INTERCUT WHITE ON BLACK CREDITS WITH BELOW... INT. RUSTIC STUDIO OF AN ARTISAN. DAY 111* A series of shots. Blue sky through shabby windows. Run down walls. A paint splashed pine floor. Tens of paint brushes soaking in stained jars. An artisa... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
BLACK11We hear a clock ticking. FADE IN: INT. RIGGAN'S DRESSING ROOM - THEATER - DAY11Close on the brilliant colors of a middle eastern rug, the center of what seems to be a makeshift “meditation” space. We slowly tilt up to discover the back of Riggan Thomson (55). He is in the proper ‘Lo... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
CARD: 1841 FADE IN: 1 INT. TOWNHOUSE/STUDY - DAY 1 -EARLY APRIL, 1841 We are close on a PAIR OF BLACK HANDS as they open AFINELY WRAPPED PACKET OF VIOLIN STRINGS. WE CUT TO the hands stringing a VIOLIN. It's not a highend piece, but it is quite nice. WE CUT TO a wide shot of the ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
SEQ. 05 - PROLOGUE The Focus Features logo appears on screen and we slide INTOthe “O” in Focus. Stock dissolves from 35mm to 16mm. BLACK & WHITE. GRAINY, like OLD DOCUMENTARY FOOTAGE. SCIENTIST’S VOICE Experiment 208, day 20... INT. SCIENTIST’S LAB - DAY We see an early incarnatio... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
I/E. GROVE / UNDRESSING ROOM / PASSAGE - MORNING IN A GROVE Trees. A gentle warm light shines on the face of a 40 year-old looking man, as he walks in what seems to be a grove. His name is SAUL AUSLANDER. He wears a white shirt under his + dark jacket, with a half-hidden number on i... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 INSERT - TV COMMERCIAL - DAY 1 1A Over jungle sound effects, the CAMERA is low, movingthrough brush from the POV of a stalking animal. As the brush parts, revealing Wall Street and the New York StockExchange, we HEAR the resonant voice of GENE HACKMAN. GENE HACKMAN (V.O.) The world of inves... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
EXT. BATTLEFIELD, JENKINS' FERRY, ARKANSAS - DAY Heavy grey skies hang over a flooded field, the water two feet deep. Cannons and carts, half-submerged and tilted, their wheels trapped in the mud below the surface, are still y... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
01:00:00.00 {START} {TITLE: SONY PICTURES CLASSICS} {The global economic crisis of 2008 cost tens of millions of people their savings, their jobs, and their homes. This is how it happened.} 01:00:41.18 {ICELAND POPULATION: 320,000 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: $13 BILLION BANK LOSSES: $100... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
INT. KLIMT’S STUDIO, VIENNA. DAY. 1907 During the credits we watch the creation of a masterpiece: GUSTAV KLIMT painting ADELE BLOCH-BAUER, his magnetic muse. Klimt has a larger than life, sexual presence, and there is something almost erotic about the way he paints his model, which the sensual... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TITLE CARD over a sun-drenched Miami skyline: Miami, Florida. Three-Twenty P.M. April the Twenty-Fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six... DISSOLVE TO: INT. COURTHOUSE - DAY A CAMERA held to a photographer's hip. A dozen or so MEN, photographers andjournalists, stand chatting in a H... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
AN OKLAHOMA PAVED HIGHWAY in daylight. At some distance, hoofing down the highway, comes Tom Joad. He wears a new stiff suit of clothes, ill-fitting, and a stiff new cap, which he gradually manages to break down into something comfor... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
King and Maxwell: Summer Adventures FADE IN: EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET WASHINGTON DC - DAY Early morning. The Capitol Building framed at the end of adowntown street. And we're moving, gathering speed, lookingbehind our direction of travel, so that what we see is onlyrevealed once we've passed... A loud SMASH! as we pass through an... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TEASER INT. GLASS-WALLED OFFICE -- DAY ANGLE ON A MAN IN A BLACK SUIT SITTING BEHIND A DESK Smarmy gym-and-suntan disciple with a conservative haircut. This is DALE BARNES (38). SOMEONE FACES HIM Standing. JOE MACMILLAN (34). A man these black suits were made for. But despite the jawline... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
IN BLACK The sound of a shovel into dirt. FADE IN: On the shovel, the hands grasping it. Reveal DON KONKEY, of indeterminate age, a schlub, digging a hole. Wears a “MILF HUNTER” T-shirt. Tubby, greasy hair, mouthbreather. Expressionless. His clothes are filthy, you can almost smell him.... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
PROLOGUE FADE IN: OUR POINT OF VIEW OPENS ON A MURAL Colorful, faded, looks a thousand years old, but done by a post-modern artist. As we MOVE across the mural, images come to life, animate and play out the action over a YOUNG WOMAN’S VOICE. This is CLAIRE and we’ll meet her soon enough.... | added by acronimous 8 years ago |