Acronimous's Scripts Page #8
Here's the list of scripts submitted by acronimous — There are currently 285 scripts total — keep up the great work!
INT. CHEERLESS ROOM - DAY The room is bare, dusty. A ceiling fan turns. The wall clock ticks. Craig, 30 years old and small, sits at a collapsible card table. The only item on the table is a book. Craig picks it up, looks at the jacket. It's entitled "Sit." Craig opens the book. It re... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT TERMINAL - BAY CLOSE ON A FACE. A nine year old boy, YOUNG COLE, his eyes wide with wonder. watching something intently. We HEAR the sounds of the P.A. SYSTEM droning Flight Information mingled with the sounds of urgent SHOUTS, running FEET, EXCLAMATIONS. YOU... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
CHAVEZ You want to play games, pendejo? STEVE You red-assed Mexican greaser. You do it with your horse! Mexican greaser! STEVE Greaser! Greaser... come on greaser, cut me... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FROM THE BLACK WE HEAR-- MARK (V.O.) Did you know there are more people with genius IQ's living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States? ERICA (V.O. ) That can't be... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
INT. FIELD HOSPITAL TENT - DAY A black screen. The sound of a knife cutting through boot leather. Fade in on the waists of two men (THE SURGEONS) hovering around a crude operating table. In the extreme background, TWO... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
OLD KIM Snuggle in, sweetie. It's cold out there. GRANDDAUGHTER Why is it snowing, grandma? Where does it come from? OLD KIM Oh, that's a long story, sweetheart. GRANDDAUGHTER I want to hear. OLD KIM Oh, not tonight. Go to sleep. GRANDDAUGHTER I'm not sleepy. Tell me, please. OLD KIM Well,... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: EXT. FOREST - DAY Germania. The far reaches of the Roman Empire. Winter 180 A.D. Incongruously enough, the first sound we hear is a beautiful tenor voice. Singing. A boy's voice. CREDITS as we hear the haunting song float through dense forests. We finally come to a rough, muddy... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 EXT. THESSALIAN VALLEY - DAY 1 A mangy, bone-thin DOG lopes across the broad valley floor, sniffing at the ground. At first the scene appears bucolic: tall grass, patches of wildflowers, blue sky above. But as the dog keeps running we see signs of conflict. A spear, half im... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: 1 EXT. SOUTH AFRICAN FARM - DAY (1939) A white car sits in the yard of the farmhouse. On the door, a decal: "CAPETOWN SANITORIUM." Two men dressed in the white uniforms of the sanitorium exit the farmhouse; one gently guiding a rather frail, troubledwoman toward the car; t... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather floats down toward the city below. The feather drops down toward the street below... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
All gave some. Some gave all. 1 OVER BLACK 1 The groan of tank treads drowns out THE CALL TO PRAYER asan entire MARINE COMPANY advances over the top of us. 2 EXT. STREET, FALLUJAH, IRAQ - DAY 2 The sun melts over squat residences on a narrow street. MARINE COMPANY creeps toward us like a c... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
As the last credit appears, the song ends in a crescendo and the screen fades to total black. Immediately, a new melody begins, an uptempo jazz number, as a title appears on the screen. "God, she's beautiful..." CUT TO: I... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
TITLES UNFOLD IN BLACKNESS as we are lulled by the distant flute-like sounds of a recorder. Overall the effect is mournful and haunting, elegant and serene ... ... and we CRASH TO: EXT - BARENTS SEA - NIGHT ... a storm of inconceivable force and violence. Merc... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
THE SOUND OF DRUMS, from a great distance, growing louder. FADE IN: WE ARE FLYING through mist, a dimly glimpsed forest below. VOICE (V.O.) When I was lying there in the VA hospital, with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, I started having these dreams of flying. We are very... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN A white title appears on a black screen. "As night-fall does not come at once, neither does oppression...It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become victims of ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: CITY OF ANGELS lies spread out beneath us in all its splendor, like a bargain basement Promised Land. CAMERA SOARS, DIPS, WINDS its way SLOWLY DOWN, DOWN, bringing us IN OVER the city as we: SUPER MAIN TITLES. TITLES END, as we - SPIRAL DOWN TOWARD a lush, high-rise ap... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
IN BLACK AND WHITE: TRAIN WHEELS grinding against track, slowing. FOLDING TABLE LEGS scissoring open. The LEVER of a train door being pulled. NAMES on lists on clipboards held by clerks moving alongside the tracks. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 BLACKNESS Then two faint lights appear, close together... growing brighter. They resolve into two DEEP SUBMERSIBLES, free-falling toward us like express elevators. One is ahead of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, looking like a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with i... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
FADE IN: JUNE 11, 1970S QUEENS, NEW YORK. THE SUITE - NIGHT A smoky, overdecorated cocktail lounge and nightclub on Queens Boulevard. Sergio Franchi is in full voice on the jukebox. It is after midnight. It has bean a long night.. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
1 INT. UNCLE BOB'S PANCAKE HOUSE - MORNING Eight men dressed in BLACK SUITS, sit around a table at a breakfast cafe. They are MR. WHITE, MR. PINK, MR. BLUE, MR. BLONDE, MR. ORANGE, MR. BROWN, NICE GUY EDDIE CABOT, and the big boss, JOE CABOT. Most are finished ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
There are so many show-offs in journalism. So many braggarts and jerks. They are always selling, always working the room, always trying to make themselves look hotter than they actually are. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
And now for all you romantics out there, this one is for you. Hello, Betty. Shouldn't you be at the hospital, looking after a certain other soldier? Is there any way you can find it in your heart to forgive me? ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
BLACK In black, we hear a chain-gang chant, many voices together, spaced around the unison strike of picks against rock. A title burns in: O muse! Sing in me, and through me tell the story Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending... A wanderer, harried for years on end... On the ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago | |
(1) Black Screen SOUND under: MUSIC building in INTENSITY as-- PRINCE (over) Dearly belov`ed, We are gathered here today To get through this thing called life. ... | added by acronimous 8 years ago |